My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 309: Competitions and awards

"Go to the plot?" Shen Xin looked at Ji Yinxuan in surprise, "Is that the kind of game that can be completed with only the left mouse button?"

"Almost." Xi Muhan said.

"What's the difference between that and watching anime?" Shen Xin wondered.

"cheap price."

Shen Xin has a black line. Compared with a bd disk that costs hundreds of yuan a piece, a set of animations may be doubled. Thinking about it this way, the price of the game is indeed cheaper.

"Also, players can determine whether they need to play Go in the game by choosing the difficulty of the game, and determine the follow-up plot according to the winning or losing of the game...Compared with comics, the game content is definitely more, and there is a certain sense of participation."

Shen Xin nodded, and Ji Yinxuan was right. In this way, the game would become very interesting.

"It's pretty good. Find some more chess records, it should be almost the same-you have already thought about it, what else are you coming to me for?"

"The plot... the follow-up plot of the story has not yet been determined." Ji Yinxuan said.

"I haven't finished the painting yet. There are some content that I can't say." Shen Xin spread out his hands, a little helpless.

He can't tell Ji Yinxuan directly about the Beidou cup behind, right?

Seeing that Ji Yinxuan was a little bit lost, Shen Xin said again: "Actually, there is not much content behind "God of Chess". While you are making games, I am also drawing comics here. Maybe you haven't done it yet, I will do it. It's over. Besides, isn't there d1c in your game?"

, Which is often referred to as a game patch.

"That's fine. I didn't want to be so strenuous." Ji Yinxuan nodded and said.

How lazy are you guys, don’t want to make money anymore...

Shen Xin was a little speechless.

"You can also make new skins for the characters and install them in d1c." Shen Xin said casually.

In Shen Xin's view, the most expensive aspect of a game is the skin of the characters.

"This is a good place to make money, especially the characters in it are good, and you can really make skins... Just imagine that players try on different clothes to participate in the game, which can increase the playability of the game."

"You can also choose whether or not to let the chess player accept the reporter's interview after the game is over..."

"This idea is also good." Ji Yinxuan rubbed her chin, "So, there is still a lot of room for maneuvering in the game "Hire of Chess". This trip is not in vain." Ji Yinxuan nodded slightly. There is also spirit on the face.

Shen Xin did not expect that Ji Yinxuan would make "Soul of Chess" into a game, but the most attractive part of "Soul of Chess" lies in the plot and the fate of the characters. Therefore, the production will bring out the charm of "Soul of Ches".

However, the sales volume of the game "Hire" does not have much to do with Shen Xin. Even if the game "Hire" becomes a hit, he will not be able to make more profits. However, he still hopes that this game can have a good sales volume, so that he can recommend "God of Go" to more people.

"By the way, does Miss Xie Shiqi have free time? We also want to discuss with her to see if there is a possibility of cooperation." Ji Yinxuan asked.

"Teacher Xie? I guess there is no time in the last few days." Shen Xin shook his head.

"Why?" Ji Yinxuan asked puzzledly.

"Recently, a Go game under the age of 18 was held in Han country. She wants to comment on the TV station." Shen Xin explained.

"Eh? Under 18 years old? I know this." Ji Yinxuan nodded, "China seems to have a very powerful young chess player named Zhen Xi. I remember having a conflict with you."

Shen Xin frowned slightly and looked aggrieved.

"Senior sister, since it's a'conflict', there must be confrontation. But after that incident, I didn't say anything. I... Senior sister, do you have any misunderstandings about me?"

"Ah? That's because I misunderstood." Ji Yinxuan was a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject, "By the way, I don't know what the Go game is like now?"

"Not long after the game started, I was also paying attention to the game." Shen Xin leaned on Sha's back and stretched his muscles and bones. "These materials may be used sometime."

"Where is the game now?" Ji Yinxuan asked.

"The quarterfinals, it should." Shen Xin recalled, "Next is the quarterfinals. The final is three rounds, two wins in three games."

It is said that it is three rounds, but there are actually two situations. One is that as long as two games are won, the game is over. There is another type, even if someone has already won the game with 2:o, the three games still have to be compared.

This time the game is the second situation.

"Didn't Zhen Xi win the Han country player last year? If he won the game, the problem shouldn't be big, right?" Ji Yinxuan didn't know much about Go, and his knowledge of Zhen Xi was limited to the unfriendly encounter with Shen Xin. "contact".

"I heard from Teacher Xie that Park Yong-tae, the most powerful young player in Han country, seems to be participating. He did not play in the 11th district last year. It is hard to say who can win the final victory." Shen Xin told Ji Yinxuan what she had heard.

"Really... I hope he wins the game, which is good for both "Gossman" and the game."

Ji Yinxuan's thoughts are very straightforward, and the public's entertainment consumption has a lot to do with reality.

Shen Xin nodded slightly, agreeing with Ji Yinxuan's statement.

Just like some competitive games, if you lose the game, the audience will definitely be disappointed in their favorite team, and may even get off fans.

Affected by this, the team's revenue will drop significantly.

However, no one can help Zhenxi now, only hope that he can stand The Go tournament Zhenxi participates in is an individual game held in Han country, and the championship prize is as high as 100 million han yuan. That is more than 60 million Chinese currency.

Because it is a competition under u18, the prize money is not as good as that of major international competitions, but Han country pays special attention to it. One of the reasons is that in the Three Kingdoms Youth Go Tournament in District 11 last year, Zhen Xi defeated Li Zehao.

In the quarterfinals, Zhen Xi held the black and defeated Li Zehao again in the 2o6 hand to prove his strength.

After the game, Zhen Xi bluntly said that this is the difference in strength when facing reporters' questions, which made many Han Chinese feel very upset.

"Damn it! It's really irritating, don't the Chinese people know what modesty is?"

A cartoonist from Han country angrily turned off the TV and patted the table hard.

"Li Zehao is also a bastard. He lost to his opponent for the first time and also lost to his opponent for the second time. Is he a fool?"

"Mr. Jin, these people are lazy. They definitely don't train against their opponents. Even if they lose the game, they should be." An assistant quickly explained.

"Teacher Jin, don't be angry. Although Li Zehao loses the game, we still have Park Yongtae. He is the future of Han Guoqi."

Jin Yingchen nodded slightly, trying to calm her heart down.

"Teacher, don't care about these unsuccessful people. The International Comics Awards in District 11 should be announced soon? This time, you have an absolute chance, don't you?"

The corners of Jin Yingchen's mouth turned up, and a touch of pride appeared on her face, but she said, "Who knows? There are so many excellent cartoons in the world, maybe a cartoon will pop up from somewhere. However, cartoonists in 11 districts do not participate in the selection. , It is estimated that there will be a lot less resistance."


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