My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 631: Point of view

Leaving Zuo Yuan's residence, Xu Jie's heart did not calm down.

There are some things he didn't tell Zuo Yuan.

The two requirements raised by Shen Xin were spread within the editorial department.

These two requirements, relatively large-scale magazines, should not agree, but Shen Xin is not an ordinary cartoonist, although he is only in his twenties, he is already a representative of domestic cartoonists.

Without "ComicFuture", Shen Xin may not reach the current height, but without Shen Xin, "ComicFuture" may have fallen into decline several times.

To some extent, Shen Xin and "Steel Refining" have become synonymous with "ComicFuture".

Yishu Culture has never encountered such a strong cartoonist. What's more, the readers of "Steel Refining" have strong adhesion. Even if the D version appeared, the sales volume of the single-line book still reached 1.5 million in the first week. book.

Perhaps there is a bonus for Shen Xin to save lives and injuries. Some readers who have read the D version also chose to buy the pamphlet after reading the news. Therefore, the final sales of "Steel Refining" let the editorial department and sales department of "ComicFuture" Take a breath.

The conflict this time, to be honest, exceeded many people's expectations, but in private, Shen Xin's approach is understandable.

When the magazine cannot guarantee the income of the cartoonist, the cartoonist must of course find a way to stand out.

If it is another author, the magazine can be steady, slap at most, and give a jelly bean. But Shen Xin couldn't do it, even Bao Jiyi couldn't ignore his opinions.

The most urgent problem that the magazine needs to solve now is to find a replacement. Shang Haozhi’s plan is to vigorously promote "The King of Rock" and "Alien Restaurant" in the last two months. At the same time, he also urged Jian Xiaomei , Let Ye Hexu launch a new work earlier.

As long as one of these three works can reach the level of "Steel Refining", the magazine will be able to take the initiative in this game.

is it possible?

It's hard to say, at least Xu Jie has no idea.

At this time, "Age of Gods" is a yardstick, can it surpass "Steel Refining" and put it aside, can other comics surpass "Age of Gods"?


With thoughts in mind, Xu Jie took the subway and came to Luo Zheng's studio. He just opened the door, and the smell of pickled pepper came over his face.

It's the taste of pickled pepper instant noodles.

Xu Jie wrinkled his nose, swallowed his saliva, and inadvertently made a grunting sound in his stomach.

"Teacher Luo, how about noodles?" Xu Jie looked around, Luo Zheng and three assistants were eating instant noodles.

"Yeah." Xu Jie responded, sucking a piece of noodles into his mouth, looking up at Xu Jie, "Didn't you give the original manuscript to you?"

"I know." Xu Jie coughed because of choking.

"Would you like to eat?"

Xu Jie swallowed again, thought for a while, and said, "Come on."

Luo Zheng handed Xu Jie a cup of instant noodles, pointed to the kettle and said: "Pour water by yourself."

Xu Jie put the instant noodles on the table and pulled a chair, "I'll talk about eating noodles later... The magazine is going to publish a comic."

"Then push it, what does it have to do with me?" Luo Zheng held the cup of instant noodles and took a sip of the noodle soup.

"Of course it does matter. The comics that the magazine plans to push are "The King of Rock" and "Alien Restaurant."

Luo Zheng stopped, looking at Xu Jie with bright eyes, "Forced push? How big?"

"Very large! All the available resources are used." Xu Jie asked.

"Because "Steel Refining" was suspended?" Luo Zheng asked rhetorically.

"Well, the suspension of "Steel Refining" and the end of "Hunting Abyss" have reduced the quality of "ComicFuture". During this time, the magazine must find a comic that can carry the entire magazine. In terms of the situation, it should be the "King of Rock" and "Alternative Depths" that have the most opportunities... Didn't you say that the magazine does not give you more resources than "Steel Refining"? Now the opportunity is here." Xu Jie stared at Luo Zheng .

"Opportunity is here!?" Luo Zheng's mouth curled up slightly, with a smile, "This is indeed an opportunity, but you have to tell me how many weeks "Steel Refining" will be closed, and I will arrange the plot."

