My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 610: forum

There must be more than one information website related to comics. Moreover, even on the well-known cartoon network in China, the content on it is mostly based on domestic information. As for the 11 districts, of course there are related news, but the content is not rich and will not publish those that are not available. Confirmed news.

   So, there are also some information websites taking this as an opportunity to get development opportunities. "Second Moment" is such a website.

   In addition to rich information, "Second Moment" has another feature, that is, forums.

   It is not like, which lists each magazine in a separate section, but more like a hodgepodge.

   Yes, all the topics discussed are in one post. Of course, there are also discussions on version D.

   Before Shen Xin again, I really didn't know this forum.

   It's not that Shen Xin is hypocritical, but he really doesn't have time. He has a lot of work every day. He often wants to go to sleep after a day's drawing, and he has no time to think about it.

   Even if he has extra time, he would rather read more books. The more he engages in this industry, the more he knows his lack of knowledge.

   Click on "Second Engraving". Sure enough, there are some discussions related to the D version, but there are not many related posts. After about a dozen replies, the posts are locked. The administrator also wants to make these posts sink.

   However, there are also some topics that have caught Shen Xin's attention. In these posts, some people use "that" to describe a piece of software.

   At first, Shen Xin was still a little curious about what the so-called "that" was.

   After flipping through a few posts, Shen Xin also has the most intuitive understanding of "that", which is a D version of the app.

   "This app has been inside for several months. Some time ago, for the final research, the website was also shut down deliberately. Now, there are domestic and foreign comics on the app."

   "You don't need to register, you can browse and download all the comics directly on your phone."

   "Will you be blocked?"

   "What are you afraid of? The website server has moved overseas and cannot be blocked."

   Shen Xin looked dignified when he saw this, and the store manager felt a cold back when he saw this.

  If what they said is, what these people said must be true...Who will buy manga to read in the future?

   Shen Xin quickly opened and closed these posts again.

  When he saw these contents, he could even foresee that when Zuo Yuan saw these contents, he felt helpless and desperate in his heart.

   It was so easy to have such a chance... I did not expect to encounter this kind of thing.

   When I was about to succeed, I was slapped violently. There is no greater pain in life than this, right?

   Shen Xin flipped through these posts one by one, all the way to the third page of the forum.

   "Couldn't... Mr. Zuo is really because of these remarks, right?" the store manager said softly.

   Shen Xin nodded.

   For ordinary people, the sharp decline in the sales of single-line books is itself a difficult thing to accept. I am afraid that I will be even more excited when I see these remarks.

   Especially, Zuo Yuan has endured so many setbacks in succession. His heart is both inferior and proud, and at the same time he wants to prove himself. When hope is shattered in front of him, he really may not be able to bear it.

   "Maybe this is the case." Shen Xin muttered to himself, the scroll of the mouse fell, but his eyes fell on a post-the cartoonist finally published the booklet, why don't you read it?

   This post looks so different in such a forum.

   Shen Xin clicked on it subconsciously. This is a post with only two pages of comments. The person who posted the post is a newly registered account.

   "The magazine published a separate book, why don't people buy it? Do cartoonists live on these manuscript fees?"

   "There are free ones, why spend money?"

   "But the author also needs a living, without financial income, the cartoonist industry can't paint." The poster explained.

   "Then change to another comic by a cartoonist. Anyway, there are so many cartoonists in China, so there is nothing wrong with a few."

   "What if all the cartoonists are gone?" the host asked again.

   "Are you a cartoonist?"


   "If you are a cartoonist, you should improve your level. If you can't sell single-line books, it's obviously the author's level."

   "Some foreign video sites do not charge at all. How do they survive? In the future, many content will be free."

   "Reading comics by you manga artists is already a shame. If it's not free, do you think I have time to read it? A waste of time!"

   "I never spend money on comics in District 11, do you think your comics look better than them?"

   "Since you are a you dare to name your work?"

   is the reply from the host, "It has been re-edited at 15:00."

   "I've read that comic, it's not bad."

"Upstairs, that level is pretty good, boring, okay? I said, you'd better stop drawing comics. You don’t have the talent for drawing comics, so you don’t look good at all. Fortunately, it’s free, otherwise, I really don’t watch it. . You should thank "Comic Paradise" for giving you one more reader."

   "Listen to you, that manga should be rubbish, right?"

   "It's not rubbish, it just doesn't look interesting."

   "Owner, why did you delete the title of the book? I'll say it again, "Back to 12 Years Old", don't thank me, I am a good person!"


   Shen Xin closed the notebook, and the store manager behind him jumped down.

   "Mr. Shen..." The store manager looked at Shen Xin and saw him lowering his head, his hands against his forehead, his expression on his face covered by his hands.

   Shen Xin shook his head lightly, "I'm's fine."

   There is no doubt that the poster is Zuoyuan.

   One can imagine how much Zuo Yuan struggled when he knew that the sales of the single-line books were not good, and how painful it was to see these messages.

   cartoonists are a group of people who live on their dreams. Before their dreams come true, they can withstand very low wages can bear a lot of pressure and feed on their dreams.

   Now, Saahara's dream... is broken.

   The words of these people are like a dagger that pierced the weakest part of Zuahara.

   What made Tsohara feel desperate, maybe it was the sales of less than four thousand, or it could be the words.

   One day...No, in less than half an hour, after encountering these two things one after another, even if Zuo Yuan did something extreme, Shen Xin would never be surprised.

   Although "Returning to 12 Years Old" is not perfect, in Shen Xin's view, it is really an excellent comic, and the little book will not lie.

   Reading is a very personal thing. The same plot, different people will have different feelings, but a work cannot be denied because of this.

   Shen Xin's mind was confused, and suddenly, an alarm sounded from the street.

   "The police are here..." The store manager suddenly got up and walked out of the lounge.

   Shen Xin also took a deep breath, pressed the anger in his heart, thinking in his heart how to communicate with the police, and followed the shop manager out of the lounge.


   The police car passed by the gate of Jiman Bookstore and drove away.

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