My C.E.O Wife

509 Do you want to fight?

509 Do you want to fight?

Joan of Arc's injuries were too serious, especially the injuries on her arms. As the saying goes, it would take a hundred days to break the muscles and bones, and she would not be able to recover if she did not take good care of herself.

It just so happened that Qin Chuan had nothing else to be busy with recently, and Wang Yue was always running to Yanhuang, so Qin Chuan was basically taking care of Joan alone.

He held the boiled Chinese medicine, helped Joan up from the hospital bed, and then fed him the medicine one spoon at a time.

Joan of Arc was still like a puppet, dumbly letting Qin Chuan manipulate her. No matter what Qin Chuan did, she would not resist.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything. Jeanne's ideological and style problems would not be corrected for a while, but as time went by, it would be fine if they gradually subsided.

After Qin Chuan finished giving the medicine, he put Joan back on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then turned around and went out.


Tony Cao, who was downstairs, walked up immediately and said to Qin Chuan, Someone is looking for you outside. Let me give this to you.


Qin Chuan was born and asked, and Tony handed over an invitation letter.

It's an invitation from an international martial arts star.

Tony said with a Northeastern accent, It was sent here by someone from Alliance Leader Lan.

Okay, I get it now.

Qin Chuan nodded. It seemed that Lan Shengnan still attached great importance to this competition.

This group of people is really capable. Several martial artists can come up with a competition together. I heard that the Thai boxing champions, karate champions from island countries, and taekwondo masters from Kimchi country are all here.

It can be said that it is a gathering of people from all over the world, but it is also very lively.

But this basically has nothing to do with ancient martial arts masters like them. People who learn ancient martial arts will not participate in any TV programs.

Too high-profile, for them.

International martial arts star? Have you received the invitation?

Suzaku took Qin Chuan's invitation from the side and took a look at it, Someone would give you this. It seems that your influence in the martial arts is not small.

It's okay... Damn it, why are you here?

Qin Chuan was a little surprised when he looked at Suzaku standing next to him.

Of course the Queen asked me to come.

Suzaku curled his lips, Otherwise you think I want to come.

Today, Suzaku is still wearing a gray OL uniform, all kinds of uniforms are tempting.

Okay, then you can continue to stay here and help me take care of Jeanne. I'm going to visit this so-called celebrity club.

I'll go with you.

Suzaku took the initiative to ask for help.

Did you take the wrong medicine?

Qin Chuan stretched out his hand and touched Suzaku's forehead lightly, It's not hot either.

You just took the wrong medicine!

Suzaku rolled his eyes, If the Queen hadn't ordered me to protect you personally, do you think I want to get close to you! You can smell scum within three meters of you!

This woman simply deserves a beating!

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows, leaned over directly, put his hands on the wall, pressed his face into Suzaku, and asked in a low voice.

What does scum smell like? I would like to know what scum smells like. Please tell me in detail and I will listen.

You, you are too close...

If you weren't so close, how could you smell it carefully and describe it clearly?

I, I don't want to smell your scum...

Okay, it's hard to ask about the smell of scum, but the smell of milk is very good. Suzaku, I don't think you should call me Suzaku. You should call me cow.

Asshole, you're the cow!

Suzaku glared at Qin Chuan fiercely.

No, no, no, I am a scumbag and you are a cow. Whatever smells on you is what you smell, right? This is your logic.


Suzaku said angrily, Quickly die! I hate you so much!

If people in Yanhuang see the little girl Zhuque looks like now, don't be shocked.

Anyway, little cow, you can stay here and take care of Joan. I am used to being a loner and like to act alone.

How can that be done? Joan of Arc has a butler to take care of her! And I must obey the Queen's orders! Even if you are a scumbag, I have to follow you!

It seems that you are quite loyal to Wang Yue.

Qin Chuanxin said, it's done, stick a little tail on it.

How to deal with this girl is a problem.

I just want to keep a low profile and go see the excitement. You are quite pretty and everyone is paying attention to you, so it will be difficult for me to do things.

Hmph, what does it mean to be pretty? I am a beautiful lady, okay?

Suzaku rolled his eyes, then stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face.

The flames reorganized and changed the appearance of her face.

Suzaku was originally a charming and beautiful woman, but now she has turned into an ordinary face, which you would never see in a crowd.

No, you have such a hot figure! Look at your breasts, they could be used as meteor hammers!

Qin Chuan pointed at the pair of murder weapons.

Hmph, you gangster!

Suzaku snorted, and the flames continued to reorganize, and the E cup directly turned into a B cup.

Let me choke you...your ability is a bit unbelievable...

Qin Chuan couldn't help but blink, Or are you originally an A cup... did you fill it yourself?

Fill your sister!

Suzaku glared at Qin Chuan angrily, Except when necessary to perform tasks, I never change my appearance!


