My C.E.O Wife

302 Boss Kusanagi

302 Boss Kusanagi

Annie's move is a bit lethal!

Even Qin Chuan couldn't bear it!

At this moment, Anne was like the deadliest poison, but exuded a seductive fragrance. Everyone wants to taste it, but whoever tastes it will die.

Although Qin Chuan wanted to taste the taste, he still held back. God, you really know how to test people, aren't you trying to kill me, Qin Chuan!

If you really want... I can bear it too...

Annie's delicate voice was like a small hand, gently scratching Qin Chuan's heart. These few scratches are really itchy.

Qin Chuan...

Okay! You little goblin!

Qin Chuan adjusted his mentality, suppressed the desire he shouldn't have, and then pushed Annie away, Tell me, why did you go to Jiulong Island to find me so hard?

I miss you...

Annie said, After all, I haven't seen you for so little friend...

This is different from what you said before.

Qin Chuan laughed, Annie, you know I hate procrastination the most, so just say what you have to say.

Do you know what this is?

Annie took out a remote control and showed it to Qin Chuan.

TV remote?

No, monitor the signal influencer.

Anne said, There are monitors in your room, and I've temporarily disabled the monitors...but, I think, they'll have someone to investigate soon.

Since time is so tight, do you still have the mind to play with me?

Don't you find this exciting?

Annie laughed, If I remember correctly, you should like this exciting thing very much!

That depends on the situation.

Qin Chuan patted Annie's round buttocks, Is now the time to joke around?

Not honest...

Annie pressed against Qin Chuan's chest, then suddenly stretched out her hand, and lightly flicked Qin Chuan's hard lower body.

My mouth says no...but my body is very honest...

Damn, this little goblin!

Qin Chuan really wanted to punish this girl on the spot, but the timing and location were wrong, not the time to do such a thing!

Qin Chuan suppressed the evil fire and said seriously.

Annie, get down to business!

Okay... since you are so impatient...

Anne could only say, Then I'll tell you...

Annie was about to say something when she suddenly frowned again, Not good... It seems that their people have already arrived... Time is running out, dear, I can't explain it to you in detail.

She said, jumped out of bed, walked to the door, and blew a kiss to Qin Chuan.

I can only tell you that there will be a shocking conspiracy in Kowloon... You have to escape now, there is still time... For your own sake, you have to live...

Hey, hey, what a terrifying conspiracy!

Qin Chuan followed up and asked, but Annie had already gone out, and she didn't know where she ran in a blink of an eye.

Damn it... Since you know that time is tight, don't play those!

Qin Chuan was so angry that he was half dead, this dead Annie, but he left such a sentence and ran away! Make him unable to get up and down!

Goblin, little goblin!

Qin Chuan gritted his teeth and returned to the room.

What exactly is the conspiracy on Kowloon Island that Annie mentioned? What is Pierce's plan?

In this world, many things are easy to guess, but the most difficult thing to guess is the human heart.

Qin Chuan had just returned to the house and was about to think about it when there was a sudden knock on the door.

Mr. Qin, are you asleep?

A strange voice sounded outside.

Is it coming so soon?

Qin Chuan got up and opened the door, only to see a few people in black suits standing outside, with bulging waists, obviously hiding guns.

Sir, there may be something wrong with the central air conditioner in your house. For your better living experience, we dare to repair it for you.

The service on the island is really good.

Qin Chuan put up a smile on his lips, It's still so late and I can come here for repairs.

For us, the user experience comes first.

The leading man was smiling and very kind.

Okay, you guys fix yours, and I'll go out for a walk.

Please sir.

A few people didn't stop him, Qin Chuan turned his head and walked outside.

Although it is an underwater city, a small park was built near the living area with flowers and plants planted inside. During the day, the artificial sun above creates sunlight and provides the necessary growth conditions for flowers and plants. Such a luxurious place, Qin Chuan felt as if it should only appear in the future.

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, is it really good for human beings and the earth?

Perhaps it is a lot more convenient...but it seems to have brought a lot of pressure to the earth.

Hey, can't you sleep too?

When Qin Chuan was taking a walk in the garden, he bumped into Boss Kusanagi directly.

At this time, Boss Kusanagi was wearing a casual gray gown, holding a box of ice cream in his hand.

Qin Chuan feels that this buddy is sometimes like a big child, as if he is still childish.

Where's that pretty girl?

Boss Kusanagi looked around, Why isn't she here?

I let her go.

Qin Chuan said.

