My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 458: Competition within the site

On the first day of, Fu Bo felt uneasy.

This day, even more nervous than he took the college entrance examination-it may not be as good, after all, so many years have passed, what was the mood at that time, I have long forgotten about it.

If the browser has a plug-in that can refresh the page every five seconds, he must download it as soon as possible.

Every time a click is promoted, he will be excited for a long time, and he will try his best to reply to every reader's message.

Later, there were too many people who left comments, and he could only pick some comments to reply.

This is a common problem for newcomers, and we can't blame Fu Bo for not being calm enough.

Clicking on his cartoons or writing words of encouragement is a recognition of his work-for a creator, this sense of identity is sometimes even higher than money.

He, as a newcomer, longs for this recognition.

Among these readers, some came from the forum. They originally opened to support Fu Bo. Therefore, most of their messages are for expectation and support.

"I've seen the name a long time ago, and now Teacher Fu has drawn the manuscript himself, and the quality is even better than the signature comics of the three major magazines.

"The first episode is full-color, and Teacher Fu estimates it is also very hard. Although the next four episodes are black and white pages, they are also very beautiful."

"Black and white pages test the author's drawing skills and storytelling. The expression of comics cannot rely on color, but can only be displayed in black, white and gray. Teacher Fu is really not easy."

This is a knowledgeable person.

Fu Bo sighed when he saw this evaluation.

"After reading 5 words in one breath, one word, cool! Teacher Fu's name is already very good, and the official version looks more comfortable!"

"I'm afraid I was attracted by the body of the female character in the book?"

"Slander! Am I that kind of person?" Of course, the host didn't admit it, and could only be exchanged for the ridicule of other readers.

At the beginning of the creation, Fu Bo set the tone for the entire comic-one is "cool". From the first chapter, it is full of suspense. Fighting scenes emerge in endlessly, and the details of the description are also very delicate, almost fist. Meat, looks very enjoyable; another tone is "lu".

In the final analysis, although it is a fighting comic, there is still no shortage of female characters, and there are not many fewer female characters than male characters.

He has imitated "y’s" and studied this manga. The drawing of female characters is imitated from "y’s".

The most tempting picture is not naked, but looming.

This is fully reflected in the comics, especially the non-girl character dressed in black silk, which makes the readers feel excited.

However, there are gains and losses.

This sentence can be said no matter where it is placed. Because the 5th episode drew the character of a girl, it also attracted dissatisfaction from some female readers and left a prickly message.

This is a matter of choice. At the beginning of drawing the comics, he gave up this part of readers.

There are some people who didn’t read the content at all. They just watched the cover and started to spray, which made him feel very bad. Of course readers can comment on the work, but these people can even start spraying after reading a sentence. In this situation, To describe his feelings in one word is to be aggrieved. But he also wanted to explain to this spray that the content of the comics was not what they thought.

In addition to the comments, what made him feel the most was the click list, "Shengwu Academy" ranked at the top of all the comics.

First place!

To some extent, this ranking is also a recognition of his achievements.

Due to the new website, in addition to the click list, only the reward list is left-although the "Poetic Wind" rewarded 10,000 yuan, it is still a bit worse than "Sirius".

However, these need time to accumulate.

So far, this result has been outstanding.

Seeing the sun slanting westward, the greater the gap between the click-through rate and others, and his heart is a little more relaxed.

"Teacher, "Shengwu Academy" has entered the top 50 in the popularity list!" Xiao Peng turned his head and said to Fu Bo.

"is it?"

This ranking says that it is not high, and that it is not low, but it can make it to the top 50 on the first day, indicating that there is a chance to attack the top ten in the future.

Fu Bo clicked on the popularity rankings and saw that "Shengwu Academy" was ranked 48th.

There are 47 more popular comics ahead of him...

Fu Bo glanced up again, his expression tightening.

47 people, "Sirius"!


It feels like something is stuck in the throat.

Fu Bo curled his lips, feeling a little unsatisfied.

If Fu Bo doesn't know what's stuck in his throat, then Duan Ping knows-flies.

Although it is not a real fly, the feeling of rising from the stomach is not much different from that of a fly.

He just couldn't understand why he, the famous cartoonist of "Leap" magazine, has such a low click-through rate? Is it really just a question of two more words?

Also, the popularity list is only one higher than "Shengwu Academy"...This is not a popularity list, is this an irritating list?

It is also possible that it is a change in their own style. Some readers may not care too much. After they adapt, they may get used to it.

"One more word tomorrow."

"One more word?" The assistants were taken aback, looking at Duan Ping in surprise, "Teacher, should we be too fast?"

"Unhappy, anyway, there is a manuscript, and there is no time for another word." Duan Ping said Shen Sheng, and at the same time he clicked on Weibo and sent another message.

"Everyone, today's results are good. On the first day, the popularity list rushed into the top 50! But the clicks were a bit low. In order to improve the click list, I decided to add more words tomorrow, and I will never default on the next words every week from now on! Please wish me forward. This week, the popularity list will surely be in the top 10, and click on the list to reach the top!"

The following readers responded quickly.

"Teacher, school just started today, I will read comics when I go back."

"No one reads such a good comic, it shouldn't be."

"Teacher, many people are ‘raising books’ and want to wait for a dozen or so words to read."

"Don't raise it. If the results are not good, it is estimated that you will be charged in the future. This depends on the click-through rate." Duan commented quickly. Of course these are not true, but sometimes they still want to scare the readers.

He can't interact with readers at ordinary times, and he has no feelings. Now I suddenly feel that the reader "tuning the book" is really suffering for him.

"Ok, got it, go back and start eating immediately."

"I didn't intend to watch it! Since the teacher said I will start to watch it now."

After getting the reader's assurance, Duan Ping's heart is also a little calmer.

This is the first day of There is competition among authors, but for other comic magazines, this trend is huge.

Since the entire site is free,'s information quickly spread on and other comic forums.

The next day, "Sirius" reached the top 20 on the hot list, "Shengwu Academy" reached the top 40 on the hot list, and two other comics reached the top 30.

On the fourth day of, "Sirius" broke into the top 10, "Shengwu Academy" ranked 20th and third in the entire The 7 comics recommended by the website are all among the top 50.

Such a fast forward speed shocked other magazines. Everyone could see that the goal of "Sirius" was the first place on the hot list-"The Legend of the Dragon King".

At this moment, the "ic period" is officially on sale.


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