My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 446: Reflection

Sleepless all night, Shen Xin and Xi Muhangu are like this.

On the one hand, Shen Xin had to draw the manuscript of the new manga, and on the other hand, he had to consider the lack of detailed outlines. Xi Muhan honestly read "Steel Refining" again, looking for the heavy and protagonist mentioned by Zhuang Shi Uno. Growth.

Different types of authors are really struggling to create different works. Shen Xin once wrote online novels and knows them well.

Therefore, whether Xi Muhan can successfully transform depends on whether she breaks through herself.

As for the growth mentioned by Chuang Si Yune, Shen Xin has thought about it, and there are also impressions in his mind, but Xi Muhan has been meditating now, and he can't bother him. When Xi Muhan recovers some of his spirit, he will tell her.

Shen Xin glanced out of the window, and there was already a layer of gray light outside.

However, Xi Muhan stretched out at this moment and stood up from the table danglingly.

"what's happenin?"

"Ah? Brother didn't sleep?" Xi Muhan asked surprised.

"You haven't slept, how can I relax?" Shen Xin sighed.

Xi Muhan's cheeks are slightly red, showing a touch of shame, "I'm sorry, Brother Xin, I worried you."

"Is it better now?" Shen Xin asked curiously.

"Well. I thought about a lot of things and I was very tired." Xi Muhan smirked, "But, fortunately, I have gained a little bit."

"is it?"

"Yeah. I was thinking, why no one said these things in the novel I wrote before? Many readers of "Guotu" are also picking questions, but they didn't pick faults in terms of weight or growth. Later, I figured it out clearly. Yes, because I wrote the settings of those books, I set the world view, and I can guarantee the consistency of the style. But "Steel Refining" is not, Supervisor Shoji looked at my detailed outline from the perspective of "Steel Refining" , That’s why I feel riddled with holes."

"Yeah. Actually, I think so too. His comparison work should be "Steel Refining"."

"Yes. So, I spent one night thinking about his evaluation, hoping to improve the work. I also have some conclusions about the shortcomings mentioned by Supervisor Shoji."

"Really?" Shen Xin was stunned for a moment, Xi Muhan's face was not happy, but his eyes were firmer.

"Well. Regarding the growth of the character, in "Steel Refining", Edward has no special skills, and he is not the most powerful person. Why do readers feel that he is growing? This kind of growth is not that the force is stronger than before, but With the development of the plot, Edward...and Al, used his own efforts to solve the mystery like a squeeze. Edward's growth is his vision and mind."

"That's right." Shen Xin nodded, this is also his opinion.

However, seeing this is still not possible, thinking of a solution is the key.

"11 episodes... or even shorter lengths, the two protagonists must grow up... After all, they are in Xingguo, separated from Amesdoris by the desert. If there are no incidents that make them change their attitudes, or something new They found it difficult for them to make the decision to go to Amestolis." Yan Fei explained.


"The difference from "Steel Refining" is that these are two hostile protagonists. Their decision should be a coincidence, not a negotiated one. Therefore, this story must have two lines that are related to each other, but they are not. Make an agreement with each other. 11 episodes...two lines, the length is really tight." Xi Muhan explained.

Shen Xin dumbfounded, advancing in two lines, involving the switching and arrangement of the plot, is indeed much more difficult than the single line.

"Then there is a sense of heaviness... I have now figured it out. The sense of heaviness mentioned by Supervisor Shoji does not refer to the history of Xingguo, because mere history has no meaning. The sense of heaviness he said is related to "Steel Lian" ...I personally think that if some of the history in "Steel Refining" can be reflected in the biography, it may have a good effect."

When Shen Xin heard this, he was also lost in thought.

I have to say that Xi Muhan's words really make sense.

Although he has deliberately increased the connection between the two works in the setting, the connection is more about the characters than the background.

"Then you mean..."

"Since alchemy has its own theory, then alchemy will also have it? Also, you mentioned a person in the name of the'Western Sage', and went to Xingguo... That period of history can be more detailed Some?"

Shen Xin hurriedly shook his head, "This is not good. It is used in "Steel Refining". You can use it as a legend. Also, the'Sage's Stone' can also be recorded in the book. After they knew this, they chose Cross the desert and come to Ames Doris."

"That's OK." Xi Muhan nodded.

"As for alchemy, it is also written in the setting. Although alchemy does use magic circles, there is an essential difference between the two. Alchemy uses the power of the earth's crust, and its theoretical basis is'equivalent Exchange'. But alchemy is different. It was originally a technology produced by the emperor's pursuit of longevity. Later, the sage of the West came to Xingguo and introduced alchemy to the current alchemy.

"If you want to master alchemy, you must understand the flow of matter, which is the'dragon vein.' If the result of alchemy is to recast new matter, then alchemy is restoration."

If you don't understand this part of the setting carefully, it is difficult to discover the mystery.

Hearing Shen Xin's explanation, Xi Muhan went to the workbench, picked up the settings given by Shen Xin, and looked at it carefully again.

At first, she thought that this part was just talking about the origin of alchemy, but she didn't expect the principle to be in it. It was just "dragon veins" and something, without specifying it.


Xi Muhan sat weakly on his seat and sighed up to the sky.

"Are you okay?" Shen Xin worried.

Xi Muhan shook his head, pressed his mouth, but with tears in his eyes, "Brother so difficult."

"Yeah... so difficult."

Shen Xin nodded. After a night of analysis, he also found that it is really difficult to make the setting of "Steel Refining", "If you don't want to do it..."

Xi Muhan shook his head, took out the tissue, and wiped away the tears.

"No, I just thought at first that I could do it well. But now... I may really not be able to write it now. I would like to finish it independently, but the quality of this animation is more important. Xin Ge..."


"I want to ask Sister Su Han for help... If she has time and is willing to come over, I want to ask her to help." Xi Muhan's eyes were bright.

"Huh?" Shen Xin was a little surprised.

"After a whole night of thinking, I think I can make a detailed outline... but what about after the detailed outline? There are only good detailed outlines, so people can't write good novels, right? The style of novel I am good at, and this style There are still some discrepancies. So, I want to ask Sister Su Han for help."

Shen Xin breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were scared?"

"No way!" Xi Muhan said firmly and clenched his fists, "I can do it well."

Shen Xin yawned, seeing the expression in Xi Muhan's eyes, and the depression in his heart relieved most of it.

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