My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 361: Super black card exercises

"Ding...your three-star white card [mysterious samurai · surrender], three-star green card [super sailor·ensheng], three-star blue card [leapfrog wizard·brunen], nine-star blue card [gong method·big sun descending magic sword ] It will be synthesized into a mutant black card, calculating..."

   "Ding, congratulations on your five-star black card [Emperor Wu Shi Gong: Final Shengburi]!"

   "Very good, I missed the super magical skill perfectly!"

   Zhou Nan was "unfavorable", and used the domineering [Gong Fa·Da Sun Demon Sword], but synthesized a discarded card.

   He continued to synthesize, and used the 【Gong Method·Heart Splitting Demon Technique】to form a four-star black card 【The Law of God·Small Trumpet】.

  Using [Gong Method·Core Competitiveness], I combined the five-star black card [God without Sword Technique·Palm Split Quad Core].

  Using [Gongfa·Aikido] to synthesize a four-star black card [Emperor Crab Sword Art·Empty Pincer Dao].

  Using 【Gong Method·Flying Dragon Slash】to get the Seven-Star Black Card 【Super Far Emperor Gong·Yida Yitian】……

The result was very unsatisfactory. Zhou Nan used the purple cards he had accumulated before and the five strongest light-radiation technique cards in his hand, hoping to get together with "super magic arts", "sacred swordsmanship", and "emperor". Powerful cards with prefixes such as "Shen Gong".

   But the synthesized cards are all weird. Although they can be practiced, the description of the card attribute information is silly. Who dares to practice.

After all, Zhou Nan couldn’t calm down, thinking hard for a while, and muttered to himself: "The five most powerful exercise cards have been used up, what have been synthesized? I knew that, so I might as well just use these five cards to synthesize. Forget it, let's use the wise martial arts, I hope nothing goes wrong."

After inspecting the cards in front of him again, Zhou Nan made a loud prediction: "I prophesy, [God has no swordsmanship·Palm split quad-core], [God law·Small trumpet power], [Wu Di Shi Gong : Final Shengburi], [Super Yuan Emperor Gong·Yida Yitian], [Emperor Crab Sword Art·Karate Clamp Dao] The prefix of the synthetic black card is called [Godless Emperor Gong]!"

   "Ding, the prophecy is allowed, the wise Shenwu is activated, and your prophecy will affect the result of specific card synthesis!"

   "Ding, this card synthesis needs 50 mana points..."

   "Ding, the prediction is successful. Congratulations on your five-star black card [Godless Emperor Gong Gong·Nu Da Ri Tian Dao]!"

   "Fuck, there is no emperor's merits, nuclear power is great!"

   Zhou Nan was shocked when he heard the system prompt.

   The newly synthesized black card has a powerful prefix and a more powerful suffix.

Originally [Gong Method·Core Competitiveness], [Gong Method·Heart Splitting Demon Technique], [Gong Method·Da Sun Demon Sword], [Gong Method·Flying Dragon Slash], [Gong Method·Nuqi Dao], You can also get this suffix name.

   Zhou Nan had even thought about synthesizing the prophecy before, but after all, he felt that the suffix name was a bit outrageous, and the addition of the more important prefix name made him no longer worry about it.

   did not expect that the prefix name and suffix name of this prophecy also gave such a domineering one.

   "It seems that this is God's will, destined to teach me to practice this magic!"

   Zhou Nan laughed and looked forward to the attribute information of the new card.


  Card Name: Godless Emperor Gong Gong·He Da Ri Tian Dao (bound)

  Card color: black

   Card star number: four stars

   Card level: 40

   Card cost: 4000

Explanation 1: This card is a consumable card. After use, the card disappears, and you can obtain the cultivation method of Godless Emperor Gong Gong·He Da Ri Tian Dao. He Da Ri Tian Dao is an upgraded version of Da Ri Tian Dao practice, which can be practiced. Strong bionuclear energy.

  Explanation 2: Godless Emperor Gong is derived from the world of light radiation, cultivating bio-nuclear energy, reborn after the practice, and obtain powerful nuclear energy. Players are asked to explore on their own.

