My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 605: People in line


Shen Xin coughed twice and took a deep breath.

From the lounge of Jiman Bookstore, he glanced at the bookstore lobby, where there was already a long line, and even the outside of the store was neatly full of people.

"There are so many people." Shen Xin laughed dryly.

"No way, some people line up at six or seven in the morning. The usual autograph book sales are not like this..." The store manager smiled bitterly, and he rarely saw such scenes.

Shen Xin glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and it was 11 o'clock in more than 10 minutes.

"Or, let's start now? It's a bit cold today. Everyone is waiting outside. It's not good for your health."

It was not raining today, but it was cloudy, and the wind was blowing. If you stand outside, it is indeed a bit cold.

"Okay, then, shall we start now?" The store manager nodded.

Start early and end early. If the time is too long, the roads will be congested.

"Wait!" Wang Wenhong stopped Shen Xin.

Shen Xin turned around and saw Wang Wenhong handing out a cup of brewed granules, "Drink these before going out."


Shen Xin frowned and grinned.

If there is a choice, he really doesn't want to drink these things.

"So are you. The cold has been almost a week, and it's still not healed." Wang Wenhong complained, "I don't listen to the doctor at all."

"Wrong! Cough cough...I'm already cured. I used to have a runny nose, but I just caught a cold again. Now I have a cough." Shen Xin retorted.

"Shut up! Drink the medicine first!" Wang Wenhong stuffed the cup into Shen Xin's hand, and Shen Xin could only pinch his nose and drank the medicine.

The manager came to the lobby of the bookstore and told the people who bought the book to line up.

Customers who were still talking quietly immediately calmed down and lined up neatly.

Seeing Shen Xin coming to the lobby, someone immediately shouted: "Mr. Shen!"

"Ms. Shen hasn't seen you in a long time!"

"Mr. Shen must pay attention to your body!"

"I...I...must sign my name, Teacher Shen..."

"Mr. Shen, I am your book friend..."

"Ms. Shen, "Soul of Chess"... Can "Soul of Chess" be signed? I am the full version!"

It was not one or two people who yelled, but sixty to seventy percent of them greeted Shen Xin.

Some problems Shen Xin can hear, and some problems Shen Xin can't hear, so he can only ask Wang Wenhong to find a microphone.

"Hello, everyone. Although I have never met you before, I have been in contact with you through comics for a long time, so here, thank you for braving the cold and coming here deliberately. As for the body, something has happened recently. I have a cold, but the problem is not too big. If I take a short rest for two days, it should be cured. Don’t worry about it.

"Actually, I wanted to meet you for a long time, but the works have been serialized and I have been unable to spare time. Therefore, I cherish this opportunity. As for the signature, whether it is "Steel" or "Goss Soul" Or "Y's", all of these are ok, and there is no need to be a comic purchased on-site. The above is all I want to say. If you have any questions, you may also tell me separately."

"Today is limited, I will work hard." Shen Xin took a deep breath after speaking, "Then, next, let's start signing."

Inside the hall, there was a shout of applause, and at the same time, some people asked their minds and bodies to take care of their bodies.

Wang Wenhong held his forehead helplessly.

Teacher Shen is like this again... Seeing the readers, I forgot everything...

What will only be signed for 800 copies, and what will be signed for only 5 hours, when the time comes, it will be countless.

Fortunately, the publication of "Steel Refining" will be closed next week. At that time, Teacher Shen can also recover from the illness and take a break by the way.

"Manager, you watched for a while, and you almost withdrew..." Wang Wenhong whispered, "Don't make Teacher Shen too tired."

"Well, I know." The store manager nodded, watching many readers line up with a whole set of books, and felt a little distressed for Shen Xin.

Whether it is strength, image, or age, Shen Xin is the best among domestic authors.

Originally, Ye Hexu's image was also good, but he was too short, which deducted a lot of points for him.

The clerk pushed the carts and delivered the prepared comics to the stall. Before they were placed in the stall, they were divided among the readers.

Not only the 18th volume of "Steel Refining", but also other comics of "Steel Refining", and "Gossman", most of the comics placed on the counter were taken by readers.

Shen Xin sent away a reader, before catching his breath, another reader put five copies of "Steel Refining" in front of Shen Xin.

"Mr. Shen, please." A reader puts his hands together, smiling, but a little worried.

Shen Xin nodded slightly. This reader seemed to be fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Okay... Are you not going to class today?"

"Yeah. But the opportunity for you to sign a book sale today is really rare...'same price exchange, right? If you want something, you will lose another part." The reader rubbed his nose.

Equivalent exchange...

Shen Xin smiled bitterly in his heart. This rule is regarded as "truth" in the world of "Steel Refining". It seems that it also has significance in reality.

After signing a few comics, the reader was extremely grateful, turned around, and couldn't wait to take out the phone.

"Hey, brother, let me tell you, I just talked to Teacher Shen..."


Shen Xin has not had time to The next reader put three copies of "Steel Refining" on the table.

Wang Wenhong looked at Shen Xin, who flicked his finger and continued to sign, from the side, feeling really heartbroken.

"The other cartoonists who sign and sell books here are the same?" Wang Wenhong asked rhetorically.

"Of course not." The store manager shook his head and denied, "Most of the other cartoonists are one, and there are not too many two. But very few are like today. You can buy four or five copies."


"So far, Shen Xin has only sold books a few times, and he never signed once when he came to "ComicFuture". Who knows when Mr. Shen will sign the next time? Now I have a chance. Also make up, and, just now, Mr. Shen also let go, everyone knows that the opportunity is rare." The store manager explained.


Wang Wenhong rolled his eyes depressed, but had to approve what the store manager said.

In the future, let Shen Xin sign to sell books, really have to be more careful.

Wang Wenhong looked at Shen Xin again, and found that he coughed slightly, he immediately entered the house and made another pack of cold medicine.

He glanced at the clock hung on the wall, and more than two hours had passed.

I really hope that time will pass sooner.

Outside the Jiman Bookstore, the wind gradually rose, and the weather seemed to be colder again.

Zuo Yuan held the purchased "Steel Refining" Volume 18 single-page book, followed the crowd in front, moved a small step forward, and finally entered the bookstore.

Even though it was just a small step, he immediately became warmer.

Although the front team is still long, it should be too late to meet Shen Xin.

Zuo Yuan's heart was suddenly a little excited.


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