Chapter 340 is a cleaner

Chapter 340 is a cleaner

The garlic in Qin Chao is actually not so strong, but even if it has a little taste, it is not very comfortable.

The two security guards stopped in front of Qin Chao, holding their noses and yelling in their mouths.

If it was the previous Qin Chao, it might be a direct kick to bring the two men to the door of the hotel.

But he is now a stage of devil instability, so he can only endure his temper.

“I am indeed a classmate of Ling Tian. My name is Qin Chao. This is my ID card.” Qin Chao said, picking up his ID card and looking at the two security guards.

“Mom, a stinky meal, who sees your ID card!” Who knows that security guard simply does not buy face, reach out and take the ID card, said, “everyday you have such a person, run to others I’m going to eat and drink at the party! Tell you, this is not where you should come, and the rush of knowledge!”

“You…” Qin Chao asked for his teeth and silently controlled his killing intent.

“Mom, tell you the younger generation.” Another security guard also interjected, “This is where the Master Si is covered. If you don’t want to die, you can roll away!”

“Oh? Chen Si?” Qin Chao heard the name and immediately sneered.

“Fuck, you dare to call the name of Master Si directly! Your brain is stupid!”

The two security guards were foul-mouthed. “Where the madman came, he was thrown out!”

Said, the two security guards came over and one person held Qin Chao’s one arm and wanted to throw him out.

Who knows, this Qin Chao’s body is like a heavy mountain, pressed there and motionless. Both security guards used the strength of breastfeeding, and the redness of their faces was still unable to lift Qin Chao.

“Mom, really evil!” A security guard gasped and said, “How is this younger generation so sinking!”

“You two are enough?” Qin Chao saw their two blushing necks thick, and the anger disappeared. With such people, there is no anger.

“Roll Fucker, roll it yourself, and fold your legs without rolling!”

Another security guard looked up and shouted.

Qin Chao is particularly happy. This kind of person with a dirty mouth is not polite. He waved his hand and directly thrown the two people out.

It’s like a cloud, and the two security guards still don’t understand what’s going on, they slammed into the hotel’s door and fell into the hallway.

“Oh my !”

“Mom, I am dying! How is this younger generation so strong!”

Two people screamed together.

This time, the movement is not small, the hotel’s front desk manager has been introduced.

“What happened? What happened?” The manager was a middle-aged man with some vicissitudes on his face. He had experienced a lot of things at first glance.

“Manager Yang! You have to be the master of our Ah!” A security guard saw the manager came out and immediately shouted, “This younger generation ran to lie to eat and lie, but also hit people!”

“Eh?” The manager Yang listened and looked up at Qin Chao. At this time, a night wind blew in and sent the faint garlic smell on Qin Chao.

Manager Yang immediately couldn’t help but hold his nose.

“Sir, I don’t know who you are, but please don’t mess in our hotel.” Manager Yang said that he was polite. “We are the place where Master Si takes care of me. I don’t want you to do anything, so you are still going.” Let’s go.”

“Chen Si?” Qin Chao coldly snorted, “He counts something.”

The manager’s heart screamed, this guy is crazy, even the name of Master Si dares to speak.

Or, this person didn’t put Master Si in the eye at all?

What kind of situation would it be? This person seems to be quite normal in front of me, except that the taste of the body is unbearable, it should not be a madman!

“Sir, this…” The manager was a little embarrassed. What if he was a big man with great strength?

“I said, I am a classmate of Ling Tian, ​​come to the class meeting.”

“Ling Manager’s classmate?” Manager Yang was surprised to start looking at Qin Chao again, his own general manager, there will be such a friend?

“Let’s wait a moment, I will ask Ling Manager.”

Now, I have to find Ling Manager to ask for help!

Manager Yang dragged people to find Ling Tian. After a while, the fat man swayed his stomach and squatted into the hall.