Explanation 3: There are four levels of imperial power without God, the first level is cultivated, the absorption of Qi is perfect, the second level is cultivated, the internal strength is perfect, the third level is cultivated, the true energy is perfect, the fourth level is cultivated, the true gang is perfect, and the fifth level is cultivated. Heavy, heaven and man are perfect.

   Explanation 4: The use of demon cores, nuclear stones, nuclear spars, etc. can speed up cultivation.

   Explanation 5: The first three levels of Godless Emperor Gong are easy to practice, and the fourth and fifth levels need to be matched with the king's spirit to be completed. For details, players are asked to explore by themselves.

  Explanation 6: The practice of Godless Emperor Gong has an opportunity to go beyond the realm of heaven and man. Players are asked to explore on their own.

   Explanation Seven: This card cannot be strengthened!


   "Cultivating this technique requires a domineering spirit. Do we have this?"

   Zhou Nan frowned. Although his profession is the Emperor Black Card, he still has self-knowledge. He doesn't have much domineering arrogance.

   However, this Godless Emperor Gong should be very strong. After all, it can directly lead the heavens and humans to Consummation, and there is also an opportunity to transcend the heavens and humans. With such a strong card, it seems that there are no side effects in cultivation. Zhou Nan couldn't help being tempted.

   "This is the time to embody the domineering aura, a trivial exercise, I have practiced it!"

   Zhou Nan gritted his teeth and used the black card in his hand. The card suddenly turned into a ball of light and poured in from the top of his head.

Immediately, Zhou Nan had a feeling of being empowered by Daigo, and quickly added some strange knowledge in his mind, including mass-energy equations, atomic fission, fusion principles, quantum transitions, biological electric waves, human magnetic fields, biological nuclear energy, etc. field.

Among the mysterious and complicated, Zhou Nan only felt like he had gone through another life. Although he could not fully understand most of the contents, he could learn some simple cultivation methods without a teacher, and he felt like a strange encyclopedia in his head. Generally, you can read it at any time and learn at any time.

   "Black technology, really black technology, there was this kind of black technology in the past, and you can finish university courses in the prenatal education stage..."

   Zhou Nan was startled, and quickly tried to practice Godless Emperor Gong.

   He took the huge nuclear spar off the back wall, sat on it, took out the demon core, and ate it like a jelly bean.

   Zhou Nan felt the nuclear radiation, his body was warm and destroyed, but it was also mutated. Gradually, Zhou Nan really felt the sense of cultivation. He felt the bio-nuclear energy and entered the stage of receiving Qi.

   Na Qi is the first realm that the Light Radiation player divides into the realm of cultivation, and it is also the initial stage of cultivation. It is mainly to strengthen the body, and to complete the cultivation, you can enter the internal force stage.

   has internal power, that is, the initial contact with bio-nuclear energy.

   Zhou Nan’s cultivation at the stage of receiving Qi is completely without difficulty. The demon core can eat it, just accept nuclear radiation.

Soon Zhou Nan received a system prompt: "Ding, your body is mutating, your physique is strengthened, your health will permanently increase by 100 points...physique is strengthened, your health will permanently increase by 100 points...physique Enhancement, permanent increase in health by one hundred points..."

   After a while, Zhou Nan's health will increase by 100 points.

   This is a permanent increase. The basic attribute is added, and it has nothing to do with Zhou Nan's level. Even if his level drops to one level, the attribute added by practicing Godless Emperor Gong will not be lost.

   Of course, the increase in attributes gained from level up will not increase.

   "This is a good income. If you continue to practice at this speed, it won't be long before I can demolish the building with my bare hands. It's not a dream to fight with dinosaurs!"

   Zhou Nanxin has a clear understanding.

   In his feelings, it is much easier to practice Godless King Gong than Haoyang Gong, and it is easier to get benefits.

   But Haoyang Gong is qigong, and Zhou Nan doesn't want to fall. He now has a longing and is confident that as long as he can practice Godless Wang Gong and Haoyang Gong well, the advantages of foreign players in the flesh will be wiped out in front of him.

   After a while, Zhou Nan stopped practicing again, and he looked at the storage wall.

   "Although the practice is good, let me finish the card synthesis!"

   With a thought, a large number of cards flew down from the storage wall, and Zhou Nan would continue to gather cards.

   In fact, most of the cards he accumulated before were used as materials for the next card.

  He wants to join the flame pirate group black card deck!

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