My C.E.O Wife

147 Kowloon Club

147 Kowloon Club

Can't you miss me every day?

Qin Chuan said angrily, I just showed mercy and saved your life, and you want me to die?

Because he is a killer, it is my task to kill you.

Annie said, Besides, I'm very surprised, why did you save me? I'm obviously here to kill you. If I die at the mouth of a bear, wouldn't it be better for you?

How can that be done!

Qin Chuan said with a smile, Wouldn't it be a pity for such a beautiful girl to be bitten by a bear? Besides, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky. If you have the ability to kill me, then I will die too And no regrets.

You... are a weirdo...

Annie shook her head, I've been a killer for so many years, this is the first time I've met such a weirdo as you!

I'm not weird, but confident.

Qin Chuan stretched out his hand, Can I return my silver dream?

Are you sure?

Annie giggled, He still has important information here, it's very worthwhile to exchange a pistol with him!

What information? Can you give me a little spoiler first?

Qin Chuan is not stupid, if he gets any news, he will die.

Don't worry, the guarantee is important news for you.

Annie winked at Qin Chuan, In addition to cultivating killers, Qianmen also has its own news channel. We know a little bit about the protozoa virus... If it is revealed, it is indeed very explosive.

What news, tell me.

A handful of silver dreams, although a bit distressed, but it's okay to put it with Annie first. Find a chance and get it back by yourself.

Hee hee, since you asked sincerely, little friend, then I will tell you mercifully.

Annie said, found a clean stone, and sat down on her buttocks, The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and it's a good place to talk about love.

If I had to choose, I would rather choose to talk about love in a hotel.

Qin Chuan said very honestly, causing Annie to roll her eyes.

It's a man after all. If there is a chance next time, we can talk about it in the hotel...about love...

Saying that, Annie cast a very ambiguous look, but Qin Chuan ignored it.

Talk about the business, or give me back the pistol.

Don't be in such a hurry, you have to slowly cultivate the mood first, don't you?

Annie said with a smile, but seeing Qin Chuan's unfriendly eyes, she shrugged her shoulders, Well, you are such a boring man. Do you know what organization you killed today?


Oh, I really know it. That's right, Viper is now the strongest mercenary organization... But, do you know who is behind the hiring of Viper to study this pathogen?


Qin Chuan really didn't know.

I'm not too clear about this, but I just know that they have a name called Night Rain Building.

Annie shrugged.

Damn it, I didn't know that you took so long with me to cheat on my gun!

No, no, this Yeyu Building has always been mysterious. Not to mention me, even Qianmen knows very little about their information. However, I think the organization that can make the entire poisonous snake serve them should not be too Bad?

What is the Night Rain Tower... I will find out...

If this Yeyulou was manipulating everything behind the scenes, would his brother Qin Hai also be hunted down by Yeyulou?

After all, the pathogen was injected into him by his brother, turning him into this ghostly appearance.

If you really want to know more about Night Rain Tower...he has a suggestion!

If you have any idea, tell me.

Qin Chuan felt that Annie had no good ideas.

He told you kindly, but you say's really disgusting.

Annie touched her heart, It feels like my little heart is broken.

Come on, how can I approach the Night Rain Tower?

It's very simple, participate in the Kowloon Club.

Nine Dragons Meeting? Is it still going on?

Qin Chuan was taken aback. He had heard about the Kowloon Fair. Every three years, the super local tyrants in the world will jointly plan an underground black boxing competition, which is the so-called Nine Dragons Club. The reason why it is called the Nine Dragons Club is because the earliest initiator of the Nine Dragons Club was a big chaebol in China. He joined forces with eight other chaebols to create it, so it is called Nine Dragons Club.

Kowloon will be very cruel, because it is not like a formal martial arts competition, there are conditions and restrictions to ensure safety. Joining the Kowloon Club, there are no rules, no restrictions! With all means, the players are basically close to death.

Many people die in the Kowloon Club every year. As long as they can win the championship, it will not only bring a bonus of 100 million RMB, but also bring huge handicap profits to the investors behind it!

Every chaebol and local tyrant will train some of their own thugs and invest in the Kowloon Club. Once their thugs win, the money they earn will be absolutely astonishing!

I heard that the hidden employer of Viper is Ye Yulou, while their superficial employer is the Pierce family in the United States.

Annie continued, The Pierce family is studying super fighters, and they plan to win the Kowloon Meeting this time!

Then who hired the poisonous snake to deal with the Lin family?

Qin Chuan couldn't help asking one more question.

Oh... this is another news... Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give it to you for free.