浠栫湅鍒癚in Chao 锛岃劯涓婄珛鍒画鐜鐜 mixed with 捣鍙ゆ€︻殑绗戝鏉ャ€

鈥渌h my forging]纴璁╂垜鐪嬬湅杩欐槸璋佹潵浜嗭紒鎴戜滑镄凩ittle Qin 锻€锛屽緢涔呬笉瑙佷佷锛岃缮浠ヤ氭潵涓崭 浜嗗憿锛佲

闾ing Tian 杈 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 璧 璧 璧 璧

鏉ㄧ粡鐞嗗拰涓や釜security guard 涓€鐪嬶纴寰楋纴杩樼湡鏄汉瀹跺噷缁忕悊镄勫悓瀛]€

Security security security guard 涔熶笉璇村暐浜嗭纴鐏 version 簻婧滃湴韬蹭 鍑哄幓銆

鈥淗ahaha 锛屾 宸ヤ綔鏄笉鏄お蹇欎 锛熼兘娌 ° ° ° 椂闂 椂闂 佸悓瀛 佸悓瀛 殑镵 殑镵 殑镵 殑镵 殑镵 殑镵 殑镵

Ling Tian 璧 board埌杩戝墠锛宻uddenly asked 闾eぇ钂滃懗锛岀珛鍒ぇ钂滃懗锛岀珛鍒崅浣忛蓟瀛愶纴鈥淔 锛屼綘涓嶆槸鐪熻楗幓浜嗗惂锛佹 锛屼綘涓嶆槸鐪熻楗幓浜嗗惂锛佹€﹄笉寰楁垜浠瑂ecurity guard 鎷》潃浣犲憿锛佷綘瑕佺煡阆掳纴鎴戜滑杩欓噷鏄珮妗g殑鍦版锛屾牴锛屾牴 chain ammonia侀キ镄勮繘鏉ャ€傗€

Qin Chao 蹇冮噷 chain 変簺鐏皵锛岃 鍑岃儢瀛愶纴涓 鍙 鍙 鍙 竴涓︼楗殑锛屽彨镄勮缮鐪熸瀹炪 竴涓︼楗殑锛屽彨镄勮缮鐪熸瀹炪

鈥溎€iy 锛屾垜杩栾剳琚嬶纴缁椤缮浜嗐 锛屾垜杩栾剳琚嬶纴缁椤缮浜嗐 傗 濆噷鑳栧瓙寰 濆噷鑳栧瓙寰 鎷崭 鎷崭 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴Hanshan 鍟婅窡鎴戣锛屽ス璧 欙纴浣犵殑鎴 欙纴浣犵殑鎴 欙纴浣犵殑鎴 欙纴浣犵殑鎴 欙纴浣犵殑鎴 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮 竴涓︼繛宸ヤ綔閮搴旇涔熶綇涓嶈捣鎴垮瓙钖с傛槸涓嶆槸镌傛槸涓嶆槸镌傛槸涓嶆槸镌简寰堜箙镄勯┈璺纴寮勫缑镊繁韬笂杩栾偂Forging and smashing scales濂 綘 綘 chain 夋垜杩欎箞涓悓瀛 纴涓岖劧锛岃 纴涓岖劧锛岃 鍦 鍦 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵 浣犵湡镄勮繘涓嶆潵

璇寸潃锛孡 ing Tian 杞 韬纴鎸囩潃涓 韬纴鎸囩潃涓 涓埧闂撮 涓埧闂撮 涓埧闂撮 涓埧闂撮 涓埧闂撮

鈥滆蛋钖э纴璺熸垜杩涘幓锛屽悓瀛<滑閮芥兂瑙佽浣犲憿锛孒ahaha 锛佲€

鏄兂璁╂垜杩欐牱瀛愶纴濂to lose face 钖э紒

Qin Chao 鍐 瑧浜嗕竴澹 瑧浜嗕竴澹 纴涔熶笉璇 纴涔熶笉璇 絾韬笂杩欎簺澶 絾韬笂杩欎簺澶 絾韬笂杩欎簺澶 挏 挏 挏 挏 挏 挏 抽 锛岀殑纭槸铔甴 锛岀殑纭槸铔甴 锛岀殑纭槸铔甴 粬榛橀 粬榛橀 粬榛橀 粬榛橀 粬榛橀粯杩愯浆 Essence Qi 锛屽 瑁 瑁 潃镊 潃镊 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 笉鑸掓湇镄勬皵 笉鑸掓湇镄勬皵 笉鑸掓湇镄勬皵 笉鑸掓湇镄勬皵 笉鑸掓湇镄勬皵

Deserve death 镄勭畻 给 ld ld ld 锛岃 涓婃 涓婃 庝箞浼氭湁闾 庝箞浼氭湁闾 庝箞浼氭湁闾 箞娴撶儓镄勫懗阆掳纴杩炶嚜宸辫 箞娴撶儓镄勫懗阆掳纴杩炶嚜宸辫 箞娴撶儓镄勫懗阆掳纴杩炶嚜宸辫 箞娴撶儓镄勫懗阆掳纴杩炶嚜宸辫 箞娴撶儓镄勫懗阆掳纴杩炶嚜宸辫

闾 ing Tian 浼 箮寰埚紑蹇冿纴鐪嫔埌 in Qin Chao 濡傛钀 瓌銆 瓌銆 粬寮旷潃 in in in in in in 闾 闾 闾 纭旷殑澶 纭旷殑澶 纭旷殑澶 眮 眮 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏辫蛋杩涗 杩欓 杩欓 杩欓 chain 璞崕镄勫 闂 闂 闂 箣涓

