My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 621: Twitter

After the inspection by the hospital system, Shen Xin was fine. After the fever subsided, the most urgent thing he needed to do was rest.

The left arm needs recuperation, and the stomach also needs recuperation.

As a result, Shen Xin rarely had a free period.

After he was discharged from the hospital, he returned to his residence. Zuo Yuan, led by Yan Fei, came to apologize and expressed his gratitude. In addition, he also brought good news. He and Zheng Ping were already talking about remarriage.

After Shen Xin heard it, he was overjoyed.

Xi Muhan also apologized to Zuo Yuan-she didn't think she had done something wrong, but if there was no such thing, she would not appreciate the joy of losing and recovering, and even more would not have the gains after the showdown with Shen Xin. .

Zuo Yuan put Shen Xin in danger. She would not thank Zuo Yuan, but she had to say that she had her own destiny, and by chance, the relationship between her and Shen Xin had progressed.

Xi Muhan's mood naturally improved a lot after he was in trouble. Even though he was teased by Lu Ning, he still couldn't offset the sweetness in his heart.

Zuo Yuan waved his hand again and again. It was because of him that it was indeed his responsibility. How could Xi Muhan apologize again?

However, his pressure is not small. The Internet still shows that he is the person who is about to jump off the building. Therefore, some netizens' insults flood the Internet.

If it was normal, he might have been unable to resist the curse alone, but after this tribulation, he also looked down on a lot of things. Just like Shen Xin said, as long as you work hard to create, there will be someone who really likes his work. Readers, these readers, whether they are three hundred or three thousand, are the people he should cherish the most, and he is responsible for them.

After sending Zuo Yuan away, Shen Xin also had a whole day of recuperation time.

On the Internet, the dispute between the genuine version and the D version has intensified.

The suspension of "Steel Refining" became the fuse of the whole incident. The original readers and the author stood at the same place. Wang Yunze, Ye Hexu, Duan Ping and others published their respective attitudes on the Internet-boycotting the D version.

Soon, Manga Paradise also posted on Twitter to express his opinions.

"Is it wrong to read free comics? When buying a book, readers will also browse the books in the bookstore? Will the store manager drive the readers out because they have not paid? The library is also, the readers use the library card, Can read the entire content of a book, isn’t this also free to read?

"What we do is this kind of work. Comic Paradise does not store any resources, but organizes the comics. Instead of blaming us, magazines and publishers should think about how to improve their business models and copyright operations; authors should also Think about how to attract readers instead of complaining blindly.

"Even if you ban Manga Paradise, there will be websites like ‘manga hell’. Free is the future trend. The decline in single-book sales and the sluggish manga industry are because you follow the rules and do not know how to work. It has nothing to do with us.

“Furthermore, free comics have also increased readers. Some people who don’t like or don’t read comics may choose to read comics because they are free. This also adds to the reputation of comic artists.”

Comic Paradise sent four tweets in one go, making the lively topic even more confusing.

"When you buy a book in a bookstore, everyone has read the book, right?"

"Sometimes, after reading the comics of my heart, I really don't want to buy a magazine."

"Watching free comics is not much different from reading in a bookstore!"

"Some comics do choose to read because they are free. Anyway, it is to kill time. Otherwise, why should I watch those comics? I can play games or watch movies."

"From this point of view, free comics have indeed expanded the popularity of the work. Authors should be grateful to comic heaven, otherwise, many comics will be so obscure."

Some people who have seen free comics deeply agree with the four tweets published by Comic Paradise, and even some creators are said to be a little moved.

"Others are hard to say. Sometimes I do borrow books from the library because I need to inquire about materials. Did I also read the D version?"

"However, if you don't go to the library, you can't afford so many materials!"

"Although I don't want to believe it, there is a bit of truth in Manga Heaven's statement."

"What's the matter with you? We are obviously victims!"

"But how can we refute it?"

"The library is a public facility, and residents have the right to borrow books."

"But it's also free to read. Why doesn't it work on the Internet? Isn't this the same as a library?"

Even the creators couldn't figure out the relationship between them, and became a little panicked.

When the major comic platforms saw these contents, they immediately issued warnings, and at the same time sent a lawyer's letter to the comics paradise, and those who supported the comics paradise immediately pointed the finger at the comics platform.

For a time, the Internet was very lively.

After Shen Xin saw these four tweets, he couldn't be said to be angry, because he had already appreciated words that were more annoying than these.

Comic Paradise at least "presents facts" and "reasonable", and it is fairly "rational". After seeing these tweets, Shen Xin lay on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

Xi Muhan came over with a bowl of rice porridge, placed it on the coffee table, and asked, "Brother, what do you think?"

"Nothing...just think about things online, and what should I do in the future?"

"Is that tweet from Comic Paradise?" Xi Muhan had some impressions, "I have read some, and many people are very angry, and some authors seem to be shaken."

"Yes..." Shen Xin was relieved.

"Well, I feel that many people are very Xi Muhan picked up the bowl, picked up the spoon, and stirred the rice porridge, "Drink a bowl? "

"I can do it myself." Shen Xin has a black line, isn't this like a child anymore?

"What can you do with your hands?" Xi Muhan was dissatisfied, scooped a spoonful of rice porridge, and delivered it to Shen Xin's mouth.

Shen Xin knew that "resisting" was useless, so he opened his mouth and drank into his belly.

"Is it hot?"

Shen Xin shook his head, "That tweet blurs something, but it's easy to say if you don't think about it carefully. So, I'm thinking about what to draw in the lower comic."

""Steelmaking" is almost over?" Xi Muhan asked in surprise.

"It's early." Shen Xin shook his head, "but finally took a two-month rest. If I don't do anything, I'm not comfortable with it. Even if my left arm can't move, it's not impossible for my brain to just think about it."

"Brother, what do you plan to paint in the lower part?" Xi Muhan asked curiously.

"I didn't think about it." Shen Xin shook his head, "still hesitating."

At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the desktop rang, it was a message from the Penguin. He picked up the phone and took a look, and said to Xi Muhan: "Brother Wang is here, open the door."

"Oh." Xi Muhan put the bowl on the coffee table, got up to the door, and unlocked the electronic lock downstairs.

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