Only one step away last time, "The King of Rock" could become the hottest comic in "ComicFuture".

That's right, only one step away!

If you can grasp the last opportunity, not to mention that you can win "Steel Refining", at least you can compete with "Steel Refining" for the number one book.

I thought that "The King of Rock" would be kept under the pressure of "Steel Refining", but he didn't expect to get another chance because of the unexpected suspension of "Steel Refining".

He knew why Shen Xin stopped the publication, and he admired Shen Xin's actions, but one yard went to one yard, and such a good opportunity was placed in front of him. If he didn't grasp it, wouldn't he be a fool?

Xu Jie knows that Luo Zheng is right. If there is a certain time frame, the layout of the plot will be more reasonable.

"Eight weeks... or more."

"So that's it." Luo Zheng nodded slightly, "I have one condition. If the situation like the last time recurs, I hope the magazine can support me."

Xu Jie was taken aback and immediately understood that the "last time" mentioned by Luo Zheng meant "the accusation of him by the music column group."

"Don't worry, this time is different from last time... The magazine will definitely praise you." Xu Jie said in a deep voice.

"Then it's okay." Luo Zheng held a piece of instant noodles and inhaled it into his mouth with a "squirt".

At the same time, Jian Xiaomei also told Ye Hexu what Shang Haozhi meant, hoping that he would draw a new cartoon soon.

"Did there be an accident?" Ye Hexu raised his head and looked at Jian Xiaomei.

"Huh?" Jian Xiao's eyebrows were slightly taken aback, and he looked at Ye Hexu in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

"Ms. Shen's injury was not serious. The two-month off period is enough for him to recover. Before, the monk and I made an agreement to add a short comic after the end of "Hunting Abyss". , The next thing happened to be the "Steel Refining" serialization... Mr. Shang was so anxious, only to show that "Steel Refining" could not be serialized as scheduled, and the absence time was not short. The magazine did not issue relevant announcements. It should be that they did not want others I that said, I guessed a little..."

Ye Hexu's voice stopped abruptly.


"Mr. Shen has a conflict with the magazine... I heard that Mr. Shen had been to the magazine two days ago, right?" Ye Hexu asked rhetorically.

A cold sweat broke out on Jian Xiaomei's forehead, and Ye Hexu's mind turned too fast, right?

"Why are they arguing?" Ye Hexu asked.

"I'm not so sure either."

The magazine clearly wanted to suppress this matter, and Jian Xiaomei couldn’t say too In that tell Mr. Shang, after the end of "The Hunting Abyss", I will travel to find inspiration for creation. . "

"Eh? Traveling? When will you come back?" Jian Xiaomei was startled.

"I don't know. Look at the results of the negotiations between the magazine and Teacher Shen." Ye Hexu shook his head.

"Such a good opportunity, just give up like this?" Jian Xiao asked with surprise.

"Jian Xiaomei!? I'm not stupid." Ye Hexu gave a wicked smile, "The level of "Steel Refining" far exceeds other domestic comics, and it is also a kingly comic. From this point of view, there is no one instinct in China that can match it. Not to mention "ComicFuture"; secondly, don't you think that you can create a comic that is comparable to "Steel Refined" by just thinking about it for two months? It's impossible. If it is so simple, it can be done by other cartoonists. Created a long time ago."

Ye Hexu smiled, and said no more.

Shen Xin's importance to "ComicFuture" surpasses that of Wang Yunze before. Even if some excessive demands are made, the magazine will meet them. The deadlock between the two parties this time shows that Shen Xin has touched the core interests of the magazine. He wanted to know what those core interests were.

In this case, if there is a "team", he will only stand with Shen Xin, because they are all authors and may have the same interests.

Of these words, he certainly couldn't say to Jian Xiaomei.

"Ms. Shen may face the situation of Mr. Wang..."

"No. Don't forget, when the magazine embarrassed Teacher Wang, there was no such a large-scale D version." Ye Hexu shook his head, "Manga Paradise posted a bunch of useless tweets, but one thing is correct. The D version can really allow more people to understand a work."

Jian Xiao's eyebrows twitched twice, and Ye Hexu's perspective on things was different from others. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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