鈥滃ぇ瀹跺揩鐪嬬湅锛岃皝鏉ヤ 锛佲

Qin Chao 涔熼殢钖庤 鍏ワ纴鏋 鍏ワ纴鏋 劧锛岃 劧锛岃 岄 岄 岄 岄 岄 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 鍧愮殑閮 瀛斻瀛 瀛 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 嚜宸 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮 欙纴閮

鈥沧摝锛屾垜杩 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 涓篊 纴锏 纴锏 纴锏 纴锏 纴锏 纴锏

鈥滃 ammonia 鏄纴铡熸潵鏄 umbrella younger generation 锛屽镄勭槠婵 锷ㄤ竴鍦 锷ㄤ竴鍦 锷ㄤ竴鍦 锷ㄤ竴鍦

Forged ㄥ洿涓 阒 阒 姳镐ㄧ殑澹 姳镐ㄧ殑澹 煶锛岄偅 Ling Tian 鍐 瑧涓嶅 瑧涓嶅 銆

浠栧 鎯 鎯 鎯 鏁堟灉锛屼粬瑕佽 鏁堟灉锛屼粬瑕佽 Qin Chao Qin Chao 鍙楀埌钖勭渚 锛屼笉鐒堕毦 粬褰揿 粬褰揿 粬褰揿 粬褰揿 琚 琚 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四鎯呬汉镄勬仺锛

鈥滃皬鍑屽晩锛屾€庝箞涓嶆槸Chen Xin 纴杩欐槸璋丄纴杩欐槸璋丄h? 鈥濋偅Wang Zi 涔熸妸鐩厜浠嶻ang Shanshan 镄勮兏涓婃敹浜嗗洖鏉ワ纴鐪嬬潃闱(一)墠镄凩ing Tian 銆

鈥滃晩锛岀帇缁忕悊銆傗€rolling Tian 绔嫔埢镣 ご鍝堣叞鍦 ご鍝堣叞鍦 纴鎸囩潃 Qin Chao 璇撮 锛屸 滆 滆 滆 鏄垜澶 鏄垜澶 镄勪竴涓 镄勪竴涓悓瀛 纴鐜 纴鐜 湪娣 湪娣 殑鎯ㄥ晩銆 殑鎯ㄥ晩銆 殑鎯ㄥ晩銆 湪杩炰 湪杩炰 湪杩炰 宸ヤ綔閮 宸ヤ綔閮 宸ヤ綔閮 宸ヤ綔閮 夛纴杩 夛纴杩 夛纴杩楗敓娲讳 銆傝 銆傝 涓嶏纴鎴戝镐濈潃澶 涓嶏纴鎴戝镐濈潃澶 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 畨鎺掍粬鍦ㄩ 畨鎺掍粬鍦ㄩ 畨鎺掍粬鍦ㄩ 氢 氢 氢 氢 security security security security銆傗€

鈥滃皬鍑屽晩锛屼綘this person 蹇冭偁灏蹇冭偁灏槸濂槸濂€傗€

闾ang Zi 绗戣捣鏉ワ纴鎽嗘 璁mming Tian 鍧愬湪镊繁镞佽镞佽镞佽

鈥滃晩锛屼粬铡 楗 楗 楗 锛熲

鈥沨sk tsk 锛屾 镄勭湡鎯ˋh! 鈥

鈥淔 锛屾垜浠ヤ 锛屾垜浠ヤ 鎴戞 鎴戞 鎴戞 澶熸儴浜嗭纴娌 澶熸儴浜嗭纴娌 ° ° ° ° 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 儴锛佲

ㄥ洿镄勫悓瀛 ㄥ洿镄勫悓瀛 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 绔嫔埢鎶曟潵钖屾儏锛屾垨 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼 卼

Key 岄偅鍧愬湪 Ling Tian 韬梺锛屼竴澹 笉钖殑 Yang Shanshan 锛屽 鐒秎 鐒秎 ovable body 涓€暗囥€

濂 湁浜涗笉鍙 湁浜涗笉鍙 淇 淇 淇 湴鐪嬬潃闱 湴鐪嬬潃闱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

浠栵纴浠栫湡镄勮惤 勫埌浜呜 勫埌浜呜 勫埌浜呜 勫埌浜呜 勫埌浜呜 绉嶅湴姝ヤ

Yang Shanshan 浠ヤ 锛岃嚜宸卞畲鍏ㄦ贰蹇樻帀浜呜 锛岃嚜宸卞畲鍏ㄦ贰蹇樻帀浜呜 锛岃嚜宸卞畲鍏ㄦ贰蹇樻帀浜呜 涓︻ 涓︻ 涓︻ 浜 浜 浜 欙纴杩樻槸蹇冮噷蹇崭笉 欙纴杩樻槸蹇冮噷蹇崭笉 欙纴杩樻槸蹇冮噷蹇崭笉 欙纴杩樻槸蹇冮噷蹇崭笉 欙纴杩樻槸蹇冮噷蹇崭笉浣忎 棰ゆ姈銆


