My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 552: 2 announcements

There was intense discussion on the Internet about "Who is the ticket holder of "Minecraft".

Although Duoman has used public relations to reduce the popularity of Weibo, the popularity of Manjia has always been high. is a community-developed website. The biggest capital is users. At the same time, it also takes into account the vote statistics of the "Comic Festival". Therefore, the status of this website is quite special.

If Duo Man can even publicize this website, then readers must have doubts about the results of the "Comic Festival".

Originally, "Gossip" failed to win the "Best Feature" of that year when it was the hottest, and it has already made readers doubt about this award, and the trust of users is the foundation of comics. Therefore, comics The net does not consider the request of Duowan.

It is for this reason that as long as there is a hot topic, no matter what the attitude of the person concerned is, it will not be able to influence its popularity on

"Looking at it this way, Mr. Shen's statement also makes some sense. Otherwise, Duomanwang will not come forward to explain it until now."

"But, is it true that "Minecraft" is ticketed?"

"However, Yelaoshr reposted Mr. Yuan's screenshots, which seemed to illustrate a lot of problems. Before the vote, "Minecraft" was already tenth."

"There is another possibility, that is, whether the 11th place is'starting up'. If the two comics are not much worse, and the 11th place is going up, the 10th place may also be anxious and get the votes. After all, this is the case. Opportunities are also rare. Normal people will not let themselves be surpassed in this way."

"Gong Jing!"

"This has nothing to do with Kong Jing, I just provided an idea."

"If does not provide data, no one can tell whether the guess just now is correct."


"By the way, Mr. Shen in the night @了4 people, I remember, among them @了王云泽, I don't know how Mr. Wang reacted."

"I think Teacher Shen is picking things up. Teacher Wang is the author of Duowan. How can he answer?"

"But he is also the author's representative of Doman. It doesn't hurt to listen to the author's views on this matter."

"Those who want to eat melons from Teacher Wang may be disappointed. Teacher Wang only said one sentence,'I believe the website can be handled fairly', which is an official sentence."

"Mr. Shen is also very boring. After only a few messages, he calmed down completely. Why didn't he poke? His Weibo won't be'sleeping' again, right?"

"Haha... I guess I was a little dizzy yesterday, so I posted such a Weibo and woke up today."


The netizens of made various speculations, and soon issued an announcement, and moreover, released two in one go.

"In the early morning of July 8, Mr. Shen Zheng raised an objection to the rules of the "Golden Paintbrush" award established by our company. After discussion by the management, the rules are indeed at risk of being exploited, but the ten works that entered the second stage did not have any Question, our company will announce the original data of these ten works later. In order to avoid similar situations, the rules of the second “Golden Paintbrush” Award will be greatly adjusted and the rules will be announced in advance. At that time, readers and cartoonists are welcome to comment. The works are supervised, comments and suggestions are extracted. At the same time, I also thank Mr. Shen for the valuable suggestions."

After the announcement of this announcement, two pieces of information were covered: First, Shen Zheng’s doubts were correct, and there were loopholes in the rules, but the data of the selected works were normal; second, the rules of the second Golden Paint Brush Award, and There will be great changes now.


"How to deal with "Minecraft"? I didn't say! Everyone wants to see the solution of "Minecraft", right?"

"On the next one."

"The second announcement is related to Minecraft."

The second bulletin is at the top of the first bulletin, because the release time of this bulletin is a few minutes later than the first, so it is above the first.

"In the early morning of July 8, after receiving the feedback from Teacher Shen, our company rechecked the data of Minecraft for the first time, and again determined that there was an abnormality in the data of Minecraft, and before the abnormality appeared, the comic and the first The 11 manga "Ranzhan Dancer" has only a 1000 votes difference. It is impossible to determine whether they have subjectively swiped their votes (the data of the two comics are posted below), and the author cannot provide valid evidence.

"Adhering to the principle of openness and fairness, we cancel the qualification of "Minecraft", and at the same time unblock the author's backstage of "Left is Fate". If "Left is Fate" can provide valid evidence, our company can provide corresponding compensation... "

After that, the top ten works, including the data of "My World", were published on the Internet one after another.

Netizens analyzed each work based on the data, and basically agreed with's statement. Except for "Minecraft", there is no error in the data of other works.

"Ms. Shen's trouble is not much different from before, right?"

"But the previous announcement is gone, and "Minecraft" is unblocked..."

"Actually, the previous method of handling is really wrong. That kind of approach basically blocked the road of'Left is the fate'."

"Now, has taken a step back and just cancelled the serialization of "Minecraft". This kind of treatment is actually okay."

"What's so good... With the help of, the popularity of "Minecraft" is basically over. It is not a big hit in itself. Even if it is re-serialized, it is probably not popular."

"At least, he can continue to paint..."

"It's okay if you don't paint. Finding another job might make you more profitable-the comics industry still costs a lot."


In a dark room, the pen touched by the pressure-sensitive pen outlined a beautiful arc on the web page.


The penguin head in the lower right corner of the display suddenly lit up. She tapped the penguin with her right hand, and a dialog box popped up. In the upper right corner, there was a compressed package.

She downloaded the compressed package, and after decompressing it, a 20-page name appeared in it. Subsequently, a dialog box popped up again on the screen: "Do you accept the call."


She put on the There was a smile on her face: "Dear, do you miss me?"

"Think... how about you?" the other party asked.

"Not good. Everything went well, but someone would have exposed it."

"So fast?"

"Shen Zheng posted a Weibo and got it through."

"Shen Zheng? Hey, I didn't expect it to be him... that's good, anyway, the work has entered the top 10, and the popularity is there."

"But it was still affected by Shen Zheng..."

"Don't worry, I just came to school in District 11, and I can't go back three and a half years later. At that time, maybe I have to compete with him, if he can still be popular for so long."

"Well, I'll wait for you, give it a kiss, pop."

After hanging up the phone, the girl squinted her eyes and leaned back in her chair, lost in memory.

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