My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 784: Loophole

"Xiaohan isn't there?" Yan Fei took a sip of Coke after eating.

The iced beverage entered her stomach, causing her whole body to be shocked. The exhaustion of a working day was wiped out. Before she could put down the cup, Wang Wenhong handed out another can of coffee.

"You can use it later." Wang Wenhong kindly reminded Yan Fei when he saw that Yan Fei was a little confused.

Yan Fei took the coffee, put it on the table, and at the same time, picked up the last four words.

These four episodes were drawn by Shen Xin based on the plot of the movie version.

In the movie, L uses a rule of DN to avoid the fate of death in the first place.

Yue used Haisha’s life as a bargaining chip to force Rem to write the names of L and Du on DN. At the same time, Rem extended Haisha’s life and turned into sand. At the same time, Rem’s DN was also personally handed over by her. Ruined.

I saw Moon "dead" because of L's heart palsy. I forgot about it and wanted to kill the other people in the investigation team. During the confrontation with his father, he personally admitted that he was Kira. Kill.

Later, Shen Xin used the plot of the comic again. After Yue died, the world was still surrounded by crime, and a small number of people began to miss Kira...

After reading it, Yan Fei was hooked and kept thinking about these four words in her mind.

"Unexpectedly, they would die together..."

"How is it?" Wang Wenhong asked.

"Yes. I think this ending is pretty good." Yan Fei nodded, the plot can echo the previous plot.

"What about logic?" Shen Xin asked.

"Logic?" Yan Fei raised her brows, "It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

"Sister Yan, take a look again." Shen Xin smiled bitterly.

Yan Fei was full of energy. Since Shen Xin said so, it means that there should be a logical problem in these four words.

She picked it up and looked at it again.

This time it is more detailed than before, and the connection between every word is kept in mind.

After reading it again, Wang Wenhong asked again: "What is the logical problem?"

"One thing. After Yue's release, L was still wary of Yue, and even put down the camera at Haisha's residence. Finally, he successfully replaced the fake DN... It doesn't make sense. Why did L continue to track Haisha? What? There is always a reason, right?"

Shen Xin snapped his fingers, "Yes, that's it, but there are explanations."

When he said this sentence, he seemed full of confidence, but in fact, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

The logic of the first half of "DN" is quite rigorous, and it is difficult to have obvious loopholes.

Yan Fei looked confused, Shen Xin got up, went to the workbench, and took a copy of "ComicFuture" from the table.

Yan Fei took over "ComicFuture" and found that it was the 23rd issue.

"I remember that "DN" was serialized in this issue of magazine... Chapter 49, right?" Yan Fei asked curiously.

"That's right. It's the words about'potted plants'." Shen Xin stretched his bones and bones, "Haisha covered Huo Kou's words, but her action was decided by herself without permission, and she did not discuss it with Yue. It is inevitable that there will be some violations. With L’s intelligence, you may be able to see the clues."

Although Shen Xin said so, Dachang Shun did not show too obvious loopholes when creating this plot. Therefore, Shen Xin could only find some plots that might have flaws.

"I remember that readers were also complaining about Haisha at the time, thinking that she would do something extra." Yan Fei turned to "DN". After reading it, although she still felt that Haisha did not do this properly, she did not find any flaws for a while.

"Haisha's attitude." Shen Xin said her opinion. "After she handed over the recording to the investigation team, she was sure that Huoke was Kira."

"This is what Huo Kou said himself..."

"But it does not prove that Huo Kou is Kira. Even if there is a recording, he can completely deny it. He also said that Kira's actions can be suspended, but except for the three people who betrayed the meeting of eight, there are still four people who may be Kira. Pull. Even if Yue and Nanchuan talked over the phone, they couldn't get iron evidence. It can only be said that Huo Kou is the most suspicious.

"And then, the series of actions taken by L and the investigation team against Huo Kou are all based on the recording. She knows Huo Kou is Kira, but the reason-she met Rem-cannot be said."

"That's true."

"After L saw Rem, I pushed forward. Will he think of a possibility? The reason why Haisha is so sure that Huokou is Kira, is because she has also seen Rem...No, Haisha is going out. After that, DN was used, so L might think that Haisha and Rem have met, right?" Shen Xin looked at Yan Fei and Wang Wenhong nervously.

This logic must be approved by others.

Yan Fei nodded repeatedly.

"No problem. In the second volume, L installed a camera and a bug in Yue's home because of speculation. If he can think of this possibility, he will indeed supervise Haisand again. However, there is a logical loophole. ...... Hai Sha uses DN in the residence...... It is a little too courageous, which does not conform to common sense. It is clear that L will release the Hai Sha Xin nodded, "This is also a logical question. "

In the cartoon, Yue and Haisha deliberately told Haisha, "Don't write your name on the paper of DN at home" when she talked privately with Haisha.

In order to speed up the progress of the movie, this part of the details is missing, otherwise it would take a long time to collect evidence that sea sand is Kira. The length of the movie is limited, and the editor can only simplify the details.

But Shen Xin is now a cartoonist, and he cannot simplify this way.

Thinking of this, Shen Xin sighed. He remembered the situation when he was creating online novels.

In many cases, readers feel that the character is brainless and has no IQ, but only the supporting role is needed to reduce the intelligence, reduce the logic of the work, and the creation difficulty will be greatly reduced.

In the case of serialization every day, the author wants to ensure that the IQ of each character is online, but it is also powerless.

"This can also be explained. As long as the transfer or other people are outside of their homes, they can monitor the sea sand. As long as L can find out that the sea sand uses DN, everything is OK."

"Don't you know all the logical loopholes in this part? Just modify it directly."

Yan Fei became more puzzled after hearing Shen Xin's words.

"No, there is the biggest logical loophole, you didn't find it." Shen Xin also opened a can of coffee and took a sip. "Rem can see the lifespan of people. After she saw Haisha exchanged for the Eye of Death again , Life is reduced. Similarly, she can also know that L’s life is reduced. If she thinks that L may have written his name on DN, then she should know that even if she uses DN, L will not die immediately. Still can't save Haisha's life, so..."

Shen Xin took a deep breath.

"Why did Rem ask for Yuehe Du's name and write it on the DN? Rem can only kill Du, not L." 8) For more exciting novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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