涓岖煡阆 浠 涔堬纴 涔堬纴 涔堬纴 涔堬纴 ang ang ang ang Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan

浣呜 Umbrella 绉嶅 澶 澶 澶 彧鏄竴鐬棿锛屽ス寰埚揩鍙埚紑濮嫔 彧鏄竴鐬棿锛屽ス寰埚揩鍙埚紑濮嫔 骞 骞 捣鏉ャ

涔熷 濂 濂 嚜宸 嚜宸 浜嗕粬锛岃窡浜哃 浜嗕粬锛岃窡浜哃 銆 銆 Tian 銆 惁鍒欙纴镊 惁鍒欙纴镊 鐜 鐜 銆晩鈥[€《€庝箞璺熷埆浜庝箞璺熷埆浜粙缁嶈嚜宸辩驱链嫔弸锛

Township drive chain 嫔弸镵屼笟瑕侀キ镄勶纴寰堟湁鍓嶉€旗殑镵屼笟鍝】紒


鐪嫔埌锻ㄥ洿镄勯偅浜涘槻璁界殑鐩厜锛孮 in Chao 骞舵病链夊湪镒忋

浠栫溂绁炴贰娣$殑涓€镓纴钀 纴钀Yang Shanshan 韬笂镄勬椂 chain 欙纴绐佺劧 滀 涓嬫潵銆

濂 灉鐒 灉鐒 灉鐒 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 浗闄呭悕鐗岋纴鐪嬫牱瀛愪篃鏄崈鍏栌鍧楃殑钖с€

鍞夛纴鍙︼濂Silicon stretch chain 変粈涔埚彲璇 inch 殑 €€

Chain Qin Chao Chain 変簺鎻 夛纴褰 夛纴褰 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 粬鐪熸鐪嫔埌 Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan Shan鎱(二)参鏀句笅浜嗐€

铏 劧浜 劧浜 缮鏄偅涓﹄ 缮鏄偅涓﹄ 缮鏄偅涓﹄ 涓婂 涓婂 涓婂 涓婂 涓婂 涓婂 涓婂 涓婂 € € € € € € € €


Qin Chao 娣°C贰鍦 Dress up 瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾帍鍑 儫鏉ワ纴鍦ㄥ槾涓婄偣鐕冿纴鐒跺悗 儫鏉ワ纴鍦ㄥ槾涓婄偣鐕冿纴鐒跺悗 儫鏉ワ纴鍦ㄥ槾涓婄偣鐕冿纴鐒跺悗 句 句 句 € €

鈥淟ittle Qin 鍟婏纴浣犱篃鍒搷蹇冧笂鐏紒鈥

闾ing Tian 鐪嫔埌Qin Chao鈥檚镙峰瓙锛岃 Umbrella 涓︼ 姘斿晩銆 粬蹇 粬蹇 綇浜哬 綇浜哬 ang Shanshan 镄勮偐鑶€锛屽Qin Chao 璇撮死锛屸€沧€庝箞璇翠綘鍜屼綘sister-in-law 浠ュ墠涔熸槸鐩歌瘑涓€鍦猴纴鐪嫔湪浣爏ister-in-law 镄勯镄勯寰楃 椤 綘鏄笉鏄紒浣犳槑澶╁ 綘鏄笉鏄紒浣犳槑澶╁ 綘鏄笉鏄紒浣犳槑澶╁ 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬 搴楁姤阆揿惂锛屽仛涓皬阍憋纴涓嶅皯浜嗗惂锛佲€

涓€鍗冧簲锏鍗冧簲锏鍗冧簲锏潡阍€€€sk tsk 銆

Qin Chao suddenly felt very sorrowful. If I used to hear this salary, I would be happy and satisfied.

But now, everything is different.

One thousand five, you really want me Qin Chao to have dinner?

“This little Qin is right, don’t be discouraged.” Wang Zi, in order to show his strength, patted his chest and said, “I am the general manager of Dafa Group, Sunan Branch. So, we The company also lacks a cleaner, and the monthly salary is not low, two thousand. You can come, the company also provides staff quarters, don’t sleep on the road.”


The people around him looked at Qin Chao’s eyes and were full of ridicule.

This younger generation is not awkward in the past, and now it can only be a cleaner!

“Manager Wang, or you are good Ah!” That Ling Tian, ​​immediately followed the flattering.

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