My C.E.O Wife

294 Yang Chan's Thoughts

294 Yang Chan's Thoughts

Travel to China, I think it will work!

Qin Chuan silently answered for Yang Chan.

But he just had a bigger intention of molesting, and he didn't really want to sleep with Yang Chan. After all, she is a girl, so how could she just sleep in the same bed as herself.

The maid with the sword was just a temporary joke, Yang Chan was very surprised to agree to Qin Chuan.

His true identity is the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, both in terms of status and strength, far surpassing him.

Martial sect, grand sect is different. Look at Yang Chan going out, and Leng Youyou going out, they all hugged each other, that's a great style!

Looking at myself, even if it is useless to bring a group of younger brothers, it is just a group of gangsters.

The gap, this is the gap. Probably in Yang Chan's heart, she has never looked down on herself!

Then... come and sleep...

Unexpectedly, Yang Chan agreed, and Qin Chuan almost vomited blood.

What the hell, did you agree like that? I knew I should have asked for more...

Anyway... just sleeping together... If you dare to do anything, I will castrate you!

Yang Chan said viciously, Qin Chuan smiled.

This girl likes to scare people.

It's not the first day I've known her, she always likes to say fierce words, but she didn't do anything to herself... Well, although she used a set of supreme sword intent on herself just now, Qin Chuan It feels like the show-off component is bigger!

That... let's go to sleep...

Seeing Qin Chuan standing there in a daze, Yang Chan blushed a little, and her heart beat faster.

Strange...Yang Chan, when you were competing for the leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect, you were never so flustered!

Yang Chan, you have to be more aggressive! But don't be so cowardly! Isn't it just sleeping in the same bed with a man, what are you afraid of!

Leader Yang is really broad-minded!

Qin Chuan stretched out his thumb and exclaimed, To have such a heart, you must be a decent leader of a famous family!

Don't fool me... I'm sleepy, the leader of the alliance is going to sleep... Are you... coming or not...

This kind of invitation is also drunk, Qin Chuan heard it for the first time.

But as a big man, you can't hesitate at this time! He stretched out his hand directly, about to take off his coat, but was stopped by Yang Chan.

You, what are you doing! Don't take off your clothes!

Are you not allowed to take off your clothes when you sleep...

No! If you want to take off, you can sleep by yourself. If you sleep with me, you are not allowed to take off your clothes!

Okay... I'll listen to you, who made me so easy to talk to?

Yang Chan almost died of anger, but you are the only one who can talk! Who are you kidding!

She didn't dare to look at Qin Chuan, she just shrank into the bed, her whole body turned her back to Qin Chuan, and said nothing.

Qin Chuan was also polite, and got under the bed in his close-fitting clothes.

There is a girl's body fragrance in the quilt, which is really intoxicating.

Qin Chuan really rarely sleeps with girls. As an older virgin, his bed partners more often are his comrades.

And Yang Chan seemed to feel Qin Chuan's body temperature coming from behind her, her body trembled slightly, and she didn't even dare to breathe out.

What are you afraid of, I won't eat you again.

Qin Chuan noticed Yang Chan's panic and couldn't help laughing.

Although this girl is super powerful, she is still emotionally like a child.

It's too late, there's a dance tomorrow. President Yang, I'll sleep first as a respect.

As he said that, Qin Chuan closed his eyes, next to Yang Chan's delicate body, he fell asleep very quickly.

It stands to reason that when a man sleeps in the same bed with a woman, he will definitely fall into a battle between heaven and man!

Yes, or not!

superior? Afraid that women will resist and be disgusted! If the overlord goes all the way, maybe the woman will hate him from now on, the relationship will become very bad, and he may not even be able to say a word, and he will be a passer-by when he meets him, and so on...

No... then is he still a man!

But Qin Chuan didn't have these worries. The only thing he needed to know was that he couldn't have sex when he was not in Huajing. For Qin Chuan now, practicing martial arts is above all else.

Without a certain amount of strength, one cannot fulfill one's wish. If I can't even take back my father's bones, how can I have the face to talk about my children's affair!

Therefore, Qin Chuan didn't think much about it, and fell into a deep sleep.

Listening to the faint snoring sound coming from behind, Yang Chan knew that Qin Chuan had already fallen asleep.

This damn guy, at this moment, can actually sleep!

Isn't he a man! Or is he not attractive enough?

Yang Chan, is it because I am too focused on practicing martial arts...and not feminine enough...

Oh my god... what can I do, it seems that compared with Leng Youyou, I am a bit too manly... Ah, this is not what I want... What should I do, will Qin Chuan hate this very much...

Wait, why should I care about these things, what Qin Chuan likes and dislikes, does it have anything to do with him?

Yang Chan, have you become a bit obsessed with practicing kung fu recently, and your brain is starting to break down!

How could... have such an idea! Qin Chuan is a crooked devil, a crooked devil!

