My card infinite entry

Chapter 112: Auxiliary Card Master

"Someone? Card Master?" Jiang Zhe frowned.

"That's right." Ying Xiaoxiao looked into the depths of the black forest, "I'm already 3D 50, and I was born with the card master entry [Sensing Radar]. As long as new creatures break in or leave within 1,000 meters of me, I will There will be induction.

But so far I have only sensed his entry, not his departure, and I have not heard any movement.

There is only one person on the other side. If he finds the small card field, there is only one possibility, and he is waiting for someone. "

so easy to use?

Jiang Zhe envied him, unlike his [Self-examination Eye], he couldn't lie to himself at all.

Unexpectedly, Ying Xiaoxiao actually turned 50 in Sanwei first. What has she experienced?

"Then what to do?"


"Negotiation?" Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, we're not vicious people, we can't kill anyone we see." Lawyer Ying patted the ashes off his body.

She explained: "In a small card area, if one person is full, two people are full, and three people may not be enough. In this kind of hidden small card area, the other party will probably call one person over."

Jiang Zhe was puzzled: "Then, even if the other party doesn't fight, how about continuing to call after leaving?"

"Then don't let them leave." Ying Xiaoxiao laughed.

"There is an unspoken rule among card masters, do you know?"

Jiang Zhe shook his head: "What?"

"Both sides are not malicious killers. If there is a battle due to resource and other issues, the loser must ask the winner to draw a starting card from the deck, a quarter of the card.

This is to prevent people from being kidnapped and maliciously disturbed by morality. At the same time, it will also reduce the possibility of the winner's killing. After all, it is not good to kill the red eye.

In this case, it is justifiable to take the opponent's card.

Of course, if the other party kills you maliciously, there is no need to hold back.

Unspoken rules are just unspoken rules, it depends on whether you are willing to abide by it. "Ying Xiaoxiao recalled.

Jiang Zhe nodded slightly, this is a good unspoken rule, which is beneficial in all aspects.

Obeying or not is another matter. Many people have a bottom line. They just need a little help, and it will not be so easy to break through the bottom line.

"Here we come." Ying Xiaoxiao suddenly closed her eyes to sense.

"Sure enough, someone came, but my [Sensing Radar] can't detect the specific location, so we leave immediately!" She urged.

Jiang Zhe immediately summoned the card.

His choice was [Gu Qingwei] + [Phantom Feather Clothes] + [Ye Qingcheng].

Base 67 Strength.


+7【Bloody Moon】

+2 [Fox Fragrance] (breathing method entry)

+10%【Natural Sword Heart】

+10% [Sword of Dawn] (Ye Qingcheng)

Lu Qingwei's power at this moment has directly reached 101.64!

She just stood there, changing into a black gauze dress fluttering in the wind, holding the Moon Broken Sword, her pupils were strange and her temperament was cold, showing a chilling aura.

Ying Xiaoxiao stared, what a powerful woman!

Jiang Zhe smiled crookedly, this is not the complete state yet.

He was delighted, because whether it was [Innate Sword Heart] or [Sword of Dawn], the other gains were calculated first, and then the percentage gains were calculated.

In other words, as long as [Gu Qingwei] activates [Shadow of Blood], her strength will be as high as 113.74!

And if Jiang Zhe chooses [Vivian] + [Gu Qingwei], he will get 2 characters with over 100 strength/magic power.

But Jiang Zhe chose the former.

There are 2 opponents, assuming that 4 characters are summoned, if the opponent's general power/magic power is around 85 points, then [Gu Qingwei] + [Ye Qingcheng] is definitely better.

Because 113 points of power hit 4 points of 85 points, the degree of crushing is too obvious.

However, if the general strength/magic power of the character summoned by the other party is 95 points, [Gu Qingwei] + [Vivienne] is obviously better, because 95 points can already threaten [Gu Qingwei]. More is definitely a better choice.

Jiang Zhe didn't think that these two card masters could reach 95 points of general power/magic power.

