My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 494: Shen Xin's condition

When Wang Wenhong heard Shang Haozhi's words, he was delighted-app is more advantageous than the Internet.

After hearing Shen Xin's words, Wang Wenhong's heart suddenly fell in half.

"You mean, the upper echelons don't approve?" Wang Wenhong looked suspicious.

After drinking, his mind couldn't turn around for a while.

Shang Haozhi has been measuring the feasibility of the plan ever since he submitted the plan.

In fact, he was also a little uneasy, but he didn't dare to think about it.

Now that Shen Xin said so, he also feels that this possibility will be very great.

"Or web comics are completely different from magazines. If you publish the comics on the app, who still reads the magazine? But as the No. 1 magazine in China, if you give up the paper magazine, you will lose too much. If you don’t give up, you can play with your left hand. On the right hand, when a company is intriguing, it will be miserable. has no such considerations at all. It can move all the comics to the app."

"There are many comics that we have finished. You can move those comics to the app." Wang Wenhong explained.

"You're right. But, are you going to use those comics to resist "Sirius"? Don't forget, Mr. Wang's work has not yet begun serialization. "The Legend of the Dragon King" can be put on the app, are you willing to put it on the app? ?"

Shang Haozhi shook his head quickly.

There are still many bookstores of "The Legend of the Dragon King" in the bookstore. If you put "The Legend of the Dragon King" on the app, these bookstores are likely to be unsalable.

"Soul of the Game" is even more impossible. Now the full version of the booklet has just been released, and the entire set has been published, almost by the end of next year. Putting "Soul of Chess" on the app means digging holes for yourself and fighting each other.

After thinking about it, "icfuture" is indeed inferior to Duofan in this regard, and there are too many concerns.

"Look, what if... passed?" Shang Haozhi scratched his head.

"Even if it passes, the above will not agree with the serialization of "Steel Refining" on the app, so the app adds zero to "Steel Refining"."

Shang Haozhi opened his mouth slightly, and Shen Xin was right.

"Steel Refining" is the magazine's killer feature. If it is put on the app, the sales of "icfuture", needless to say, will definitely crash down.

Shang Haozhi shook his head. Even if the management passed the plan, it would not be a good thing for "Steel Refining". After all, there will be another app to compete with "Steel Refining".

"Then what do you mean?" Shang Haozhi looked at Shen Xin.

"I don't care, whether I can use the app or not has little effect on me. But if I want to use the app, I have a few conditions." Shen Xin took a sip of Coke, with a smile on his face.

"What conditions?" Shang Haozhi looked at Shen Xin.

Wang Wenhong also kept his mind, and his eyes fell on Shen Xin.

"First, it is impossible for a magazine to directly pay a sum of money to buy out the electronic version of "Steel Refining" like Duo Man. I do not accept it. Second, if it is charged according to the bill, or the charge, I hope it’s seven and three, I take seven, and the magazine takes three."

After Shen Xin finished speaking, Shang Haozhi's expression instantly changed.

Wang Wenhong rubbed his chin, revealing a meaningful look.

"Are the conditions harsh?" Shang Haozhi said in a deep voice.

"Perhaps? Maybe Teacher Wang chose to leave "icfuture" considering that you wouldn't accept it?" Shen Xin said in a relaxed tone.

He knew that Shang Haozhi was difficult to accept, but he couldn't hold back.

Now "Steel Refining" is regarded as the best cartoon in China.

If even this kind of comics can't be in the game of the magazine and get an appropriate price, in the future, how can other cartoonists negotiate terms with the magazine?

He must tear this hole open so that others can see hope. As for whether other cartoonists can keep up with him, it is not something he can consider.

"President Shang, don't worry, I don't intend to sell the electronic copyright of "Steel Refining" for the time being. And there is no following on the app of the magazine for the time being. The production of "Steel Refining" into an electronic version is even more distant. It's...I'm not in a hurry, so don't worry." Shen Xin saw it.

Shang Haozhi showed a wry smile, "Mr. Shen, you are giving me a problem."

"However, the magazine has also caused problems for many cartoonists, right? Actually, I was wondering, did the magazine also have problems when negotiating with Teacher Wang?" Shen Xin looked at Shang Haozhi with interest. .

There is no right or wrong in this matter. To put it simply, it is a game between the two parties and the negotiation of prices.

"Don't worry, the quality of "Steel Making" is guaranteed. Still think about what help the magazine can provide?" Shen Xin saw Shang Haozhi silently, and said.

Shang Haozhi frowned.

Is the price of the electronic version of "Steelmaking" expensive?

It's really expensive, after all, it's open, and the magazine takes a small head.

Is it worth it?

It's really worth it.

The quality of Wang Yunze's cartoons is difficult to say for the time being. However, none of the domestic cartoons can match "Steel Refining".

"Steelmaking" is already the signature of "icfuture", as long as it stays in the magazine, it has value.

Duoman has so many comics, "icfuture" can't afford a copy of "Steel Refining"?

"I agree!" Shang Haozhi gritted his teeth.

"Huh?" Shen Xin was taken aback and looked at Shang Haozhi in surprise.

"I agree with your terms! Although Qisankai is a lot, I think it's worth it." Shang Haozhi said seriously.

"'s a bit late today, wait till you wake up tomorrow, right?" Shen Xin persuaded.

"I'm fine now?" Shang Haozhi resolutely said, "If I don't even have this determination, how can I fight Duoman."

"President Shang, wait until the app comes out, let's talk about it? And even if you and I agree, the people above may not agree." Shen Xin said patiently.

Tong Yu can make a final decision about how to spread the Internet, but Shang Haozhi has to ask the people above. After all, this contract has to be signed, which has too much influence.

Shang Haozhi opened his mouth slightly and sighed.

This is also the most uncomfortable place for him. He often sees things right, because he goes through too many procedures and misses good opportunities.

"Ms. What if my application is blocked?"

"Cold salad." Shen Xin spread out his hands, "However, although I don't value money so much, I don't have to have trouble with money. Either the platform is big, or the money is too much, and no matter how bad it is, the treatment is good. Otherwise, why would Teacher Wang go to Duman What's more, in the area of ​​web comics, to be honest, "icfuture" has fallen behind."

"Five years ago, "icfuture" had an absolute advantage, but five years later? Needless to say too much, once and "icfuture" are on the same level, how many people will stay in "icfuture"?"

When Shang Haozhi heard this, his face was sad.

"What about Mr. Shen? What is your future choice?"

"I promise now that "Steel Refining" will be of high quality." Shen Xin put the can on the table, stretched his waist, and stood up from the seat. "It's getting late, Mr. Shang, Brother Wang, everyone. have a rest?"

Shang Haozhi nodded, but there was a sudden anxiety in his heart.


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