My Bei Hai Zoo

Chapter 86: Munitions labor insurance shop

After dawn.

Xiang Qian left the room early.

In front of the pickup in the parking lot with Erha.

"Get on the carriage?"

Asking Qian, the Husky shook his head and refused.

At the same time, he lifted jojo and pulled the door.

"What a clever ghost."

Xiang Qian shook his head with a smile, and then opened the co-pilot's door.

Oooh! ~

The Husky quickly jumped up.


Xiangqian drove his pickup truck to the international passenger port.


Come to the port terminal.

A Wang and Zhao Wuyang were really waiting on the side of the road.

Saw the pickup truck in the zoo.

A Wang immediately shouted with a loud voice:

"President, we are here!"

Bah! ~

Xiang Qian stopped in front of the two, then smiled:

"All get in the car and put the luggage in the compartment."

However, Zhao Wuyang's luggage is very simple.

There is only one camouflage single-soldier backpack, but Awang has more things!

What pots and pans.

Return the snakeskin pockets commonly used by migrant workers.

A lot of stuff.

Fortunately, the compartment is large enough to hold all the luggage.

During this process.

Ouch! ~

The Husky wolf in the co-pilot poked out his head and opened his mouth.

"This is a wolf?"

Awang was stunned, Zhao Wuyang rolled his eyes and said:

"That's Husky."


Nodded to Qian and smiled, and soon the two of them sat in the back row.

The pickup truck drove out of the port quickly.

"President, shall we go to Weizhou Island?"

Zhao Wuyang was puzzled and explained to Qian Ze with a smile:

"It's still early, let's find a munitions labor insurance shop and purchase some equipment."

It was just seven o'clock.

The first passenger ship has to wait an hour.

Xiangqian plans to buy a few sets of military labor insurance equipment first.

After all, I will go to Shiwandashan to investigate tomorrow.

Heard this.

Zhao Wuyang moved in his heart and couldn't help recommending:

"My old comrade-in-arms, opened a labor insurance shop, the price is very affordable, the principal can go and see.

Looking at Qian, he immediately nodded and smiled:

"Okay, tell me the address."

that's it.

Xiang Qian drove his pickup to the address mentioned by Zhao Wuyang.

on the way

The three also chatted with each other.

Zhao Wuyang is a retired special force and was once a professional Sanda athlete.

And Awang...

I also asked Qian yesterday that this guy is currently working on a construction site.

As for the previous work.

Xiang Qian couldn't help but curiously said:

"A Wang, what did you do before you went to the construction site?"

Hearing this, Awang Hanhan smiled:

"I came to Beihai last year. A fellow villager from the same village introduced me to work on a construction site. Before, I worked in a kiln in Shandong, mainly moving bricks."

Moving bricks?

Not to mention Xiangqian, even Zhao Wuyang was interested.

In the next second, Zhao Wuyang asked:

"How many bricks can you move in a day?"

"I haven't counted the specifics. Anyway, when piled up, I can move 200 bricks at a time, at least 500 times a day."

A Wang shook his head and smiled.

Damn it?

Xiang Qian was dumbfounded, and Zhao Wuyang's mouth twitched.

To know.

A normal brick weighs about 1 kg.

Two hundred yuan is two hundred kilograms.

Four hundred catties!

This guy carries more than 500 times a day, which is one hundred thousand bricks.


Zhao Wuyang was completely convinced, and asked dumbfounded:

"Are you an animal?"

"Nonsense! The animals are not as good as I am."

A Wang stared.

Xiang Qian and Zhao Wuyang were speechless directly.

No wonder this guy...

Different talents.

It turned out to be a long-term practice.


Not long.

Came to a munitions labor insurance shop called "War Wolf".

Husky wolves stay in the car.

When the three of Xiang Qian entered the labor insurance shop, Zhao Wuyang immediately shouted:


See you.

A brawny one-armed man who also wore a military green vest was immediately excited when he saw Zhao Wuyang:

"Old Zhao? Are you coming to me for a drink?"

Next second.

The two came into a bear hug, and Zhao Wuyang laughed:

"Drink again next time."

A brief description of the process.

Wang Jianbing heard that his old comrades-in-arms now became the elite security guard of the zoo.

Naturally feel very happy.

Seeing that Xiang Qian was looking at the labor insurance equipment in the store, he immediately said seriously:

"Director Xiang, what equipment do you want to buy, I will give you all at the purchase price!"

"No, just make a 10% discount."

He shook his head and smiled to Qian.

Although he likes to bargain, he treats disabled veterans.

Still respect from the bottom of my heart.

And at the moment.

Many military supplies are also hung on the walls of the labor insurance shop.

Such as security uniforms, individual rations, binoculars, military boots, etc.


There are batons, engineer shovel, dagger, pepper spray and so on.


