My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 680: Got votes

Yan Fei ran to the bookstore and sales department from time to time after the new book was released.

After all, the first 2 million comics in China is now the only one.

Once unsalable, it is estimated that "ComicFuture" will be in a downturn for some time.

Fortunately, the sales volume of the last two pamphlets of Steelmaking is not bad. Although there are no detailed statistics, the sales department estimates that the sales volume of each pamphlet should be between 700,000 and 800,000 copies.

According to this trend, breaking one million in a single week is a sure thing, and the magazine should also be satisfied with this result.

Yan Fei returned from the sales department and just entered the editorial department. Suddenly she noticed that everyone else was looking at her, especially Yu Chen, with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Yan Fei asked suspiciously.

" is the situation of the last two volumes of "Steel Refining"?" Yu Chen coughed lightly.

“Each is estimated to have sold 700,000 copies, and it’s no problem to break one million in a single week.”

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Fei saw the editors' expressions slightly change.

Some of the readers who bought the pamphlet were people who participated in the work.

Usually, they don't have time to read the magazines, so they can only take time to buy the booklets, and choose the booklets they like based on the popularity of the comics or the animations released.

Now, the mobile app and D version have affected the sales of comic book books to a certain extent. Readers, whether they are students or working people, can read comics with their mobile phones while riding the subway, or they can glance at them on their phones after the lights are turned off. In particular, working people don’t need to run deliberately after a tiring day. When buying books at a bookstore, they can read it anytime as long as there is data or wifi.

In this case, the sales of many comic books have fallen, and the revenue of web comics has increased. Like "Steel Making", 700,000 copies were sold in two days, which is almost impossible to achieve.

Although this figure is only an estimate by the sales department, the gap between the actual sales volume and the valuation is often within 50,000 copies, so it can be used to make general guesses.

"The little book "ComicFuture" is out," Hook explained.

"Really? I want to take a look, I hope "DN" has a good result." Yan Fei put the file on her desk, and after sitting down, clicked on the mailbox.

The first place in the small book is Ye Hexu's "Demon Dao", with 463 votes.

Yan Fei was a little frustrated when she saw this ranking, but she knew in her heart that short stories did have disadvantages compared with serial comics.

The disadvantage of "DN" is that some people have used the golden finger of "notes", and because they have to tell a story completely within a limited space, the structure of the plot is somewhat simple, and there are many places that need to be laid out. It's just a brief introduction, and the protagonist has no opponents, so the plot becomes weak.

Yan Fei is aware of these weaknesses, and the arrangement of the "DN" short story is very careful, and she can't find a better way to deal with it.

Although "Demon Dao" has only one story, it can set up suspense and pave the way for the follow-up, but short comics do not have this opportunity.

What's more, in the subconscious mind of some readers, short comics are always inferior to long ones.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that "DN" is surpassed by "Demon Dao".

Shen Xin didn't have too many requirements for the performance of "DN". The main purpose of this short story is to let readers know Sulco and "DN". Then, when drawing the long story, everyone will not feel unfamiliar.

Yan Fei looked down along the rankings, followed by "The King of Rock", "Alien Restaurant" and "Ding Shi"... "Return to 12" also unknowingly, stabilized at No. 8.

Yan Fei kept aiming at the last place, but didn't find "DN", so she was surprised: "Group leader, what about "DN"?"

"I didn't add it... heh heh, after all, this is a small book for serializing the rankings. It's not very nice to put in a short story." Hu Ke gave a light cough.

The small book has little effect on "DN", and magazines often use "DN" votes to compare with other serialized comics to measure the quality of Shen Xin's new book.

After all, "ComicFuture" was founded for so many years, it was the first time I met a cartoonist like Shen Xin, so I had to be cautious.

"Then how many votes does "DN" have?" Yan Fei asked.

"489, there is a ‘*’ behind "Demon Dao"," Hook reminded.

Yan Fei only noticed that there was a remark at the end of the title of "The Demon Road".

Her gaze immediately moved to the bottom of the email, and she saw a line of words as expected.

"DN" ranked first in the small book with 489 votes. Because it was not a serial work, it was not included in the official ranking of the small book."

Yan Fei gave a "tsk," and she finally understood the reactions of others.

So many serialized comics, being pressed by a short story, is really not very glorious.

Yan Fei secretly increased the number of votes, and the votes of the other twenty comics totaled 2,504 votes. Excluding a few postcards with only two votes, the remaining number of votes was "DN".

"By the way, Xiaoyan, you urge Teacher Shen and ask him to hand in the name of "DN" as soon as possible, and then you will go to District 11 with me."

"Huh?" Yan Fei was taken aback.

"To promote "DN", please tell Mr. Shen. This time, the response of "Young Leap" is not too strong. It is said that they are not worried about the quality of "DN". However, there are other magazines that want to introduce "DN". We will talk about the specific situation when we go to District 11." Yu Chen explained.

If the animation copyright is in the hands of "ComicFuture", Yu Chen doesn't mind going to orochi or other animation production companies, but now, Shen Xin can only contact him.

Yan Fei nodded.

"Youth Leap" has this kind of reaction, and it is not difficult to understand. The last 30 words of "Steel Refining" are large in length, each at least 40 pages. During the "Steel Refining" serialization, it is estimated that a certain comic of "Shoun Leap" was squeezed out, and there may be opinions within the magazine. More details can only be known after going to District 11.

However, the names of the first three episodes of "DN" have not been published up to now, which surprised Yan Fei. After all, what Shen Xin said was very punctual under normal circumstances.

This time, in the short story of "DN", Shen Xin still did not submit the name of "DN".

As long as you think about this kind of thing carefully, you will know that continuous creation is too difficult. The line draft of "Y’s" needs to be drawn, as well as the name of "DN"...most people should not be able to do it.

She glanced at the rankings on the display, thought for a moment, picked up the phone, and dialed Wang Wenhong's mobile phone.

"Pharaoh, can you help me ask Teacher Shen, how is the name of the first three episodes of "DN"?"

As soon as the call was connected, Yan Fei directly raised the problem.

"Come and get it? It's already out." Wang Wenhong's answer was simple.

So fast! ?

Yan Fei was startled, but still a little skeptical, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, I'm watching it. One word describes it, ‘awesome’. Judging from the plots I’ve seen so far, this comic may be the ceiling of evil comics."


Yan Fei was full of depression in her heart.

This is what Yan Fei hates most.

Obviously she is the editor in charge of Shen Why does she need to see the name after Wang Wenhong! ?

It feels like being calculated by Wang Wenhong...

In addition to some complaints, Wang Wenhong's words also made her feel curious about "DN".

The ceiling of evil manga! ? Is there really that kind of thing?

Hanging up the phone, Yan Fei stood up and said to Yu Chen: "Mr. Yu, the name of the first three chapters of Mr. Shen's new book has come out. I'll be there."

The eyes of other editors immediately fell on Yan Fei.

Serial name of "DN"! ?

Suddenly, every editor felt like he had been stabbed by something.

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