Of course, this is only a preliminary judgment. If the opponent really achieves it, the first plan can also be played. After all, there is Ying Xiaoxiao, so I can only say that the second plan is more suitable.

It is worth mentioning that when power-speed \u003e 30, the excess part will gain in speed.

It can be barely understood that after exceeding the value of 30, the leg muscles can provide additional speed.

Therefore, if the magic power exceeds the speed by 30 points, it will not accelerate.

There is an essential difference between physical attack and magic attack cards.

"Auxiliary character card?" Ying Xiaoxiao looked at the effect of [Sword Qi Body Protection] on her body and exclaimed again and again.


"Go directly?" Jiang Zhe asked.

"That's right."


Ying Xiaoxiao is a "magician", so she doesn't summon characters.

The four approached quickly.

Ying Xiaoxiao said: "You two, I discovered this place first."

The other party was two male card masters, one young, one middle-aged, one 4-star, and one 5-star.

When the two saw [Gu Qingwei] who was not hiding his aura at all, their expressions changed slightly.

The middle-aged card master sighed: "Everyone wants a small card domain. Since this is the case, I can only give it to the two of you."

But suddenly, Ye Qingcheng began to sing: "Ah~ah~"


Ying Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Zhe speechlessly, but heard him shout suddenly: "Kill them!"

With a bang, Gu Qingwei shot out.

And the next moment, Ying Xiaoxiao felt that she was "on fire"!

【Ye Qingcheng】→【Song of the Sword·Chapter 1】

Jiang Zhe stared at the other party coldly, a spiritual force invaded, and Ye Qingcheng noticed it, so she sang loudly to resist the enemy's spiritual attack.

Play dirty?

[Eye of Insight] Naturally, it can sense the power of active entries nearby, but the problem is that the two opponents are ready to enter the card domain, and there are too many entries nearby.

Many entries continue to take effect.

If it is the power of the entry that appears suddenly, then Jiang Zhe will consider using the [Eye of Insight] to check the effect. For example, when the battle reaches its climax, if the opponent makes a sudden move, there must be something tricky.

But under normal circumstances, Jiang Zhe would not read the entry information, because [Eye of Insight] can only be saved 3 times.

In addition, [Eye of Insight] pays more attention to the "presence" of entries. In terms of "strength", it is currently very average, unless it is particularly strong like "Luck Eater".


Lu Qingwei's broken sword slammed on the harpoon of the murloc summoned by the other party, causing terrible fluctuations, and dust filled the sky.

The pupils in Jiang Zhe's eyes flickered, and the [Eye of Insight] was activated.

The 5-star middle-aged man activates two cards.

[Power Blessing] - Strengthen the power of the target. If the power is lower than 70 points, increase the power by 10 points. If the power is between 70 and 100, increase the power by 5 points. If the power is greater than 100, increase the power by 3 points for 3 minutes. .

[Unyielding the Weak] - When the strength/magic power is lower than that of the enemy, double the buff received by the target, the maximum increase is no more than 10 points, and lasts for 5 minutes.

At the same time, he has a card master entry in effect.

[Wisher] - The effect of all buff cards used is increased by 50%.

Ying Xiaoxiao whispered: "No, Jiang Zhe, that 5-star middle-aged card master is a special support type card master!

And the young card master also has a supporting character card. "

She released a spell, but the murloc swung its tail, and the terrifying force directly knocked the spell away.

"It's just a waste that is stuck at 5 stars. It's hard to connect 2 booster cards. After many years of hard work, I'm afraid it's only 3D 50 recently. You got [Wisher], right?"

The middle-aged card master was calm and elegant, not angry, and said with a faint smile: "You two, it seems that this small card domain can only be shared by the four of us. If there are more movements, I am afraid that other card masters will come."

Jiang Zhe ignored him, bowed his head and asked, "Pretend to surrender, then sneak attack."

Ying Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Death is more than a crime."

"In that case, let's send you two on the road!"

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