My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 587: "The Hunting Abyss" is coming to an end?

"Within chapter 20?" Jian Xiaomei was surprised.

"Well. It's probably the first half of the year, right?" Ye Hexu raised his head, "Originally, I said that I would reopen another one, but you didn't want to. It's better now, but the result of "Hunting Abyss" is this kind of result. ..."

"What's wrong with this result? It's already pretty good to be able to stably get second and third in "ComicFuture"." Jian Xiaomei puzzled.

"However, the gap with "Steel Refining" is getting bigger and bigger, isn't it?" Ye Hexu turned to look at Jian Xiaomei, "If the goal is not the first, why should I continue to paint?"

Jian Xiao's eyebrows are stuck.

She also knows that the situation of "Hunting Abyss" is indeed stable and the results have been good, but the story has long been weak. This is an indisputable fact. Not only the plot, but also other aspects, especially the world structure and power system, collapsed very badly. .

It is totally impossible to rely on this comic to surpass "Steel Refining".

"Then... Do you think the next comic will be better than "Hunting Abyss"?" Jian Xiaomei was a little uneasy.

"Jian Xiaomei, don't look down on people! I'm a professional cartoonist!" Ye Hexu grinned, "You go back and tell Mr. Shang, don't forget the agreement between me and the magazine-I can't object to the conclusion when I propose it again."

"About when will it end?"

Jian Xiaomei knew that Ye Hexu would not listen to her, so she didn't try to persuade her.

From her personal point of view, Shen Xin and "Steel Refining" have recently...No, in the last year, they have been too high-profile. Except for around July, "Age of Gods" and "Steel Refining" have also Aside from being able to compete, "The King of Rock and Roll" and the weak period of "Steel Refining" later tasted some sweetness, other times, it is really difficult to have comics that can compete with "Steel Refining".

"Not sure, I plan to make all the remaining names before March. The specific time...should be before July." Ye Hexu rolled his eyes and thought.

"I see, I'll go to the monk to talk about it." Jian Xiaomei was exhausted in his heart. This incident is not a trivial matter to her or to the magazine.

This is about finishing a top three works, which will definitely have a certain impact on the sales of "ComicFuture".

She can't make the decision on her own. After all, Shang Haozhi is the last one to make the decision.

Leaving Ye Hexu's studio, Jian Xiaomei took a taxi and returned to the editorial office for the first time.

Shang Haozhi was making an annual summary. He was taken aback when he saw Jian Xiaomei's servants coming over. Before he could speak, he heard Jian Xiaomei say: "Editor-in-Chief, Teacher Ye said, "The Hunting Abyss" has about 20 words to end. At most... stick to July..."


Shang Haozhi shouted out in silence.

The eyes of other editors in the room immediately fell on Shang Haozhi.

"Hunting Abyss" has 20 chapters to end, which is not a good thing for "ComicFuture".

Shang Haozhi rubbed his forehead with both hands, a little worried.

The year before last, that is, the year when first came out, "ComicFuture" encountered a crisis.

Many people think that the root cause of the crisis was the emergence of In retrospect, Shang Haozhi thought that this was indeed a reason, but the more important reason was that the works were not connected.

Although "The King of Rock" and "Alien Restaurant" started serialization, it is difficult for the long series to gain popularity in the early stage. At the same time, the suspension of "The Hunting Abyss" and the end of "The Legend of the Dragon King" also made "ComicFuture" lost. A large number of readers.

At that time, only relying on "Steel Refining", which did not usher in the climax, hardly survived the most difficult time, so that "ComicFuture" was relieved.

Because of the breakdown of high-quality works, the readers of "ComicFuture" have been severely lost, and some of them have become users of And "ComicFuture" has not returned to its peak until now.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, the most important thing for a magazine is the content. If there is no good content, it will go downhill every minute.

Now due to the rise of "The King of Rock", Lu Ning and Xi Muhan's new work "Ding Shi" is also gaining momentum, and "Gang Lian" has also completed the suppression of other domestic comics. These factors have temporarily stabilized "ComicFuture" .

At this time, if "The Hunting Abyss" is over, the balance reached with great difficulty may be broken.

But what if you don't let "The Hunting Abyss" end?

This is also impossible.

Too tough will make Ye Hexu feel susceptible to the magazine, and he also signed a contract with the magazine. When "Hunting Abyss" again proposed to end, the magazine could not refuse.

Therefore, the end of "The Hunting Abyss" is inevitable.

"Do you have any plans for Yelaoshr's new work?" Shang Haozhi asked.

"I haven't said... Yelaoshr will not know when the new work will come out. After all, I haven't started writing. If the time is relatively fast, there should be new works during the year. If it is slow, it is not impossible to wait two or three years. "Hunting the Abyss" has also been serialized for six or seven years, Ye Teacher also needs to take care of her body?" Jian Xiaomei said patiently.

This is also true.

Shang Haozhi sighed.

"Editor-in-chief, what should I do?" Jian Xiaomei asked.

"How do I know?" Shang Haozhi rubbed his face, "Let him make the name behind and try to think of a more complete ending."

The contract was already written, and even if he didn't want it, there was nothing he could do.

"I know." Jian Xiao brows with a sigh of relief.

If Shang Haozhi insisted on not, then she would be in a dilemma.

"Also, you should also pay attention to what Yelaoshr is doing. If he comes into contact with other magazines, especially people on, he must give feedback as soon as possible." Shang Haozhi reminded.

Ye Hexu cannot be the next "Wang Yunze".

"I got it." Jian Xiao's brows chuckled, and she almost forgot how to spread the net.

Back to her Jian Xiaomei sat down weakly, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of tea. Zhou Xiaoming, who was sitting opposite her, turned her head and said, "Mrs. Ye is going to finish "The Hunting Abyss". "?"

Jian Xiao nodded.

Others should have heard the conversation between her and Shang Haozhi just now, and she didn't need to hide it anymore.

"Alexander..." Zhou Xiaoming grinned.

"ComicFuture" finally stabilized, and it was about to make waves again.

Jian Xiaomei gave her mouth a bit, but she also had no temper. She glanced at the desk on one side. Without seeing Yan Fei, she curiously said, "Where is Sister Yan?"

"Sister seems to have gone to Teacher Zuo to discuss the name of the new work." Zhou Xiaoming explained, "Isn't there a serialization meeting right at the end of the month? Sister Yan wants to fight for it and come up with works that can pass the serialization."

"New name?" Jian Xiao nodded his eyebrows slightly, but wondered what kind of story Zuo Yuan could draw.

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