Chapter VI—Sun Xiaofeng Runaway [Second Further]

Chapter 66—Sun Xiaofeng

Jiang Dong stepped on the direction of gossip. Lightning generally escaped a punch from Qin Chao and then came behind him. At the same time, his left hand became a palm and poked at Qin Chao’s midfielder.

Qin Chao didn’t return. After the Divine Concentration was broken, he was in a state of perception. Jiang Dong’s palm was poked at his waist, and he felt the waist of the waist standing upright, sōu sōu cool.

Qin Chao flew upside down, as if Scorpion wagging its tail, the calf was even more like a tomahawk, bringing a whistling wind.

Jiang Dong was shocked and subconsciously took back his palm and avoided the foot.

The leg wind rubbed his arm and picked it up. The suit was even drawn a hole, and half of the cuffs fell off.

“How is this possible!” Jiang Dong’s eyeball almost jumped out. What kind of skill did Qin Chao learn in the end, and the leg wind that was brought up casually had such power?

This is more fierce than his Master, his Master is very strong, but not terrifying to this point.

“No, I can’t kill you today!” Jiang Dong knew that he couldn’t beat Qin Chao. He retreated two steps and pulled a mountain knife from the bottom of the Mercedes-Benz seat. He waved twice, hū hū .

“Qin Chao, you admit defeat, or I can be ruthless under this knife!” Jiang Dong said slyly, it seems that he is going out.

“Jiang Dong, you are crazy.” Qin Chao frowns, “The responsibility of your steward is so heavy, even the knife is taken out.”

“You don’t know how to eat a small security guard that is full of hungry.” Jiang Dong coldly snorted two provinces, “and you and Miss Two are impossible, she is Su Family’s daughter, you Who is it, at most, it will be a skill, and how much can it be. If the second lady marries you, what can you give her? Is it funny to ride her bicycle every day? Don’t be funny, you think there is no material basis. Is such love very romantic?”

Qin Chao was silent. He didn’t talk, just lit a cigarette and silently stuffed it into his mouth.

He remembered his girlfriend, who also said the same thing to herself and then left herself.

“Don’t there be pure love?”

“This is a society with a materialistic desire. This kind of thing is pure, and it has long been a fucking thing!” Jiang Dong couldn’t help but swear, and it seems that he is also a person with a past.

“I don’t care, the more impossible things, the more Qin Chao Chao has to fight for!” Qin Chao suddenly snorted, and the river behind him seemed to be whistling together. “I Qin Chao, I want to go against the sky.” !”

Qin Chao does not know, at this time his own mentality, should be the strongest Devil Path.

Jiang Dong glimpsed, he felt Qin Chao, a man in a security guard uniform, suddenly exuded an imposing manner, so that he could not face it.

“Less nonsense, believe oneself infallible guy, first defeat me and say it!”

Jiang Dong loudly shouted, find his own momentum, carrying the mountain knife and rushing toward Qin Chao.

“Come on, come to me!” Qin Chao sneered and pulled out the asp crowbar from his arms. After he opened it, he greeted Jiang Dong.

“Hu!” Jiang Dong waved a knife and cut the wind against the shoulders of Qin Chao’s.

“Ding!” Qin Chao swayed his crowbar and held it in front of him, blocking Jiang Dong’s knife and bringing a large Sparks.

“Open!” Although the weapon is in the hand, Jiang Dong’s combat power and Qin Chao are still on two levels. Qin Chao’s arm trembled and a strong force was uploaded from his crowbar. Jiang Dong was pushed backwards by this force, and the mountain knife in his hand was also bounced off.

“Jiang Dong, believe oneself infallible is not me, but you.” Qin Chao watched Jiang Dong have a tendency to rush up, he simply flew up and kicked on the Mercedes-Benz e300.

“Hey!” The silver car immediately made a sound, and the whole body was tens of meters across the road. The wheels made four rows of black marks on the ground, stopping far away.

“I… rely on…” Jiang Dong was scared, and the mountain knife in his hand fell off and almost tied to his feet.

“You, are you still human?”

“Of course I am a human.” Qin Chao put away his crowbar and said faintly, “But we are not the same kind of person. Now, do you still want to fight with me?”

“Forget it… you are a monster, I don’t compare with you.” Jiang Dong looked a little lonely, and he finally conceded defeat. “But I still hope that you can stay away from Miss Two.”

“How is this this person you are so inked!” Qin Chao lifted his foot and walked to the side of the Mercedes-Benz, scaring Jiang Dong.

“big brother, you can’t kick it, this car repair is expensive!”

“Who wants to kick, hurry to send me back, I have to go to work.”

“Would you like me to invite you to dinner as a sin? This is my impulse today. But I will still stare at you. If you dare to be powerless to Miss II, I will kill you with my life.”

“When you go, you are my big brother, you can’t do it! Please eat, right, the Anthony Hotel, let’s eat French dinner.”

“This… I have to pay for two days…”

“Fuck, are you in the hospital, Steve Steward, crying with me? Then, where do you want me to go?”

