My card infinite entry

Chapter 367 What Martial Saint? Palace class!

"In that case, then I will become [Wu Sheng Physique]!"

Jiang Zhe took out the card.

This [Holy Body] has been obtained for 6 months and has not been used all the time, just to ensure that it is correct.

After all, this is a card of the highest deck.

Lighting up the card, Jiang Zhe seemed to plunge into a strange time and space. He was floating there, and countless figures around him performed the true interpretation of martial arts. Mesmerized.

This is an essential transformation of the soul, incarnated as a Martial Saint, all Martial Arts can be easily mastered, and it is better than the original creator, reflecting the card master system, it can be easily connected to any [Martial Skill] card, and it can be increased by 10 % coefficient.

At the same time, Jiang Zhe's mood changed to a certain extent.

A strong and indescribable self-confidence, swallowing mountains and rivers, is unparalleled in the world, overlooking the ancient and modern, unrivaled.

As the saying goes, the stronger you are, the more confident you are, and as a martial sage, he is the strongest in the world. No one can rely on mental attacks to reduce the power output of a martial sage.

Even in the end, Wu Sheng's belief in invincibility has undergone a metamorphosis, reflecting the reality from his heart, and turning it into "The Gods Are Hard to Invade", not only mental attacks, but even other methods cannot reduce its attributes!

"too strong!"

Combining the reality Jiang Zhe has experienced with this belief, he has an idea of ​​wanting to blow up the group of foreign young people who are rushing for rankings in Dragon City.

This frightened him so that he hurriedly put his mind to it. How could a man like him do such a thing?

He looked at [Wu Sheng Physique].

After becoming [Wu Sheng Physique], as long as Jiang Zhe turns on [Wu Sheng Physique], the card core capacity will be occupied by 4 points, and his strength will be increased by 18 points, his speed will be increased by 12 points, and he will also get [Supernatural] and [Hard to the Gods] two entries.

But it can be turned off if not in use.

After all, it is still a card in essence, but the [Holy Body] card group is quite special. Once used, it will disappear like [Breathing Method], and the card will disappear and merge into the body of the card master.

Similarly, if you want to add entries, just crush the cards and sprinkle them on your body.

"Try 【Flower in the Mirror and Moon in Water】!" Jiang Zhe's heart moved slightly.

He summoned [Legend: Sacred Ice Flame Knight], combined with [Holy Rein], the strength of both women was 178.

Then [Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water] projected [Supernatural]!

Have special effects?

A bright moon appeared above Jiang Zhe's head, and the surface of Vivian's body suddenly seemed to be like the surface of water, shimmering and reflecting the bright moon.

Damn it, what special effects do you want?

Jiang Zhe felt very uncomfortable. Doesn't this mean telling the enemy that he is using a certain ability?

Fortunately, not everyone has the ability to check the entries, and most card masters can only analyze by themselves.

But once [Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in Water] opened, the opponent would undoubtedly be vigilant, making Jiang Zhe's sneak attack have a certain chance of failing.

This can be regarded as the shortcoming of this super entry.

After projecting [Supernatural], the coefficients of all moves of [Holy Ice Flame Knight] immediately increased by 10%!

But at the end of the day the power or mana (whichever is higher) is reduced by 3%, and the power drops straight down to 172.66, which is actually 189.92 when factored in.

"Didn't you get the 18-point attribute of [Wu Sheng Physique]?" Jiang Zhe squinted his eyes.

With a move in his heart, two bright moons appeared on the surface of Vivian's body, projecting [Hard to Gods] onto them.

In an instant, Vivienne's temperament changed drastically, like a Valkyrie, riding on a fire dragon, looking down on the world, making people breathless.

Jiang Zhe got a result.

Both entries fell on Vivian's body, and [Wu Sheng Physique] took shape on Vivian's body!

18 points of strength, 12 points of speed, all appeared!

The three-dimensional of [Wu Sheng Physique] is also the final three-dimensional.

Therefore, Vivian's power at the moment is 178+18=196 points.

However, the negative effect of [Flower in the Mirror and Moon in Water] appeared, and the second entry projected that she had to fully reduce her final power or magic power by 9% (whichever is higher).

So the actual strength is 178.36.

made money!

Jiang Zhe was pleasantly surprised.

Not only has nearly 6 points more power than the single [Supernatural], but also has more [Gods Are Hard to Invade], which will not be reduced by any form of power. If the opponent is sick, add 2 more negative buffs, Vivian can Through the effect of [Hard to Hack Gods], increase the final power by 10 points!

"It's too fierce." Jiang Zhe was excited, [Holy Ice Flame Knight] + [Wu Sheng Physique], is this still worth it?

But unfortunately, [Eye of True Red Vision] cannot be added.

Otherwise, the coefficient of 6% has to be reduced, which is too hurtful.

After all, [Eye of True Red Vision] itself does not add attributes.

If you want to increase the [Eye of True Red Vision], then you need to enhance the entry [Mirror Flower and Water Moon].

The entry becomes stronger, maybe it will reduce the coefficient of reduction, so that we can consider projecting 3 entries.

But it's not a big problem, [Eye of True Red Vision] can be used as a backup.

Jiang Zhe was very satisfied with the test results.

[Xing Yao Huan Yu], [Mirror Flowers and Water Moon], he deserves to go back and forth to get them.

"[Wu Sheng Physique] is good." Her Lady Queen drew her red lips.

The loyal and honest Jiang Zhe didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked, and looked at Her Lady Queen.

He saw a bold idea in the queen's eyes.

[Wushengti] You can easily understand many "techniques", which naturally include

Skills that were unusable before can now be displayed, and you can show your full skills!

What kind of martial arts are you?

I am Fangshu Martial Saint.

This is so ahead of its time.

Jiang Zhe immediately took Vivienne to confess together, and kept writing "正" to restore his righteousness.

During the confession, Jiang Zhe found that the exquisiteness of the moves really makes people confident, no wonder Wu Sheng is so confident.

After the celebration, Jiang Zhe thought about the future from the perspective of a sage.

Then, to break through to the hall level, there is only the last step left, and that is cultivation.

As for his card groups, there is no need to prepare at all.

First of all, adding the entry evolution has never been a big deal to him.

Secondly, the cards need time to release their strength. The evolution of the hall level will take a long time for the plot. In this case, Jiang Zhe only needs to reap the fruits.

The energy of the card core has been accumulated, now, Jiang Zhe only needs to turn the card core into a card hall, and he can be promoted to a 1-star hall level!

He surfs the web, looking up details.

"The shaping of the card core needs to be carried out continuously, and it is very likely that it will take several months?"

For the first time, Jiang Zhe experienced the feeling of "practice without years".

The hallification of the card core is to shape the card core into a hall space that can accommodate the connected cards.

Only by becoming a hall, can the card core continue to become stronger, this is the card master's system.

After Jiang Zhe arranged everything, he began to break through.

Time passed quickly.

After 3 months, he opened his eyes.

Palace level, it's done!

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