My C.E.O Wife

126 Going to Open House Again

126 Went to open room again

Thuk Tuk!

Yellow bullet casings fell everywhere, and the bullets jingled on the car body, punching several holes in the carport!

Oh shit!

Qin Chuan reacted quickly, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and then the car jumped out again, and then dodged the shooting from the helicopter behind.

The helicopter chased after him relentlessly, and continued to chase Qin Chuan with bullets!

At this time, on the highway in the wilderness, a life-and-death chase is taking place!

Qin Chuan's first reaction was that the Chiyan Gang found out about their being gangstered! Because only the Red Flame Gang can have such a hot weapon!

Although it is not clear what the gun in the distance is from the rearview mirror, judging from the sound alone, it should be the m4 series.

It's over...

Just as Qin Chuan dodged the bullet, Lin Xue smiled wryly, It's a poisonous snake.


Qin Chuan heard this name for the first time, What is that?

It's an internationally renowned mercenary organization.

Lin Xue huddled on the seat, her pretty face was pale, They... were hired by my father's competitors to kill me...

Qin Chuan suddenly remembered that there used to be a mercenary organization called Viper, but it was just a small organization that was useless! Why, after they disbanded the battle shield, this poisonous snake became an internationally famous mercenary in the blink of an eye?

Times are slowly changing, a small mercenary group can develop into this.

I didn't expect...they would actually focus on Aijia at this time.

Lin Xue gritted her teeth, It would be great if Aijia knew magic, a big fireball will knock them all down!

This is the real world.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but pour cold water on the girl. Originally, she wanted to tease Lin Xue, but she didn't expect this little loli to sit there and suddenly asked quietly.

Qin Chuan... Tell me, do people become ghosts after death... Or, do they travel to another world?

This question really overwhelmed Qin Chuan, he didn't know how to answer it.

If you become a seems good to have you as a companion for Aijia.

I don't want to die.

Qin Chuan said honestly.

Don't tell me you want to hand over Aijia and live by yourself?

Lin Xue felt a sense of sadness in her heart. Sure enough, men cannot be trusted.

No, I want to live with you.

As Qin Chuan said, as soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car made a big turn on the spot, then turned around and drove back.

What are you going to do?

Lin Xue didn't understand Qin Chuan's thoughts.

You'll know right away.

Qin Chuan stretched out his hand while driving, and took out a May 4th pistol from the storage box of the car.

Ah! You actually hid a gun in the car!

Seeing this pistol, Lin Xue was taken aback, obviously a little surprised.

Of course, this thing could save both of our lives in a moment.

As Qin Chuan said, he checked the pistol with one hand, and then drove the car on Panshan Road again.

The mountain road was very long and high, and the helicopter chased after it, and continued to shoot at Santana's car, and it was a joy to shoot.

Look down.

Qin Chuan scolded, Lin Xue lost her temper at this time, and obediently lowered her head.

The helicopter was right in front of him, Qin Chuan suddenly broke through the fence, drove straight forward and jumped off the cliff!


Lin Xue was really going to pee in fright, did Qin Chuan think about committing suicide?

The few people sitting in the helicopter were also blinded, what the hell is going on.

When Santana and the helicopter passed by, Qin Chuan stretched out his hand from the car window, holding a pistol in his hand, and smiled at the pilot in the cab.

Bon Voyage.


Gunshots rang out, and the bullet pierced the glass and shot through the driver's head.

The helicopter tilted suddenly, and directly hit the cliff in front, exploding into a ball of flames.

But Qin Chuan's Santana fell directly into the river below the cliff, Lin Xue's face paled in fright.

Fortunately, she was still wearing a seat belt, and Qin Chuan saw the fear in her heart, so he stretched out a hand and grabbed Lin Xue's cold little hand.

Don't worry, nothing will happen.

At this time, Lin Xue's mind was blank, completely in a state of vacuum, she had no thoughts, and she couldn't hear what Qin Chuan was saying.

The car fell rapidly from the sky, like a cannonball, with a bang, and finally fell directly into the icy river!

According to the normal principle, the pressure on the car falling from a high altitude to the water is the same as that on the ground!

But water has a buffer after all, and if you master the correct posture, you can be safe and sound. Otherwise, those 10-meter or even tens of-meter divers would plunge down like a small photo without falling!

The car fell into the water in an instant, and the front windshield couldn't bear the pressure and was crushed directly!

The river flooded into the car frantically, hitting Qin Chuan and Lin Xue, and engulfing them instantly.

The two were completely silent in the water. Lin Xue was a little flustered by the shock because she was too panicked!

She was struggling desperately, and her oxygen consumption was very fast. And she was still wearing a seat belt, and she couldn't untie it in a hurry.

Qin Chuan had already prepared the turtle's breath technique long ago. Although the situation is chaotic now, his breath is enough for ten minutes.

He had already untied his seat belt and swam to Lin Xue's side.

