My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 777: do not approve

This Weibo is not as long as the first one. Yan Fei read it quickly, and after understanding the general content, he read it a second time seriously.

"This problem should be the cause of the whole thing. I initially thought that it would be ok if everyone talked about it in private. I didn't expect it to develop into this way. This was completely unexpected. I can only say that the rhythmic brother , It’s really amazing, after all, there is a huge difference between the two things."

Yan Fei shook her head. She also thought about it. "DN" and the rights and interests of new and old authors are basically indistinguishable, but some people just connect the two issues together.

With a complaint in her heart, Yan Fei swept her gaze back again.

"First of all, make sure that "DN" may indeed affect some evil road comics. Before, I didn't notice this. The speech of Teacher Jin Yin made me realize that it is indeed possible.

"But I think that the impact of "DN" is two-sided, and it may affect some cartoonists, but there should also be some readers who did not read evil comics or even read comics before to come into contact with "DN". If this Some readers can be interested in this type of comics, and they may also try to read other comics of the same type.

"Furthermore, when "DN" is over, if there are high-quality evil comics, I believe I can stand out from the crowd and even hit the top of the hot list.

"This incident started last night and has lasted for nearly 12 hours. Many cartoonists have been involved. I hope this incident will end here and everyone will continue their work."

Yan Fei read this Weibo seriously and couldn't help nodding.

Shen Xin is right. The biggest impact of "DN" on evil road comics is not "eating the whole cake" as Jin Yin said, but to draw more readers into evil road comics and let more people Readers are exposed to other comics of the same type, which makes the cake bigger, rather than simply finishing the cake.

Some people are not ignorant, but they are insecure about the future, which makes them selectively ignore this.

To put it more bluntly, they just want to maintain the current situation, and it is best not to be broken-in case other powerful authors are affected by "DN", they will aim at this one, or another powerful one will appear. Newcomers, their income is bound to be affected.

A series of chain reactions make subsequent development difficult to estimate.

They dare not fight, they have to consider family.

However, they have forgotten one thing. Only when there are more and more good works can a subject gradually become bigger and the authors' income will increase. If fresh blood cannot be injected, there may be no readers in the end.

Yan Fei can understand the worries of these people, after all, there is a family behind them. But I have to say that outside of these people, there are some people who are booing and watching the excitement for fear that things will not be too big.

In other words, since Shen Xin's debut, some people will eventually be dissatisfied with him.

For these people, Yan Fei has nothing to do.

After reading Weibo, she immediately refreshed the page, eager to know the comments of netizens.

However, when she saw the first message, she was stunned.

"It sounds good, it also depends on when "DN" will end? If you serialize for ten or eight years, others will have to wait for you."

From the message, it can be judged that this person is fanning the flames, but she has no way to know the true information of the other party, so she can only hold her anger and continue to look down.

Some of the following messages expressed understanding, some still expressed concerns, and some supported Shen Xin, but none of them were as popular as the provocative messages.

Yan Fei bit her lip, feeling depressed, refreshed the page again, glanced over the message, her eyes were immediately attracted by the message.

"It won't take ten or eight years. "DN" should be over in September."

Shen Xin replied to that Weibo.

In his message, it is basically certain that there are only about ten words left in "DN".

Originally, this news should have been announced by the magazine, but now Shen Xin said it directly, not knowing what the consequences would be.

It is estimated that... there should be some readers who cannot accept this fact.


Just when Yan Fei was thinking about it, Jian Xiaomei screamed, which shocked her.

Yan Fei's heart was pounding, and when she wanted to ask what happened, she heard Yu Chen ask, "What's wrong?"

"Ms. Shen posted another Weibo." Jian Xiaomei said.

"I know, it means "DN" will be over soon, right?" Yan Fei said bitterly.

Although Yu Chen would have a headache, since Shen Xin had already said it, it would be difficult to take it back.

"If so, it would be fine." Jian Xiaomei cried and said, "You guys refresh the page quickly."


Yan Fei refreshed the page immediately, and a new Weibo appeared.

"I have read everyone's comments. Whether they are good or bad, I read them all. I can reply to some questions, and I can't give accurate answers to some questions, such as a strong newcomer. , Can a book become famous.

"From the message, I also read your concerns. However, after the end of "Y's", I will stop writing for a period of time, at least a year, and I will no longer serialize comics. As for "DN" against evil comics The pressure caused...If I will draw evil comics in the future, then I won’t serialize it on the domestic comics platform, should it be okay?"

The news covered by this Weibo far exceeded Yan Fei's imagination.

She stopped writing after "Y’s" ended...Of course she knew about this, but what the **** was the following news! ?

Not serialized on domestic comics platforms?

Such words...he really said it!

Yan Fei bit her lip, frowning.

That **** Wang Wenhong, don't you know to persuade Teacher Shen...

and many more……

Thinking of Wang Wenhong, Yan Fei's heart moved.

Wang Wenhong is very sophisticated, and Shen Xin is not foolish. Which one of them are doing this?

Yan Fei's expression became more and more be puzzled.

At this moment, Yu Chen suddenly stopped Yan Fei's name.

"Here." Yan Fei stood up from her seat.

"Pack your things and follow me to Teacher Shen's." Yu Chen said sharply.


Yan Fei quickly put the documents and mobile phone in her handbag.

"Also... Hook, you immediately use the official WeChat account of "ComicFuture" to post a Weibo. Our magazine does not recognize Mr. Shen's words of'no longer serializing on domestic platforms'." Yu Chen picked up the briefcase and turned towards Walking outside, shouting at Hook.

Yan Fei just walked downstairs with Yu Chen, and the official microblogs of "ComicFuture" and almost simultaneously posted Weibo: "Mr. Shen's remarks on'no longer serializing evil comics to domestic comics platforms', we do not recognize , I also don’t approve. At the same time, Mr. Shen is welcome to continue contributing.

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