My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 697: attitude

"DN" has had a series of problems, not only in China, but also in other countries.

Shen Xin must be careful, hire a lawyer, and make relevant preparations. The statement must be sent out. After that, if the D version of the note does appear, they can also respond as soon as possible.

It may not be effective, but the posture must be sufficient.

Yan Fei meditated, the content of "DN" does have some sensitive points. Moreover, even if the original meaning of "DN" is wit, it still inevitably reflects a part of reality.

What's more, adults have their own understanding of comics, but children can only imitate. When watching a cartoon, they will imitate the storyboard in the cartoon. The matter of putting firecrackers in their hands is also reported on the Internet or in the newspapers. However, there is nothing wrong with this kind of caution.

"Then, let's say that, ask Orochi to make the animation?"

"Well, please invite them first..." Shen Xin nodded.

If it can be done in one step, Shen Xin doesn't want to do extra things.

Just when Yan Fei relayed Shen Xin’s intentions to Orochi’s Tomita, Wang Wenhong also communicated with the law firm and issued a statement on Shen Xin’s Weibo, prohibiting informal manufacturers from publishing "DN". Peripherals, including but not limited to hand-made products, clothing, pillows, etc., the key is named note, and it is noted that the manufacturer is responsible for the negative impact caused by this, and the author and the law firm retain the right to pursue liability .

At the same time, in the 31st issue of "ComicFuture" and on the manga app, a page was also turned out to illustrate this matter-"DN" has a good momentum, and you must not affect "DN" because of this incident. "Sales.

There are also discussions about "DN" on the Internet. However, they all know that there will be related peripherals of "DN", but it should be mostly hand-made or clothing. As for the note, it is the focus of the magazine’s crackdown. .

"I always feel a little worrisome."

"Don't say that, if someone really took a note and wrote someone else's name, "DN" would be stinky. The magazine and Mr. Shen did this to protect "DN".

"Yes, but if you don't have a note for peripherals, you still feel that something is missing."

"Yes, but I can't help it. Some people really want to do some small actions. After all, Teacher Shen is so hot, there will always be people jealous."

"If it is really used by others, it will not have a good effect on the comics."

"But, even if a statement is made, someone will do it, right?"

"It's whoever does what is responsible. Moreover, the magazine will certainly hold those manufacturers accountable."

"Back to the manga...have you all read the manga in Chapter 6?"

"I saw, Yue really rejected L. I think this is a normal decision. After all, if Yue wants this setting, it would be too buggy."

"After reading the last sentence, I have been very nervous, thinking that Yue will really accept the'eye of death', but Yue just had an opponent like L. He should also cherish it, right?"

"Wrong, this is a contest of who loses and who dies. I don't think the two of them are excited because they have a ‘evenly matched’ opponent. They are probably thinking about how to get rid of the opponent."

"Yue is because she wants to'manage' the world for a long time, so she won't spend half of her life in exchange for the'eye of death'. It has nothing to do with L."

"Yes, don't forget. When L used the death row prisoner to give a lecture instead of him, Yue did not hesitate to retaliate against him."

"Two people are facing each other, and there is no feeling of sympathy."

"Some expectations, the follow-up progress of the story... No, it is the end of the story."

"The classic of reasoning comics lies in the process. If you only look at the end, it will make people feel dull..."

"However, I am still very curious, how does Yue know the name of that Interpol? You know, others didn't say anything..."

"I'm also curious, watch it? I hope there will be an unexpected development in the plot. To be honest, I really can't think of the progress of "DN"."


The release of Chapter 6 also made "DN" once again attracted the attention of readers. Readers are curious to know what method will be used to track the names of others. For this reason, many people have written discussion posts.

Not only in China, but even in District 11, many readers discussed it, which also strengthened Shoji Uno's determination to make "DN" animation.

After getting off the plane and taking a taxi, he read the "DN" comic again, and countless "DN" storytelling flashed in his mind.

"Are you in a hurry?" Tomita asked Shoji.

"No hurry, "DN" is just a series of 6 episodes. How could I be in a hurry? But I am still afraid of being listed first. There are many animation companies in China, and they all have the intention of cooperation. The 11th district should also be, not just us-I heard, If it wasn't for Mr. Kanan Kubo who has a job on hand, he would also join the battle for "DN"."

"Kubo Kanan..."

Tomita frowned when he heard the name.

The release of the movie "Hire of Goss" has made Kanan Kubo's fame really popular in the circle for a long time. Now he is producing the theater version of "Shoun Leap" post-post comic "The Wasteland Hunter". Therefore, the avatar lacks skills.

"That also counts us lucky, otherwise, if he does come, we may not be sure of winning."

After all, the "Hire of Go" movie is really a bonus, not every supervisor can produce that kind of effect.

"The decision is in the hands of Mr. Shen, so even if Mr. Kubo comes over, nothing will change." Chuang Si Uno was also a little uneasy.

After all, it depends on what kind of promise they can give.

Although the difficulty of negotiation is much smaller, Shoji Uno couldn't relax before the tip of the pen fell on the contract.

Tomita and Shoji, with an interpreter, checked into the hotel. After communicating with Yan Fei, they decided to meet again at two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

If possible, the two parties will finalize the cooperation intention as soon as possible.

Shen Xin also attaches great importance to this matter. After all, this is his first copyright project after jumping out of "ComicFuture", and it is still animation.

"DN" is not suitable for being changed into a game due to the subject matter, but it is very suitable for being changed into a movie. The first movie has a box office of 2.8 billion yen.

The sales of the animation discs are also okay, but they have not reached the sales of "The Wall of Masterpieces" ("InfiniteStratos")-of course, sales cannot judge the quality of a comic. For example, "Steel Refining FA" has not reached either. It is related to the release of "Steel Refining 03".

Therefore, Shen Xin will be more concerned about the sales and quality of the comics this time in the production of the "DN" game.

I hope this time I can find a way to satisfy both parties.

Shen Xin also had a small wish in his heart.

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