He stretched out his hand to untie Lin Xue's seat belt, but he didn't expect that the buckle was actually locked!

Damn it, it's an old car after all, some of these parts are indeed broken!

Seeing that Qin Chuan couldn't pull the lock, Lin Xue became even more flustered, suffocating even more uncomfortable, and immediately started choking on water, and it seemed that she was going to die.

Qin Chuan immediately gave up on unlocking the button, but hugged Lin Xue, and kissed her on the lips.

Qin Chuan didn't deliberately take advantage of the opportunity, but gave Lin Xue the oxygen in his mouth.

He took a long breath, and Lin Xue was relieved because of this breath.

She was much more conscious. When she saw Qin Chuan kissing her, she wanted to struggle, but soon she figured out what was going on, so she didn't resist. And how precious oxygen is at this time, Lin Xue subconsciously hugged Qin Chuan tightly, and directly regarded him as an oxygen bottle, and began to inhale oxygen from his mouth, not at all polite.

While Qin Chuan was kissing Lin Xue and giving her oxygen, he stretched out his hands and used his arms to snap the safety belt in two!

He gave Lin Xue another mouthful of oxygen, and then wanted to let Lin Xue go so that he could swim her out.

Who would have thought that Lin Xue would be a little addicted at this time, and she took the initiative to hug Qin Chuan tightly, unwilling to let go of his mouth.

Qin Chuan thought, how could this be possible? After kissing like this, his little oxygen was also sucked up.

He abruptly pushed Lin Xue away, then signaled Lin Xue to be angry, ignored Lin Xue's slightly resentful expression, put his arms around her body, and swam out of the car window until he reached the surface of the river.

Fortunately, it was not very far from the shore, so Qin Chuan walked to the shore with Lin Xue in his arms. At this time, the wind blowing from the river was very piercing, even a strong man like Qin Chuan couldn't bear the cold, let alone a delicate and soft girl like Lin Xue.

Okay, it's cold...

Lin Xue hid in Qin Chuan's arms and said tremblingly.

hold me.

Qin Chuan had no choice but to let Lin Xue hug him tightly, relying on the temperature of his body to resist the cold wind.

Thanks to Qin Chuan's special physique, his body was as hot as a small stove, hugging him tightly, Lin Xue recovered a lot.

Qin Chuan was dripping with water, walked to the side of the road, and stopped a taxi.

Hey buddy, did you go swimming in the middle of the night?

The driver couldn't help joking when he saw the two of them drowned.

That's right, I won't go in the future.

Qin Chuan didn't want to explain this matter either, and wanted to get into the car while hugging Lin Xue, but was stopped by the driver again.

Hey, no, no, you two are so wet, why did my car get wet! Stop one!

As he said, he wanted to leave when he was driving. Qin Chuan was so angry that the driver who drove a taxi didn't even solicit customers. What kind of awesome driver is this!

I'll give you ten times the price.

Lin Xuecai was rich and generous, and snorted directly.

Hey, dear guest, get in the car!

The driver immediately changed his expression and pulled Lin Xue and Qin Chuan into the car.

“Great Hotel.”

Qin Chuan thought about it, it might be a bit dangerous to go back to Lin Xue's house at this time. Going to Wang Yue's house may bring disaster to the east. In the end, after much deliberation, it is only safer to go to Jinbihuihuanghuang.


The driver was secretly happy, and he was greedy for a big job after working the night shift. He deliberately made a long detour twice, and finally drove to the door of Jinbihuanghuang Hotel.

Here we go, two!

Without saying a word, Qin Chuan got out of the car with Lin Xue in his arms, and then walked to the hotel.

Hey! You haven't paid me yet!

The driver pushed the door open and yelled.

A total of one thousand and three, give the money quickly!


Qin Chuan turned around and smiled, It's a total of 30 yuan for the ride, and you ran a hundred and thirty. How dare you ask me for the fare? One thousand and three, are you crazy about money?

Damn, do you dare not give me money?

The driver got angry and took out a handful of boards from the cab, If you don't pay me, I will...

Qin Chuan raised his foot and stepped on the taxi.

The taxi was directly kicked and slid back two or three meters. The front face of the car was suffocated, and there were footprints on it.

The driver almost peed in fright, and with a bang, the wrench fell to the ground.


Qin Chuan scolded, the driver didn't dare to delay, knowing that he had encountered a tough problem, he got into the car and ran away.

let's go.

Qin Chuan hugged Lin Xue before walking into the big hotel. Lin Xue felt a strong sense of security. With Qin Chuan here, it seemed much safer than the gods and magicians in those novels.

He took Lin Xue to open a room. Knowing that Lin Xue was picky, he gave his name and took the presidential suite that Tang Qingtian had left for him in this hotel.

When she brought this girl into the room, Lin Xue was always like a koala, hugging him and unwilling to let go.

Qin Chuan thought to himself, Damn, in just this short period of time, how many girls did he bring to open a house?

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