My C.E.O Wife

358 The fist is too weak

358 The fist is too weak

Bastard, are you the master, or am I the master?

The handsome young man from the Long family opposite asked helplessly. Qin Chuan also recognized this man, he was one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Long Yi, handsome and the most beautiful man in the Long family.

Of course you are, my master.

The man in red was also very handsome, with a shaved face, but there was a hint of evil hidden in his eyes.

So if you have something delicious, you must let the master eat it first.


Long Yi almost died of anger, there was nothing he could do with his own shadow.

You two, I didn't say I would treat you to dinner.

Qin Chuan's figure appeared next to the man in red, and he reached out his hand like lightning, and grabbed the skewer of pork belly.

The man in red swung the scabbard of the long knife in his right hand, blocking Qin Chuan's hand.

Oh, how can Mr. Qin be so stingy, it's just a bunch of pork belly.

Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, I am cultivating your hands-on ability.

As Qin Chuan said, he moved the dragon to absorb water, grabbed the man in red's hand from the air, and pulled the pork belly to this side.

The man in red turned around and used his back to block Qin Chuan's dragon from absorbing water, I'm afraid our craftsmanship is not as good as yours, so we should be more generous and give it to us.



The two of them came and went, constantly vying for a bunch of roasted pork belly.

Qin Chuan moved nimbly, and the man in red was not weak. After three minutes in a row, Qin Chuan failed to take advantage of it!

Since I want to eat, I can't be stingy.

After several moves in a row, Qin Chuan suddenly changed his routine. He grabbed the red-clothed man's shoulder with his left hand, and then performed Tai Chi, pulling the red-clothed man's figure off balance.

But it's already cold, why don't I warm it up for you before eating!

The man in red exclaimed, but a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he directly stuffed the pork belly into Long Yi's mouth next to him.

It's okay, my master likes to eat cold ones.

Long Yi raised his foot and kicked the man in red on the buttocks.

Qin Chuan was secretly surprised, this guy's strength is not simple. He is dressed in red, carrying a long knife, which master is he?

Sorry to make you laugh.

Long Yi swallowed the pork belly, and a dozen disciples of the Long family suddenly walked up behind him.

Long Yi, it's time for us to go!

Hey, someone actually barbecues here?

Qin Chuan, it's Qin Chuan!

These people became vigilant and stared at Qin Chuan who was opposite him.

Qin Chuan can be said to be the number one public enemy of the Long family, and a woman from the Long family said to Long Yi as if acting like a baby.

Brother Long Yi... Hurry up and kill this man! I feel upset just looking at him.

Hey, I'm glad to see you.

Qin Chuan chuckled, After all, Shabi can't be seen every day.


The woman suddenly became angry, and with a wave of her hand, a swordsman with a long sword immediately threw off his cloak, and flew to Qin Chuan's body with light work, while stabbing Qin Chuan with the long sword in his hand!

But at this moment, a red light flashed across the knife, and the man in red put his palm on the handle of the knife around his waist, lazily looking at the distant sea.

The swordsman's body was cut in two and fell to the ground.

The woman's face turned pale, and she also knelt down.

And Qin Chuan's heart beat suddenly, this person...he used the Huoyun Saber Technique!

Where did he learn the Fire Cloud Knife? And even using the Fire Cloud Knife without going crazy! What is the origin of this kid!

Did I let you do it?

Long Yi stretched out his hand and put the long hair on his back together.

Even Qin Chuan had to admit that this guy is really handsome. He has a handsome face, a handsome face carved out of precision work, matched with black hair and black clothes, he is really handsome as hell. And this buddy is tall and tall, with slender and straight legs. In Korea, this is the famous long-legged oppa Smecta.

The next time you make a rash move, the one who gets killed won't be your shadow.

The man in red suddenly stepped forward and straightened his collar for Long Yi.

Fuck, these two people... they look like a husband and wife!

I must be dazzled.

Long Yi and his shadow, Le Wuxin, have always had a good relationship.

Long Jiaojiao explained beside her.

Hey... it's not just a matter of good relationship between these two people! This is has risen to another level!

It seems that you have found a lot of miscellaneous fish to form a team.

Long Jiaojiao said, The taste is getting worse and worse.

I didn't find them.

Long Yi smiled, and the two disciples of the Long family behind him brought over the chairs and let Long Yi sit down.

It's them who respect me as king...Although, it's just a title.

Damn, this man is so narcissistic, he even said he is a king!

It's not the first time Qin Chuan has known Long Yi, this buddy was narcissistic before. But at that time Qin Chuan kept calling him a little boy, saying that he lived on his face.