Qin Chuan still has some doubts. This woman's ability is also very magical. Although it is not as good as the ever-changing star king like Zheng Peng, it is still very strong.

It would be great if I could do this myself, but it's a pity that protozoal viruses cannot imitate other people's superpowers.

Qin Chuan suddenly frowned. Since the protozoal virus cannot imitate other people's superpowers...can it change its own muscle tissue and form a new body or appearance like Suzaku?

He thought of this and stood there, and the protozoal virus in his body began to wriggle.

As the protozoal virus wriggled, the muscles on Qinchuan's body also gradually changed.

His figure gradually grew taller, and soon he turned into a two-meter-tall little giant. At the same time, his face changed, taking on the face of Schwarzenegger.

You...what ability is this?

Suzaku was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qin Chuan to be able to change his body freely.

Why, little cow, maybe you have it, but I'm not allowed to have it?

Don't call me little cow!

Suzaku was angry for a while, You might as well call me Xiao Zhu!

Oh, so you want to be a pig.

Qin Chuan nodded.

Asshole... do you want to fight?

Suzaku is about to go berserk.

Ah, haven't you heard a joke?

What joke?

Suzaku was puzzled, and Qin Chuan chuckled, It was said that a child was walking on the road and saw two puppies having sex, and curiously asked his father what they were doing. His father was embarrassed for a moment and lied and said that they were fighting. The child was so naive, so he clapped his hands and said, Oh, daddy, you fight with mommy every night!

Damn it, you're looking for death!

Suzaku gritted his silver teeth, and Qin Chuan took a step back, What are you doing, do you want to fight?

You're the one who wants to fight!

Yeah, how did you know I wanted to fight?

Qin Chuan's smiling face made Suzaku want to go crazy.

Damn it, don't talk to me!

Suzaku was so angry that she turned her head away from Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan returned to his original body shape, but slightly modified his facial muscles, and his appearance became as ordinary as Suzaku's, with a proper public face. Moreover, he is too old and looks like an old man.

Qin Chuan also thought to himself, if the protozoal virus is so defiant, can it be possible to conjure up two living beings at the same time?

I stopped as soon as I thought about this idea. Damn it, if it really happened, I would be a monster!

what are you thinking about?

Seeing that Qin Chuan remained silent for a long time, Suzaku couldn't help but ask.

You don't want me to talk to you?

You won't say anything unless I tell you to. When did you become so obedient?

Suzaku rolled his eyes, Qin Chuan was helpless. They say a woman’s heart is like a needle in the sea, and this is so true!

Cao Shuma, I'm going out for a few days. Please help me take good care of Joan. Don't let her run around. Do you hear me?

Qin Chuan told his Tony that Wang Yue no longer needed Tony's protection, so Qin Chuan arranged for him to run errands by his side.

Okay boss! I wish the boss a long life and rule the world!

Tony raised his hands and said in a long voice.

Fuck, who taught you this?

Da Mao.

Tell him for me, go to hell!

Boss, what do you mean, fuck you?

Although Tony's Chinese proficiency is good, Chinese is so broad and profound that when several different words are put together, they have a completely new meaning. No matter how smart Tony is, he still has to ask questions to understand.

Oh, it just means good luck.

Qin Chuan explained, You must bring it to me and Da Mao!

Don't worry, boss, go to hell!

Tony waved excitedly, Qin Chuan broke into a cold sweat, and Suzaku next to him had already bent over with laughter.

Stop laughing! Follow me to the Magic City!

Because Magic City is an international metropolis, this exchange meeting was also held in Magic City.

Okay, okay, fuck you.

Your sister!

Qin Chuan took Suzaku on a private plane and flew all the way to the Magic City.

The Magic City is close to the sea. Although H City is still a little cold, it is already warm and humid in the Magic City.

Qin Chuan took off his black coat as soon as he got off the plane, put on a gray gown, and put it on his body.

Ziluolan also has business in the Magic City, so Qin Chuan specially ordered someone to pick him up at the airport.

Second Master, the car has been prepared according to your request. Is there anything else you need?

A young man stood in front of the airport parking lot and asked Qin Chuan.

No need, go about your business.

Qin Chuan still used his own face when he met the younger brother. When the younger brother handed over the car keys and left, he changed back to the old man's face.

Suzaku looked at the white Mazda Angkesela parked in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

The boss behind the dignified Violet drives this car?

What's the matter? This year's new model looks pretty good to me, and the performance is okay.

Qin Chuan got into the car and started the car.

The most important thing is that it won't be too high-profile. Do you want me to drive you to the hotel in a Lamborghini?

It's not like you can't afford it...

Not low-key at all, prodigal old bitch.

Suzaku mocked unwillingly, What's the matter? Isn't Mazda a special car for mistresses? Are you driving this, aren't you afraid that others will say you are a mistress?

What are you afraid of? Aren't you my mistress?

Do you want to fight... bah bah bah!

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