“East Street BBQ Stand…”


Qin Chao was driven by this Mercedes-Benz e300, wearing a brand-name suit. He thought about East Street on East Street, and asked for a French meal. He was really not used to it.



“Elder Brother Qin Chao ,是我啦!”那边响起了一个腻腻的男声,原来是Chen Yingyang 的声音,“我偷偷摸摸跟了Sun Xiaofeng 好一会了,他上着课的时候忽然离开了教室,然后向着排舞的教室过去了。”

“缠住他,我立刻就到。”Qin Chao frowns ,放下电话。

“怎么了?”Jiang Dong 一边开车,一边随口说道。”Not good 意思哈,我这个人比较稳,开车慢,估计两个小时才能到东街,所以不要着急哈。要是累了,你就睡一觉,醒了就到了。”


“what! ”Jiang Dong 眼睛一瞪,也不稳了,一脚把油门踩到底。


而与此同时,Chen Yingyang 放下了Qin Chao’s 电话,很幽怨地sighed 。

“这家伙,一有麻烦事才会想起我,哼!”他整了整自己的制服,然后疾走两步,一把拉住了前面的Sun Xiaofeng 。


“滚开……”谁知道,Sun Xiaofeng 竟然一甩Chen Yingyang 的胳膊,眼睛有些灰白,冷冷地说道。

Chen Yingyang 被他的眼睛看了一眼,就觉得自己的身体仿佛冻结了一般,冷得出奇。他哆嗦了一下,心道这Sun Xiaofeng 是怎么了,变得有点怪怪的。

“帅哥,不要这么无情嘛,来帮个忙。”Chen Yingyang 想起Qin Chao 交给自己的重任,又试图挡住这个Sun Xiaofeng 的去路。

“滚!”那Sun Xiaofeng 忽然伸出手来,推了Chen Yingyang 一把。Chen Yingyang 感觉一股巨大的力量撞到自己的肩膀上,仿佛被头牛顶了一下子似的,立刻邪邪地飞了出去,撞到一旁的楼墙上。

“Āiyā ,疼死我了!”Chen Yingyang 软软地从墙面上滑了下来,感觉后背疼得要断掉了似的。

“陈哥,你这是咋了?”这时候正好Zhang Li 刚刚睡醒,从旁边走了过来,看到Chen Yingyang 这狼狈的样子,吓了一跳,连忙问道。

“那个学生打的我!”Chen Yingyang 一翘他那兰花指,指着Sun Xiaofeng ,说道。“快去拦着他,Qin Chao 说他有古怪。”

“Brother Qin 说的?好!”Zhang Li 一听是Qin Chao’s 命令,立刻without the slightest hesitation 地,向着那古怪的Sun Xiaofeng 扑了过去。

他扑到Sun Xiaofeng 地身上,死死地搂住this guy 。Chen Yingyang 也跑过来,拿出了自己的绝技,拖着他的腿。

“妈的,这两个家伙,怎么这么烦人。”旁边一座楼顶上,紧闭着双目的周德,忽然coldly snorted ,“Ghost King ,干掉他们两个。”

“吼!”Sun Xiaofeng 忽然吼了一声,对着两个security guard 挥动了手掌。

顿时一股无形的力量包裹着Zhang Li 和Chen Yingyang ,把他们二人给甩飞出去。

“Fuck ,这是什么情况!”Zhang Li 毕竟年轻力壮,在地上一打滚,就重新爬了起来,灰头土脸地看着那Sun Xiaofeng 。

后者脸上笼罩着一层azure light ,阴霾的如同刚从坟墓里爬出的死尸。

看着Zhang Li 跑了过来,他只是又挥出了手掌。

Zhang Li 离他还有十多米,就一头飞了出去,再次摔到了一旁。

两个security guard 都有点傻了,这是啥,魔法么?

趁着两个人发愣的skill ,Sun Xiaofeng 立刻闪身,风一样地向着练舞蹈的教室跑去。Chen Yingyang 缺乏锻炼,胳膊腿不灵活,只能目送人家跑远。

而Zhang Li 身上虽然火辣辣地疼,但还是立刻从地上爬起来,向着那Sun Xiaofeng 追去。

那Sun Xiaofeng 此时就像个体育健将,跑得飞快,一眨眼就来到了排舞教室的大门口。



“去死吧……”Sun Xiaofeng 忽然低吼一声,伸出手来,指着Su Ji ,就要控制那些沉重地体育器材,把这个姑娘砸成肉泥。

而这时候,Zhang Li 忽然从他身后蹿了出来,一把抱住他,把这个wild beast 一样的家伙按在地上。

“你这家伙中邪了吗?”Zhang Li 出其不意地把Sun Xiaofeng 给扑到,然后骑在他的身上,死死地按着他的两条胳膊。

“吼!”此时的Sun Xiaofeng 没有了往日的优雅,他就像是疯狂的wild beast ,身体爆发出terrifying 的力量,竟然把Zhang Li 从他的身上给掀了下去。

此时他顾不得别人,他的眼中,只有Su Ji 。

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