Annie smacked her lips and said, The ones who want to destroy the Lin family are naturally the Pierce family. It is said that the Lin family plans to train their own super thugs this time, and Lin Qiang seems to have obtained a book of ancient martial arts, which seems very awesome, so The Pierce family is worried.

Ancient martial arts secret book?

Qin Chuan was a little moved when he heard this.

The cheats that can make such an awesome family like Pierce worry should be very powerful, right?

Yeah, I don't know if it's reliable or not. There are no ancient martial arts in this world. I have seen a lot of modern martial arts masters.

Annie said, Among my mission goals, there is an old man who learns martial arts... According to the information, he is a grandmaster. Tch, what kind of grandmaster, wouldn't I knock him down with a single bullet?

You won't understand the depth of martial arts.

Thinking of the monsters in the Long family, Qin Chuan couldn't help reminding Annie, When martial arts reach a certain level, you can surpass guns...You should pay more attention to your own safety.

Are you worried about me?

Annie smiled, covered her mouth, and her eyes were full of coquettishness, You are really funny man, he is a killer, and he never said he would not kill you. Do you want me to be safe? Don't forget, your head It's worth two hundred million dollars!

It's fate to get to know each other once.

Qin Chuan smiled, And as I said, if you can kill me, you can do whatever you want. But now I'm going to pick up our eldest lady. The next time we meet, Miss Anne, you have to be careful.

After speaking, Qin Chuan stepped on the water and walked towards the mountain.

What a weirdo...

Annie looked at Qin Chuan's back, doubts flashed in her eyes, and there was a gleam in her eyes, But...he looks a little handsome...Oh, I just fell out of love, so I want to wake up the second spring again?

Annie's eyes slowly turned cold,, you can't be trusted!

Whoa, why did you come back...

When Qin Chuan returned to the cave, Lin Xue really didn't dare to move, and stayed in the dark, guarding a corpse for most of the day.

Aijia, Aijia is about to collapse!

There are dead people everywhere, Lin Xue's nerves have already collapsed to the extreme.

I'm sorry, miss.

Qin Chuan touched his forehead embarrassingly, By the way, I dealt with some personal matters...

Bastard, damn it!

Lin Xue immediately went crazy, The Ai family is guarded by the dead, and you actually ran out to do some private affairs! Is this how you treat the Ai family!

My eldest lady, there is nothing to be afraid of the dead.

Qin Chuan said helplessly, The real scary thing is the living.

Anyway, anyway, this time it's your fault!

Lin Xue scolded, You shouldn't have left Aijia here! You bastard!

Yes, yes, my fault, my fault, and never again.

It is indeed a bit too much to leave a young lady in this dark pile of dead people.

The bad guys have been killed, shall we go back?

Aijia... Aijia's legs are a bit weak...

Lin Xue's chain was snapped off by Qin Chuan, but her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand up at all.

I'll carry you back.

Qin Chuan bent down and squatted in front of Lin Xue.

This is more or less...

Lin Xue was very satisfied with Qin Chuan's attitude, she obediently lay on Qin Chuan's back.

Unexpectedly, Qin Chuan's back was still very thick, Lin Xue lay on it, and immediately felt a sense of peace of mind.

She obediently lay on Qin Chuan's back, her legs wrapped around Qin Chuan's waist, and her arms were folded together in front of him.

This Lin Xue was already light, and now that Qin Chuan had acquired the physique of a black bear, carrying her on his back was no different from carrying a small schoolbag.

It was pitch black in the cave, but Qin Chuan was able to walk out accurately without any bumps along the way. Although Lin Xue was a little strange, she didn't ask any further questions. Qin Chuan has always been amazing, and she has gotten used to it.

Miss, we have reached the bottom of the mountain.

Qin Chuan looked at the truck listening in front of him. There was still 300 million in the truck, and he just drove away. He was a big local tyrant!

Stop driving...

Lin Xue demanded, Why don't you just walk back with Ai's family on your back...

Damn, you think I'm a donkey! This is the suburbs, you have to go until dark, miss!

With Ai's family by your side, will you still be lonely?

not lonely.

That's enough.

It will be tiring.

go to the hell!

There was no way for Lin Xue to be angered by Qin Chuan. In the end, she could only obediently be stuffed into the truck, and then sent all the way back to Lin's house.

When Lin Qiang saw Lin Xue walk into the manor, tears welled up in his eyes, and regardless of his status in front of the servants, he ran to the front in two or three steps, and hugged his daughter.

Xiaoxue, my sweet baby!

Qin Chuan looked a little sour from the sidelines, not from his eyes, but from his stomach.

Fuck, with this big local tyrant who stomps his feet and shakes half of China, he is really a daughter-in-law!


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