There must be none.

After all, our law prohibits the sale of any guns and ammunition.

"First, five sets of security uniforms."

Speaking to Qian, then he considered:

"Brother Wang, do you have bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets?"


Wang Jianbing pulled Zhao Wuyang up.

Five sets of bulletproof equipment were quickly moved from the warehouse.

"There are exactly five sets in stock."

Wang Jianbing smiled and looked at Qian carefully.

See you.

There is a set of three-level head + three-level armor (with shoulder pads) including a pair of military boots.

The other four sets.

It's all first-class and first-class.

That is...

Four green hats and bulletproof vests.

At this moment, Wang Jianbing also introduced:

"The bulletproof vest is made of Kevlar fiber, and that high-end bulletproof vest is made of ceramic fiber, which can resist..."

That set of Grade 3 A is good.

But the other four green hats twitched Qian's eyes.


After all, if you want to visit the mountain, army green is the best camouflage protection color.

"Yes, I want it all!"

Nodded to Qian with a smile, and then selected five more batons.

Two engineer shovels and two pepper sprays.



For tomorrow’s survey action.

Including Xiang Qian himself, he plans to arrange five people.

A Wang and Zhao Wuyang must be among them.

As for the other two...

Of course Xiangqian has his own arrangements.

After a while.

The equipment has been selected, including two large camouflage backpacks.

"Brother Wang, how much does it cost? You don't need to pay a 10% discount on the purchase price."

Said to Qian.

Heard this.

Wang Jianbing couldn't be more polite, so he nodded and said:

"A total of twenty-one thousand, and one thousand eighty thousand to the head of the garden is enough."

"Yes, I will scan the QR code to pay."

Smiled to Qian and took out the phone.

drop! ~

[WeChat transfer: 18,000 yuan]

Fortunately, yesterday the zoo had an income of nearly 130,000.

It doesn't hurt to spend money on money.

not to mention…

The price is really cheap, after all equipment such as body armor.

You can actually buy it online.

The issue is…

Whether the protective equipment bought online has quality problems.

This is hard to say!


Not long.

A Wang and Zhao Wuyang took the bulging camouflage backpacks, and the latter laughed:

"Pharaoh, I will come to you for a drink later when I have time."

"No problem! I'm waiting anytime."

Wang Jianbing smiled and waved one arm.

Before Xiang Qian left, he suddenly turned back and bowed:

"You are a hero."


Wang Jianbing was taken aback.

His eyes quickly turned red, and then he looked at Qian's back and exclaimed:

"Old Zhao, you found a good boss."


The three returned to the pickup truck.

Xiang Qian did not start the vehicle, but asked:

"You two must have doubts?"

"What doubts?"

Awang was not clear, so Zhao Wuyang rolled his eyes.

This guy has a streak in his head.

But he is not stupid, so he nodded and said:

"There are indeed doubts. If you are a security guard, you don't need to buy a body armor."

Heard this.

Xiang Qian said seriously:

"To tell you the truth, I am going out for an inspection tomorrow. I hope you can go with me, because you will go into the mountains the day after tomorrow. This time you will most likely encounter poachers..."

Half-truth told it again.


Zhao Wuyang, who was full of sense of justice, immediately looked serious:

"President, I'll go with you!"

As for the simple-minded Awang.

Even more directly said:

"What the principal tells me to do, what do I do!"


Xiang Qian smiled, then started the vehicle and drove to the passenger port.

These two are fierce people after all.

Facing criminals...

Absolutely not counseling!

Of course, relying on Awang and Zhao Wuyang alone, there are still greater risks.


Xiang Qian had already used the name of the investigation last night.

Found a strong foreign aid.

This is undoubtedly the last insurance, even if the poachers are more powerful.

Nor can it be worth the three masters.

In fact.

Xiang Qian is not worried about poachers.


How to deal with that wild South China tiger?

That is the most troublesome thing, after all, human beings do not use weapons and firearms.

Definitely can't beat the Tigers.

Wuson beats a tiger?

That is the fictional plot of the novel.

It never happened in history.

Wu Song's "fighting the tiger" is purely a fiction by Shi Naian.

It is said that it was Shi Naian. One day, he saw a drunk man fighting with a dog, so he fiddled with the bench repeatedly to record the details of the action. This is the prototype of Wu Song fighting the tiger.

after all…

Tigers are among the creatures in nature, whether they are strength or agility, they are first-class existence.

Don't talk about Wu Song.

He has learned boxing, is more than two meters tall and weighs more than two hundred catties.

NBA basketball superstar James with extraordinary strength and speed.

Can't beat a tiger.

can only say…

James' physique.

Can feed a tiger.


[PS: How does the protagonist deal with the South China Tiger? This is a problem】

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