Qin Chuan, do you want to join me too?

Long Yi asked, crossing one of his legs.

In this case, I am willing to give you half of the Long family's property.

Hey, how should I say it?

Qin Chuan shrugged his shoulders, What I want is not just half of the Long family.

Don't be too ambitious.

Long Yi was sitting there, and the girl from the Long family was seriously manicuring his nails just now.

Otherwise, you will be swallowed by your own ambition.

Let's put this aside, Long Yi, in fact, I have always wanted to tell you something.

What words?

You're a bitch.

Qin Chuan raised a middle finger and said to Long Yi.

Too arrogant!

Brother Long Yi, teach him a lesson!

Yes, we can't let him continue to be so rampant!

The other disciples of the Long family roared, their eyes full of hatred.

Shut up.

Long Yi scolded, You talk too much.

Yes, I'm sorry...

Brother Long Yi, we dare not talk nonsense...

The people next to him apologized one after another, and no one dared to provoke this terrible guy.

You try to piss me off, but I don't get offended that easily.

Long Yi sat there, looked at Qin Chuan, and said, To be honest, I still admire you very much. The Long family will be in my pocket sooner or later. I think you should be smarter. It is not good to do things under my hands. Is it?

one two three……

Qin Chuan didn't answer Long Yi, but read the numbers.

What are you counting?

Count the number of people here.

Qin Chuan said, It seems to be enough for fifteen cards.

There are only twelve people here.

Long Yi smiled, It seems that you already have three cards.

If you were not careful, there should be four cards.

Qin Chuan shrugged his shoulders, It's a pity that I accidentally broke one, so I just use yours to pay off.

If you have the ability.

This kid likes to put on airs too much!

A man from the Long family couldn't help but said, Brother Long Yi, let my shadow play and teach him a lesson!


Long Yi nodded, Be gentle, don't kill him.

Don't worry, it will only break his limbs!

A strong man came out with a strange grin.

Qin Chuan raised his head and glanced at this buddy. This guy is almost three meters tall, he can be called a little giant!

My shadow is the legendary descendant of the golden giant!

The disciple of the Long family who took the initiative to invite the battle said, He is born with infinite strength, even if it is a car, if it meets him, it will be blown up!

As he said that, as if to prove it, the little giant raised his foot and kicked it directly on a small sailboat parked on the beach.

The sailboat was kicked high into the sky, spun a few times in the air, then fell down, and was smashed by the little giant's fist!


Long Jiaojiao couldn't help being startled, this man has so much strength...

Golden giant?

Miao Xiaomeng, who had already woken up, seemed to remember something, and said, It seems that I have seen records of this race in family books...

Oh? Let's hear it.

Qin Chuan is very interested in absorbing more knowledge.

Please call me Du Niang first.

To save your sister, tell me quickly!

Okay... In view of your sincere inquiry, I'll just tell you.

Miao Xiaomeng took out a pair of glasses from her arms, put them on the bridge of her nose, and said, It is said that the golden giants are a barbarian tribe handed down from ancient times, and they mainly live on some small islands on the west coast. They are born with a height of five To ten meters, the strength is boundless, and it can be called the warrior of God!

I see.

Qin Chuan nodded, and then glanced at the so-called golden descendant.

It's hard to imagine... what kind of woman would be so overwhelmed by having a baby with the golden giants... I'm afraid that would be more painful than giving birth...

Presumably, there are always some brave challengers...

Seeing my strength, you should know how to be afraid now!

As a descendant of gold, the little giant seemed to have some Chinese blood. He said in fluent Chinese, If you don't want to die, just kneel down obediently and beg for mercy!

He's in good spirits.

Qin Chuan nodded, then hooked his fingers at the little giant, Come on, let me see your power.

Hmph, overreaching!

The little giant sneered, and suddenly raised his legs and ran forward, and then slammed down on Qin Chuan with a fist the size of an iron pot.

A punch that could blow up a sailboat just hit Qin Chuan's head.

And Qin Chuan stood there without moving a step, but just raised his palm.


The little giant's fist hit Qin Chuan's palm, and a wave of air suddenly rose around, spreading out with dust.

And Qin Chuan's body didn't move at all, as if he wasn't injured at all.

Only his arm sank slightly.


The little giant looked at Qin Chuan under his fist and blinked.

Actually, it's all right?

The fist is too weak.

Qin Chuan said lightly, and at the same time he lifted his foot and kicked the little giant's chin with his heel.

The little giant's nearly one-ton body flew straight up, then spun around in the air, and finally hit the beach.

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