My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 303: Breaking news

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "What's the matter? Is Zuwei really going to leave?"

"No! Zuowei is such a good person, why do you want to leave?"

"Is it fake? Mystery?"

"I don't know, I just hope it's not true!"

"Mr. Shen quickly figured out a way to return the plot of this sentence? Just assume that this sentence has not been sent?"

"How to collect it? It's already obvious in the comics, Zuo Wei he feels that he is'time running out'..."

"Seeing that division, Zuowei's faintly resentful eyes and frowning brows broke my heart!"

"I don't care. If Mr. Shen really draws'death' as ​​a surrogate, then I will never watch "Soul of Go" again!"

"Me too, never watch "Gossip" again!"

"Put this post up and let Teacher Shen and "ComicFuture" see it!"

In just one day, this post covered five thousand floors.

The next day, a snowflake-like letter from readers was mailed to Wang Wenhong's desk, and at the same time, a quick report came out-in the previous issue, "Soul of the Chess", which had firmly occupied the first place, fell to fourth place in this issue.

Other editors were surprised that the speed at which "Soul of Goss" was declining in the quick report was too fast.

"This... the reader is so real." Xu Jie looked at the newsletter and shouted in surprise.

"Sure enough... How could Teacher Shen think of letting Zuowei disappear? Xiao Wang, you can't persuade Teacher Shen." Hu Ke frowned.

"Group leader, do you think my words are useful?" Wang Wenhong smiled bitterly.

If he could persuade him, he would have persuaded him, and will he wait till now?

"It's useless to persuade! Let the cartoonists want to play, but the quality of the comic "God of Go" will be reduced. It is obviously so popular now..."

"The editor-in-chief has agreed with Teacher Shen's statement?" Wang Wenhong explained.

Hook was dumb.

After get off work, Wang Wenhong came to Shen Xin's studio again.

At first, he wanted Shen Xin to read these letters from readers, but then thought that the above content might irritate Shen Xin, so he put away the sorted letters from the readers, and just opened them with the briefcase. The door of the studio.

The assistants in the workroom were resting, and Shen Xin also came downstairs to chat with several assistants.

Seeing Ma Ning lead Wang Wenhong into the room, Shen Xin stood up, pointed to the chair on the side and said, "Brother Wang, sit down first? Xiaohan is cooking, and he will leave later after eating."

"Ms. Shen, I really don't have the mood to eat now. Readers are all exploded!" Wang Wenhong sighed and said helplessly.

"I know. Although it's busy, I still read the news on the Internet." Shen Xin nodded.

"Then you are still so comfortable? It seems that there is nothing wrong."

"What can I do? I can't hold my head and cry?" Shen Xin looked helpless, "If you are worried about readers' complaints, what cartoons should you draw?"

This is not as simple as complaining!

"The quick report is down, fourth."

"Really?" Shen Xin was also a little surprised, indeed, the ranking dropped a bit quickly.

"It is estimated that the small book will be even will soon be the comics festival. Although "Soul of Go" has a relatively large lead, there is a possibility of losing. Besides, the follow-up plot of "Soul of Go" will also be affected, and I want to return to the first place. It's probably difficult."

"Brother Wang, let me tell you this? Actually, whether Zuowei disappeared has nothing to do with the performance of this comic." Shen Xin said in a stern tone.


Wang Wenhong's eyes jumped, the quick report has fallen, and he said it didn't matter much.

"It is true that some people will give up "Soul of Chess" because of Zuowei. These people will affect the performance of "Soul of Chess" in the small book. But the success of a comic is not necessarily related to the small book? In the end, it depends on the sales of the single book. ."

The three comic capsules that Shen Xin ate only provided skills related to comic creation. As for other aspects, such as comic scores and pamphlet data, they will not be involved.

However, he still has a certain understanding of the data in "Hire of Go" based on his memory.

Take "Soul of the Game" as an example. The disappearance of Zuowei did make some people give up the spirit of the game. However, it is unbelievable to say that the ratings of "Soul of the Game" before and after Zuowei's disappearance did not fluctuate much, at least it did not appear. The state of the crash.

The same is true for the sales of single books. Before and after the disappearance of Zuowei, the sales did not fall off a cliff.

The only thing that has changed is the small book.

This estimate is also related to the people who follow up reading, the heart is more susceptible to fluctuations.

Wang Wenhong looked suspicious and didn't believe Shen Xin's words at all.

"This book...I heard it's almost over?"

This is what Shen Xin said before. Wang Wenhong suddenly thought of this sentence and asked it casually.

"Yeah. I guess, it will be the end of next year or the beginning of the next year." Shen Xin didn't say too sure.

Wang Wenhong's expression was slightly lost, and the cooperation between the two people would end at the beginning of the next year at the latest.

"Teacher, have you thought about drawing any comics later?" Gao Hang asked curiously.

"Not yet." Shen Xin shook his head.

"Or competitive?" Wang Wenhong asked.

Shen Xin shook his head, always drawing one type of comics, cartoonists are easily tired. But I have to say that drawing the same type of comics is indeed the easiest way to achieve results.

Many cartoonists, after a comic is famous, subsequent comics will be similar to the famous one.

Just like the real Nobuhiro said in "Dream Eater", cartoonists are gamblers, and every comic ends to bet whether the next book will catch fire.

Many people are afraid to take their own future risk.

In fact, the same is true for online writers. Why does an online writer write a popular novel, so few people will switch to writing other types of novels? One of the reasons is to reduce the probability of the next novel.

On the bright side, if online authors write novels of the same type, if they are not too casual, the content will definitely be more exciting. After all, the experience, writing style, and rhythm have all improved a lot, but it will also cause a drawback, that is, if the author wants to save effort and apply the routines of the previous book, then the novels he writes may become homogeneous.

These people's choices are understandable, after all, the transformation is risky.

Online novels and even comics are commercial creations. The purpose of speaking in the vernacular is to make money. As for feelings, you can only think about it after you don’t worry about your livelihood.

Wang Wenhong also knew the difficulty of the transformation, so he chuckled, but considering that "The Soul of Chess" is also Shen Xin's work after the transformation, he did not raise any objections.

The fragrant smell wafted from the kitchen, Gao Hang swallowed his saliva and looked at the kitchen dryly.

Just as Wang Wenhong wanted to change the subject, he suddenly heard the phone ringing in his pocket.

He took out his phone and glanced at the name on the screen, a little surprised.

"Who?" Shen Xin asked curiously, seeing that Wang Wenhong was a little embarrassed.

"Yan Fei." Wang Wenhong gave a wry smile.

Shen Xin and Yan Fei are in different magazines, so they have not been in contact for a long time.

It's not that Shen Xin didn't want to contact her, but because he was afraid of being misunderstood by the good people like last time.

Wang Wenhong answered the phone and asked, "Yan Fei, why do you have time to contact me?"

"Idiot! A good deck of cards is sloppy."

As soon as Wang Wenhong's voice fell, Yan Fei's scolding voice came from the microphone.

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