You prodigal fellow!

Boss Kusanagi was furious, You let such a beautiful woman go away! Ahhh! This island is not interesting at all! Now it's even more boring!

She has nothing to do with you, go back and find your sister paper by yourself.

I'm the next head of the Kusanagi family.

Boss Kusanagi said angrily, I was set up by my father to get married a long time ago! I have never even met that fiancee, who knows if she is an ugly monster!

Bless you will meet an ugly monster.

Qin Chuan said bluntly.


Boss Kusanagi couldn't help cursing, Don't be complacent, hum, my opponent in the next match is you!

how do you know?

Qin Chuan was a little surprised.

Kowloon is not as fair as you think, is it?

Boss Kusanagi said while eating ice cream, Anyway, this Kowloon will be very boring, and I will go back after I win the championship.

I didn't expect you to win.

Qin Chuan rolled his eyes, thinking that this guy was thinking too well.

But he took a sniff by the way, Boss Kusanagi, do you know anyone from the Kagura family?

Those chatterers... I don't know...

Boss Kusanagi shook his head, But I think they should also be on the island, I can smell the magic stick on them from a long distance.


Qin Chuan nodded, and the matter was probably clear. The members of the Kagura family should have been bought by Pierce to assassinate him.

But I have already killed that tengu, and if such a powerful shikigami is killed, the people of the Kagura family must have a hard time.

It seems that you are being followed by people from Kagura.

Boss Kusanagi said, You have to be careful, you must survive until the time of our competition, and I will personally defeat you.

Qin Chuan looked at the owner of the island country who was licking ice cream there, his eyes suddenly rolled, and he said.

Kusanagi, look, our acquaintance is also due to fate. You are the future head of the Kusanagi family, and I am also a former child of the Long family. We have such a close relationship, shouldn't we have a fair fight?

Fair, it must be fair.

Boss Kusanagi nodded, Although I'm not interested in martial arts, I'm still looking forward to fighting against a master. Especially after defeating you, maybe Miss Yang will like me.

This guy's imagination is really good, he should be a web writer, and sell meat muffins or something at the same time.

In this case, it should be completely fair.

Qin Chuan said, Look, what kind of flame is passed down in your family...

Inextinguishable fire!

Yes, that's the one. Isn't it a little unfair that you bring that to fight with me? I don't know how to use fire or water. I can do some fisting... You fight me with flames, isn't it just Isn't it fair?

Hey, you seem to have something to say...

Boss Kusanagi couldn't help but nodded, In this case, I just don't need the Inextinguishable Flame.

Okay, he is indeed a real man, a great hero!

Qin Chuan gave a thumbs up, Then it's settled, we'll see you tomorrow!

Why do you need tomorrow? Isn't the opportunity right now?

Boss Kusanagi said with a smile.

Fight here? If you are discovered, won't you be disqualified?

That's the rule before the round of sixteen.

Boss Kusanagi murmured, So, you don't understand anything. After the quarter-finals, as long as the contestants agree, an instant match can take effect immediately. Within two minutes, the middleman will rush over, Record the outcome of the battle for us.

Damn, are you all experts?

Qin Chuan said depressingly, I don't know the rules, so I made it all the way to the semi-finals.

That's it.

Boss Kusanagi threw away the rest of the ice cream, and then stretched his waist, It's been a long time since I've fought against a real master. Since you are the top four, it should be very interesting.

Well, since you're so excited, I'll play with you.

As Qin Chuan spoke, he stretched his muscles and bones, I traveled to the island country back then, and I never met your Kusanagi family. Today I can see how the Kusanagi family's boxing skills are.

Well, I can also learn the Chinese Kung Fu that I have admired for a long time.

Boss Kusanagi said, hooking his hands at Qin Chuan, I hope it won't be those flamboyant fists and embroidered legs on TV.

I will definitely make you very satisfied.

There was a flash of light in Qin Chuan's eyes. At this time, the middleman between Anna and Kusanagi's boss was driving an electric car and parked beside him.

The top four instant match, the conditions are met, the start is announced!

Sure enough, it came very quickly.

Qin Chuan didn't intend to make a move. He also imitated his boss Kusanagi and hooked his fingers at him, Little brother, you are young, I let you come first.

I'm not a little brother!

The figure of Boss Kusanagi suddenly pulled out an afterimage, which appeared directly in front of Qin Chuan, and at the same time raised his leg high, like a battle axe, and slashed at Qin Chuan.

My name is Boss Kusanagi!

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