My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 269: dispute

Wang Wenhong didn't know the reason for Shang Haozhi's anger at first, but when he walked into the conference room and saw the magazine spread out on the table, he knew it immediately.

"What's going on?" Shang Haozhi picked up the magazine on the desktop and pointed to the second-to-last page of Chapter 76 of "God of Goss". "Don't tell me, you don't know. Others may ignore it, but you as a " The responsible editor of "Soul of Go", whether it is or the original manuscript, has been read more than once, right? Can't you tell."

Wang Wenhong nodded, "I can see it. Moreover, I also asked Teacher Shen, Zuo Wei is going to disappear in the end."

"Then you do nothing, and then let this statement be published in this way? Xiao Wang, although you are still relatively young as an editor, you should also know that if you remove a popular character, you will How big will the impact be?"

"I know, but President Shang, there is no one in this world who knows "Soul of Chess" better than Teacher Shen. I can't, Xie Shiqi can't, and neither can you. The only person who can grasp the rhythm of "Soul of Chess" is Teacher Shen. I am the "Soul of Chess". "The editor in charge of "should first trust the author's judgment. If "The Soul of Chess" really goes downhill, Mr. Shen and I will come up with a suitable method." Wang Wenhong said in a deep voice.

"Downhill? Do you still think there will be a downhill road? Believe it or not, if it really disappears, it is not the downhill road, but the avalanche!" Shang Haozhi knocked on the table twice, "I know you Trust the author's ideas, but as an editor, you should guide the author correctly. "ComicFuture" is a business magazine, and it is more straightforward. We are just to make money!"

"I know. If "Soul of Go" is not a commercial comic, will there be the current results? Now the entire "ComicFuture" is comparable to "Soul of Go", right?"

"That's because of the "ComicFuture" platform (big)..."

Shang Haozhi didn't say the word "big", so he closed his mouth again in a whisper.

Shen Xin's upper comic "Y\'s" was published in "NewWorld", but he still won the "Newcomer Award".

Wang Wenhong looked at Shang Haozhi suspiciously. Shang Haozhi gave a dry cough with regret. "The foundation of "The Soul of the Game" is so good now...there is no need to die. I have seen many powerful authors, and they all disappeared. Editors sometimes, Need to restrain the author."

"President Shang, I have also seen some authors who were also destroyed in the end because they were too dependent on editors." Wang Wenhong retorted.

Chen Zijiao is a lesson from the past, he cannot be knocked down twice by the same mistake.

"You guy... deliberately looking for fault, right?" Shang Haozhi frowned and glared at Wang Wenhong, but Wang Wenhong didn't touch it at all.

Jian Xiaomei saw that the two people still didn't mean to give up, and he bit his head and said: "Zong, Zuo Wei's popularity in "Soul of the Game", no one knows, maybe more readers would like to see Xiaoguang's growth. "Soul of Gossip" is not messed up yet, we can't mess up ourselves first."

Shang Haozhi nodded. Now is the time when the results of "Soul of the Chess" are coming out. Moreover, even if Shen Xin is asked to change the following, he can't directly point out, it must be justified.

After thinking about it again and again, Shang Haozhi thought of a compromise, "Well, let's vote for the role of "Hairki" in the next issue of the magazine, and use data to judge who is the most popular in "Hairki"."

Wang Wenhong didn't make a sound, but lowered his head and twiddled his fingers.

"Are you not satisfied?" Shang Haozhi asked rhetorically.

"President Shang, I just want to say that these are of no use. Some small suggestions and comments can be mentioned by the editor, but they are related to the general trend of the story. If the author can justify himself, the author's opinion is the main one." Wang Wenhongnai Said with temper.

"You don't need to worry about this. Let's take a look at Zuo Wei's popularity. If Zuo Wei's popularity is really high, I will discuss with Shen Xin." Shang Haozhi explained.

Just as Wang Wenhong wanted to explain, Jian Xiaomei interjected, “Now everyone is guessing, no one knows who is the most popular in "Hire of Go", or the vote is more fair."

"Well, let's do that first? If you have time, please persuade Mr. Shen. I don't want to see a comic that can become a big hit. Because of this reason, the readers give up." Shang Haozhi said patiently.

Wang Wenhong sighed and nodded helplessly.

Shang Haozhi directly told Shen Xin that it was definitely not a play, but he could explore Shen Xin's tone, and at that time, if Shang Haozhi and Shen Xin had a quarrel, he could also mediate from it.

The three people left the meeting room, and the other editors who were particularly concerned about the situation in the meeting room immediately turned their heads and pretended to continue working.

After coming out of the conference room, Wang Wenhong didn't even bother to continue his office get off work. He hurriedly sorted out the next words of "Hire of the Game", and when he got off work, he hurriedly left the editorial department with his briefcase.

When they came to Shen Xin's studio, three assistants bowed their heads to draw cartoons, and Shen Xin was also preparing the following words.

When Wang Wenhong got to the second floor, Shen Xin handed over the five words to Wang Wenhong in one go.

"Why so many all at once?"

"The next step is a fixed stage match, so you need to prepare in advance to avoid mistakes."

The following three words are Shen Xin’s original There is no such plot in the original work. The fundamental reason is that in Huaxia and District 11, a chess player wants to become a professional chess player, and the examination rules are different. .

Readers may not know these details, but professional players know it, and those readers who dream of becoming a professional chess player but have not passed the set stage also know it.

He doesn't want to perfuse this part of the readers.

Wang Wenhong took it, but did not open it, but put it to the side.

"In the next issue of "ComicFuture", the editor-in-chief decides to vote on the character popularity of "Soul of Go" to see who is the most popular in "Soul of Go"."


Shen Xin nodded. Many magazines will vote on the popularity of the characters in the comics and determine the fate of the characters according to the rankings. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Shang Haozhi doing this.

"Ms. Shen...If Zuo Wei's popularity ranks first, will he still disappear?" Wang Wenhong asked.

"Yes. Is there any necessary relationship between the two?"

"Achievements. After Zuo Wei disappears, there will definitely be readers who will give up "Soul of Chess"." Wang Wenhong thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, the editor-in-chief is very difficult to accept Zuowei's disappearance... He thinks "Soul of Chess" may be because And collapsed."

Shen Xin instantly understood Shang Haozhi's intentions and nodded slightly, "I see. No wonder the editor-in-chief will vote for popularity at this time."

Wang Wenhong smiled, "The editor-in-chief is also very worried about "Soul of Chess". He wants "Soul of Chess" to become the evergreen tree of "ComicFuture" like "The Legend of the Dragon King"."

"Impossible." Shen Xin shook his head. "The manga "Hire of the Game" is different from other manga. Let me put it this way. According to the editor in chief, the following story will be very difficult to draw."


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