My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 476: "Tap Water"

? Navy.

The word is so familiar, but so unfamiliar.

On the earth, Shen Xin often hears this term due to the more developed Internet.

When he came to this world, he was exposed to more paper magazines and media than the Internet, so he did not pay much attention to the navy.

This is the first time that he has been linked with the navy.

"Shuijun? What do they mean?" Xi Muhan frowned.

There was a message in District 11, informing her that the script was passed, and she took a breath and continued to study again and again to write a new one.

Before writing, she needs to collect information, so she spends all day in the pile of books and doesn't use the Internet much.

Hearing Gao Hang's words, her mood suddenly changed.

Shen Xin tried his best and read the related Weibo with the highest click rate, and read it roughly.

"Brother Xin, are we going to post on Weibo to explain?" Xi Muhan felt distressed about Shen Xin.

"If they have any ‘decent’ ‘evidence’, I must refute it. Now that these people are running the train with their mouths full, if I am too anxious, then it’s not just their guess? They must say that I am a guilty conscience."

"This sewage is about to be spilled on your body!" Xi Muhan frowned.

"The rumors opened their mouths and ran and broke their legs. Now they have been spilled." Shen Xin sighed and felt helpless. "At this time, the retort can only let people see how I am anxious and depraved-some people just want to see me like this. Expression."

"Don't do anything...that would be too uncomfortable." Xi Muhan also took out his phone and looked at Weibo, "Duan Ping forwarded, Tong Yu also forwarded, and Song Tai, the person who fell into trouble, really disgusting..."

"These people...have no evidence, just screaming. Besides, they suspect it makes sense. Who made the results of "Steel Refined" so fast?" Shen Xin spread his hands, "They blame the "Steel Refined" results. Great."


"Xiao Han, let me tell you that it is the one who loses the status to tear it up in person now. At this time, you need to ask other people to help you."

"Other people? Who is it?" Xi Muhan asked in surprise.

"Of course it's the magazine, they are more anxious than me. Wait a while to call the magazine and let them deal with this matter, let's not wade in the muddy water. At most, make a statement. The statement of the'water army' is indeed a rumor. , But it may not be a bad thing for "Steel Making"."

"Huh?" Xi Muhan didn't react for a while.

"Hot. The Internet age is such a characteristic. Even bad things can generate extremely high heat... No, the more controversial the topic, the higher the heat. When the controversy reaches its highest point, there will be another'anti-kill'. . The world may be quiet." At the end, Shen Xin couldn't help but laugh.

The "script" has been written, it depends on whether the "plot" is consistent with the "script".

Xi Muhan was at a loss. is it possible? How to "anti-kill"?

Although she was anxious, she had to admit that what Shen Xin said was indeed correct. Rebutting now will make people feel guilty of being a thief and there is no silver in this place. It is most appropriate to hand it over to the magazine.

I can only hope that Brother Xin will not be affected.

Xi Muhan glanced at Shen Xin, feeling a little uneasy, but Shen Xin was much calmer.

When he first heard about this incident, he was also surprised in his heart. As for tearing up the message in person, uh, if a few years earlier, he might have done it.

But now he is standing at the top of Huaxia Comics and doing this kind of thing himself, too lofty. What's more, this kind of thing is expected to happen again in the future, he can't always tear it up again and again, right?

He is not the "Weibo God of War".

"Why is this?" Liu Rui said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Xi Muhan asked quickly.

"Can't find the original seems to have been deleted." Liu Rui looked up and explained.

Xi Muhan looked at Shen Xin in surprise, and Shen Xin shrugged helplessly, "The other party is not a fool, so how could he still keep a post?"

"Really disgusting! I'm so angry!" Xi Muhan said annoyed.

"Look at the popularity list." Shen Xin reminded.

Popularity list?

Xi Muhan was surprised to open the popularity list, the ranking has not changed, but the popularity value of "Steel Refining" and "Sirius" has increased to 110,000.

"The gap is getting bigger!?" Xi Muhan asked in surprise.

"The popularity list is not based on quality. Although this is not a good thing, it may make the gap between "Steel Refining" and "Sirius" wider." Shen Xin saw that his guess was correct. A smile appeared on his face, "Wait slowly. It's not a bad thing to have heat."

Xi Muhan shook his head slightly, but he could only think so.

"Then... when can we fight back?"

"When?" Shen Xin sat back in front of the screen again, "Let's take a look at the Chinese New Year?"


After receiving Shen Xin's call, Wang Wenhong told Shang Haozhi angrily.

After being suppressed by for several months, the magazine has finally breathed a sigh of relief, but it is still being slandered.

I really couldn't swallow this breath.

After learning about this, Shang Haozhi immediately used the official Weibo of "ComicFuture" to speak for Shen Xin, questioned this Weibo, and @了Reposted all the big Vs on Weibo, including Duan Ping and Tong Yu, let him Delete Weibo, otherwise, you will be sued for "rumoring".

In fact, without having to speak on the official microblog of "ComicFuture", the two of them would have regretted it a long time ago.

I thought I could use my strength to suppress "Steel Refining", but now it's better. The gap between "Sirius" and "Steel Refining" is even bigger.

This is simply "Stealing chickens can't lose rice."

Fu Bo, the instigator, did not even dare to say anything. He was only dissatisfied with "Steel Refining", and that post was mostly complaining. Unexpectedly, that post turned out to be intensified. When I got up the next day, more than 300 buildings had been built.

He quickly deleted the post, but found that someone had posted it on Weibo.

Fortunately, he only posted a post and did not speak again. The person who took the screenshot did not cut the first floor down. Otherwise, he would be a target of public criticism.

Shen Xin was younger than him, but he made his debut very early. When the two met, he could only claim to be a junior, and he was not qualified to comment on Shen Xin.

The big Vs were just a bit of a fever. After the magazines wrote private messages one by one, they deleted Weibo.

However, readers in the comics circle and even some authors are still discussing whether "Steel Refining" has hired a navy.

"I don't think so. Where is the quality of "Steel Refining"? Do you dare to say that these are not good-looking?"

"Please, if you don’t understand, please don’t say anything? When does the popularity list also depend on the quality of comics? Obviously it is the attention of netizens. Although this is not appropriate, the attention of netizens is more important than the quality of comics. ."

" How big is your brain capacity to have such a wise idea? The quality of comics is not good...why is the popularity high?"

"You are wise! I mean, attention is more important than quality, and I didn't say that quality is not important!"

"Don't make any noise, I will show you the evidence. This is a table I made with Excel based on the data of the past few weeks. Have you seen it? In recent weeks, the data of "Steel Refining" has been soaring. The data is not not rising, but the rate of increase is too small. Just like the popularity of "Game" has been increasing, but the rate of increase is about very low. "Steel Refining" is not, it feels like riding a rocket."

"Look at your picture, "Steel Refining" does have a navy."

"I have recommended "Steel Refined" to seven other roommates, and they bought four sets of "Refined Steel" in total. Now I am waiting for the release of Volume 9. If you ask me if I am a navy soldier, yes, I am' "Tap Water". "Steel Refining" has been on fire for several weeks, do you think "Steel Refining" is so popular if it weren't for the real results? I made the chart to tell you that the popularity just now is genuine!

The person who posted the chart left such a statement.

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