Even if I really want to get married, I can't be with someone like Qin Chuan! Who is Qin Chuan, Leng Youyou's friend, the Azure Dragon Envoy of the Sun Moon Sect!

He is a big monster! How can I have emotional contacts with people in the magic way! If it spreads out, won't it be ridiculed to death by the heroes of the world?

Yang Chan warned herself in various ways, but in the end, because Qin Chuan behind her hadn't made any pleasant movements, she also slowly fell asleep after a while.

She seemed to have turned around in the middle of the night, and when she woke up, Yang Chan found that she was leaning against Qin Chuan's arms, with one foot still on Qin Chuan's waist, and the faces of the two were almost attached to each other. together.

Yang Chan could feel Qin Chuan's breath!

Her face turned red again in an instant, oh my god, why did she almost cuddle with this devil when she fell asleep?


She wanted to look away, but found that Qin Chuan's arm was also around her waist.

If he moved away by himself, Qin Chuan might be woken up. Seeing Qin Chuan sleeping so soundly, she was a little reluctant to wake him up.

Hey, this guy is really tired recently, life in Kowloon Island is actually not easy. The boring battles every day, and the assassination last night.

What worried Yang Chan the most was the man named Long Zhi. It is said that this man belongs to the Long family, and Qin Chuan is also a child who was expelled from the Long family. The Long family's reputation in China is also very famous, after all, it is one of the three major medical families!

And that kid's strength has reached the stage of transformation, when he was circulating his true energy that day, Yang Chan had already discovered it. The opponent is a master of Huajing, but Qin Chuan can only climb the peak, the gap in strength is a bit obvious. There is also the kid from the Kusanagi family, who is also very powerful. If he really encounters it, Qin Chuan does not know how much chance he has of winning.

Hey, why am I worried about this man?

Isn't what I hope is to let this man encounter stronger enemies, face greater pressure, and then use all his strength?

Don't you just want to know who Qin Chuan studied under and why he learned the supreme sword intent?

How come after following him for a while, even my original intention has changed?

Yang Chan! You must be crazy!

But...the man's sleeping appearance doesn't seem so hateful...

Yang Chan was like a little girl, quietly peeking at Qin Chuan who was sleeping in front of her. After he was quiet, he seemed to be pleasing to the eye...

Looking at Qin Chuan, Yang Chan couldn't help but fell into a burst of memories.

At that time, his father hadn't died yet, and he had just returned from winning the Nine Dragons Club, and the Wuyue Sword Sect was shocked.

My good daughter, I have decided to find you a husband-in-law!

At that time, the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect laughed loudly, stood on the top of the Five Sacred Mountains, facing the entire elite of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, and said to Yang Chan.

As soon as these words came out, I don't know how many elders and elites of the Five Sacred Sword Sect were eager to try.

The sword master of the Songshan School was the most powerful in the Wuyue Sword School at that time, so he directly mentioned his son's name to his father.

Missy is talented, I think, only a dog can match her.

Yang Chan remembered his expression at that time, complacent, definitely a kind of complacency, it seemed to be his pride and trust in his son.

This expression lasted until she stepped on his arrogant son, Yang Chan raised her Wushuang sword and said loudly.

My man must be the number one hero in the world! When his name is called out, all demons and evil spirits will be terrified! Moreover, he must be able to defeat me!

So ambitious!

I didn't expect my father to be very happy and support me with all my strength.

This is my daughter!

It's over, it's over...It must be because of this that I was turned into a female man...

Daddy...your daughter suddenly wants to marry now...what should I do...

Yang Chan was in a state of confusion, and for the first time felt that she didn't know what to do.

Well, what's wrong with this man! Even the sword-handling son of the Songshan School is still a martial idiot, and he is much more handsome than Qin Chuan!

Why did I have a good impression of Qin Chuan? Bewitched! Yang Chan could only explain herself in this way.

woke up?

And at this moment, Qin Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yang Chan who was close at hand.

Yang Chan panicked, her face turned red, and she couldn't even speak.

President Yang wakes up pretty nicely.

Qin Chuan said with a smile on his face.

Yang Chan's face was blushing, she didn't know what to say, she just felt warm in her heart, as if Qin Chuan praised her, and it blossomed from her heart.

Get up, there is a dance tonight, I'm hungry, let's go out and have a meal first.

You... are you going to wear this suit...

Looking at Qin Chuan's black windbreaker hanging aside, Yang Chan couldn't help asking.

What's the matter, that windbreaker is also very expensive.

The windbreaker was bought by Wang Yue for herself, and it is not a cheap item.

Stupid...Where would anyone wear this to a dance party?

Yang Chan looked at herself in a white Hanfu skirt, and couldn't help but said, Shall we go shopping for clothes?


Ahhh, sorry, it's late again, I just finished writing.

Hurry up and get a few chapters to save the manuscript... This kind of time to rush to the manuscript is too fucked!

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