My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 687: subscription

This form of single-phone subscription has never been seen before, including Tong Yu and Yuan Zhe.

But there is one thing, compared with a monthly subscription, the revenue generated by a single subscription is more intuitive.

After the latest episode of "Y’s" was released, the data in the background of "Y’s" rose rapidly. Refreshing the page every few seconds will add hundreds of subscriptions.

After publishing for an hour, "Y’s" has soared to 10,000 subscriptions.

The number of subscriptions rose so rapidly that Tong Yu and Yuan Zhe were surprised.

"This is also a little faster..." Tong Yu took a breath and looked at the numbers that kept jumping up.

"I didn't expect... if this continues, probably by tomorrow, it should reach 100,000." Yuan Zhe joked.

It is not easy for the comics that have been serialized until eight or nine years apart to achieve such results. It is estimated that 200,000 people will subscribe to the first episode this weekend.

Of course, this amount of money is not too much for Duman. They do not plan to make money from the comics of "Y's". , It is basically impossible to make money on comics.

The purpose of their purchase of "Y's" is to use Shen Xin's reputation to attract more readers to, and second, after the end of "Y's", they will shoot another movie, which will bring The income may be 8 digits or even 9 digits-Shen Xin has already sold the film rights, the price is very low, probably equivalent to "send", but there are requirements for the quality of the film.

On this point, Fengshuo Media and Shen Xin's goals are the same.

"If that's the case, it will be fine... What will happen tomorrow, tell me." Tong Yu knocked on the table.

If there are 200,000 subscriptions, the magazine’s weekly income is 30,000 yuan.

Not much, but no matter how small the mosquito's legs are, it is still meaty. Maybe the income of "Y’s" will rise as the movie sells out in the future.

From this point of view, "Y’s" seems to have hope.

Yuan Zhe nodded slightly. After Tong Yu left, Yuan Zhe glanced at the author's backstage again, and suddenly realized that the number of subscriptions for "Y’s" had soared to 15,000.

This is too fast! ?

Yuan Zhe was taken aback. If you follow this rate, I am afraid that it will reach 200,000 subscriptions, and it will not take a week at all.

How long will it be? Three days? Or 5 days?

If it is this speed, for some works, especially for authors with excellent quality and great reputation, the benefits of subscriptions are significantly better than monthly subscriptions.

Yuan Zhe rubbed his chin, thinking about the pros and cons of monthly subscription and subscription.

However, it is impossible for Yuan Zhe to stare at subscriptions all day long. After all, he is the CEO of He is responsible for not only the content, but also the company’s internal management, copyright operations, and cooperation with other companies. As for staring at "Y's", that is what Qian Sheng needs to do.

After returning home, Yuan Zhe fell asleep. At some point, the phone on the bedside table rang suddenly.

He squinted his eyes and touched the phone subconsciously.

Opening his sullen eyes, he saw that it was Qian Sheng's call. He was a little surprised. He didn't know the reason for the call.

"Hey...what's the matter?"

"Mr. Yuan, the subscription of "Y’s" has reached 170,000..."


The sleepiness in Yuan Zhe's body disappeared, and the whole person was also energetic.

"170,000? What time is it?"

"6 o'clock……"

6 o'clock... 150,000? I'm afraid it's not going to break 200,000 today, right?

"When did 150,000 arrive?" Yuan Zhe asked quickly.

"Then I don't know, maybe it was early in the morning? It was the peak period for readers, and now the growth rate of subscriptions has slowed down."

After answering the call, Yuan Zhe was no longer sleepy, got out of bed, went to the study, opened the notebook, and quickly opened the backstage of

The editor’s account is different from the author, and he sees a lot more data than the author.


This is the data Yuan Zhe saw after opening the background.

Every time it is refreshed, the number will jump from dozens to hundreds.

"This... is it a bit exaggerated?" Yuan Zhe rubbed his chin and fell into long thought.

After nine o'clock, Yuan Zhe came to the editorial office, and everyone was surrounded by a computer.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Zhe walked over and asked.

"200,000... "Y’s" subscription..." an editor said, pointing to the screen.

Yuan Zhe raised his brows. Obviously, the rate of increase in "Y’s" was far beyond his imagination.

If this continues, the rise of "Y’s" should be very exaggerated.

Shen Xin is really the hottest cartoonist in the country. Even if the comics have been suspended for many years, they will attract the attention of readers after they are re-run.

It wasn't until noon that the increase in "Y’s" subscriptions slowed down.

This is also expected.

After all, subscribing to books is not like watching movies.

After subscribing, readers can read unlimited times, so unless new readers join, the growth rate of subscriptions will definitely slow down.

Even so, the number of subscriptions to a single episode of "Y’s" has exceeded 240,000.

Looking at the numbers that jumped up from time to time, Yuan Zhe kept rubbing his hands, and there was a trace of boredom in his heart.

Due to the existence of the D version, this number is definitely not the limit of "Y’s".

If there is no D version...the number of subscriptions should be at least doubled, right?

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhe suddenly felt unspeakably depressed.

Version D...especially for "Y’s", you have to keep up with it.


In the Duoman section of the comics forum, the topic of "Y’s" became the focus of discussion.

However, readers are not only discussing the latest words of "Y’s", but also the previous content.

"This is hard to come by. After so many years, "Y’s" finally has new content."

"However, it's the same taste. Yigui and Iori have a conflict again ~ Although they know that the two will eventually reconcile, they still feel a little awkward."

"This time a new character was introduced, and she feels so beautiful. Although not as good as Iori, she is also so cute."

"Ahhh...why do you have to charge separately. Although the money is not much, but the separate charge always feels like you have been cheated."

"On the contrary, I think it's a bargain. I only downloaded the app after "Y’s", and it cost me three to four hundred for a reward. But seeing the new serial appearing, I really feel that it is a bargain."

"Aren't you stupid to spend so much money to read a comic? Just spend more money and just become a member for one year."

"You don't understand, this is youth. When I was in school, I was shocked when I saw "Y's". It is hard to imagine that there would be such a large-scale comic in a regular magazine. Of course, the plot It’s also very good, especially the heroine Iori, who is simply a goddess. Later, because of this comic, I found my wife. It can be said that it is full of memories. I thought I could only see the end of "Y's" in the rest of my life. Now Re-serialization, how could I be unhappy."

"I feel the plot inside, I have seen it in many love comics..."

"You are stupid, this manga is a work eight or nine years ago. There are countless manga that imitated "Y's", but none of them have reached the height of "Y's"... Many of the classic clips you have seen come from many sources. "Y's". Besides, "Y's" is re-serialized, and it is estimated that there will be a new segment."

"But it's about to end, right? After all, it's about to graduate from high school... Ordinary comics will end after graduation from high school. I hope that lovers will eventually get married."

"I don't know, if you can guess the end, it won't be interesting."

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