My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 601: disappear

As Wang Wenhong guessed, the magazine also found this website.

After learning the news from the Technical Department, Shang Haozhi opened the web page for the first time, and after browsing it roughly, he decided to call the police.

Such a large-scale version of D, it is impossible to let it go as simple as that.

Yes, the Internet does have a "safe harbor principle", but the same, the Internet has another principle-the "red flag principle". Some popular works appear on these websites as eye-catching as the same red flag, so the platform cannot wait. If others complain, these works should be deleted automatically.

How can it be said that these websites do not know the copyright ownership of works such as "Steel Refining", "The King of Rock" and "Hunting Abyss"?

Do they think these are just a few articles? The author is the one called "Anonymous"?

These are all works that are popular in China.

As for District 11, there is no way for "ComicFuture". After all, across the country, it must be coordinated with District 11.

Of course, if you really resort to the law, the two sides will definitely be arguing, but "ComicFuture" also has a legal department, which is what they do.

The technical department collected evidence, and Shang Haozhi chose to call the police.

"Don't worry, we are already processing it. We are now investigating the address of that website. However, if you are out of town, it may take a long time."

"They are not in Hongchuan." Shang Haozhi asked rhetorically.

"No. Fortunately, not abroad, otherwise, we can't help it."

"Listen to what you mean, you've already checked it again before we came."

"Yes. has also come, earlier than you."

"How long..."

Shang Haozhi thought for a while. It seems that the website has published more works on Duo Man. They should be more anxious than "ComicFuture".

This action quickly had results. On the third day, the website's URL could not be opened.

It took only three days from the discovery to the disappearance of the website, but the magazine did not know how long the website had existed. The loss to "ComicFuture" was also difficult to estimate.

What made Shang Haozhi even more discouraged was that the person in charge of the website also failed to catch it.

I have to say that these people are very alert.

This website has just gained popularity on the Internet, and when someone talks about its website on, they shut down the server. In addition, there is a saying that the server of the website was attacked, causing the website to be paralyzed.

Either way, the result is good, but we must also prevent this website from "resurging."

Affected by this, "The King of Rock", whose sales plummeted, finally began to rise slowly.

However, for a work, the time when the sales volume increased the fastest, that is, the first few days it was released, even if it starts to rise now, the rate of increase is too slow.

The first edition of 800,000 copies of "The King of Rock and Roll" was sold for 10 days, and only 200,000 copies were sold.

"ComicFuture" was also affected. The sales of the previous issue finally came out, again dropping by 200,000 copies, leaving only 4.3 million copies.

In half a month, the sales of magazines plummeted by 600,000 copies, and Shang Haozhi's heart was about to cry.

After the latest issue of "ComicFuture" was released, "Steel Refining" also took out a 36-page long, and finished the story of Kessel Kesais in one breath, and the name of this story was called "Ke The Doomsday of Serkses".

Hoinheim turned from a slave to the assistant of the original master, and the master took the line to bring the villain in the bottle to the king of Keselkseth.

"Let me teach you how to live forever? King Koselkses."

The villain in the bottle looked at the old-fashioned king and said something that the king couldn't refuse.

The king ordered that, according to the request of the villain in the bottle, a large trench should be dug in the territory of Xelkesais.

After the completion of the channel, under the guidance of the villain in the bottle, the national land refining was launched.

Across the country, black ribbon-shaped tentacles protruded from the ground, and a huge eyeball appeared from the palace and gradually bulged out. Everyone in the country, except Hoinheim, lost their lives. The soul becomes the sage stone.

In the whole Xelkesais, only Hoinheim was left overnight. In addition, there was a villain in a bottle who looked exactly like him, Hormonks.

"You used your blood to let me exist in the world. As a thank you, I gave you your name, knowledge, and immortal body, and this uses the souls of the people of the whole country as a substitute. These souls, half for you, half for me, and I Also get out of the test tube..."

Holmonks, who had become Hoinheim's appearance, was condescending, looking at Hoinheim below.

In this story, the story of Kesel Kesais only occupies more than 20 pages, but the shock caused by the demise of the kingdom shocked readers.

In the plots of the previous few episodes, Edward and Olivia mentioned in the tunnel that the country is formed into a formation, but this sentence truly portrays the horror of the formation of the country.

In particular, Shen Xin chose to use a spread to express the black tentacles stretching from the ground to the air. The visual impact that it brings to readers is deeply memorable.

In the second half of this remark, Hoinheim met with Edward's master to sort out the congestion in her body, and at the same time another message came.

"Hoinheim, the walking sage stone."


The 36-page long length, coupled with the end of Kessel Kesais, and the secret hidden by Hoinheim, the sum of these factors makes readers hooked on this statement.

Due to the disappearance of the previous D version of the website, some readers returned to "ComicFuture", but only 4.5 million sold, which is still a big gap with the previous 4.9 million copies.

Some people on the Internet also started to complain about why the website suddenly disappeared, but the answer they got was unknown.

In the circle, the most common response is that the server has been attacked.

"Who is so wicked to attack the server!"

"All said, we only need to know this website, but there are still people who are propagating, are they afraid of not attracting the attention of others?"

"Now, it seems to be too late, right?"

"Do you think other people's magazines and websites are fools? If their sales decline too much, they will definitely have to investigate."

"Hey, without them, we wouldn't be like comics."

"You talk less and wait slowly?"

"Anyway, I won't buy it anymore. It costs 100 yuan to buy a magazine a month, which is too expensive."

"Then you won't watch it?"

"There is no seal in District 11. As long as you understand Japanese, you can see it."

"But there is no "Steel Refining" in District 11..."

"Why not? It's just that you don't know how to find it. There is "Young Leap" staring at it, and it must not be blatantly released."

"Really? Can you tell me about the channel..."


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