My C.E.O Wife

560 Playing business war

560 Playing business war

Haha, Mr. Qin, look, my group is pretty good.

Abb stretched out his hand with a smile and made a stroke, I forgot to tell you that this magnificent hotel was also acquired by me. Now there are more than ten key enterprises and chambers of commerce in H City, and they have all been acquired by me.

Qin Chuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Tang Qingtian is a typical nouveau riche. Logically speaking, he is not short of money!

It is incredible that ABB was able to acquire his most cherished hotel. What methods did this guy use?

However, it is not too late. My next step is to acquire the Violet Group.

Abb had a gentle but inviolable smile on his face, What do you think, Mr. Qin?

Oh? Mr. A, when did your appetite get so big?

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows.

I've always had a huge appetite.

Abb said, clapped his hands, and the male assistant next to him immediately handed over a document.

Regardless of whether he liked it or not, Fenghuaying politely took it and looked through it.

Mr. A, this doesn't look like an acquisition, but more like buying food at a wet market.

Feng Huaying said directly, The price you paid for it is not even one-tenth of our Violet stock price. Don't say that we don't have any intention to acquire it. Even if we do, we will never accept your price.

As the saying goes, be courteous first and then fight.

Abb said slowly, If you don't agree, I guarantee you won't even get this money.

Abb, what? You don't want to fight with me now. Is it time to start a business war?

Qin Chuan crossed his arms and was not angry, but asked slowly.

Qin Chuan, I want to understand something.

Abb narrowed his eyes and stared at Qin Chuan, It's not enough to defeat you with force alone... I want to completely destroy your life! I want to slowly disintegrate your consortium, your sect, and finally It’s your whole life! If you were just a waste, I don’t think Princess Longyang would like you anymore!”

Who is Princess Longyang? I've never heard of her.

Qin Chuan shrugged his shoulders.

It's Wang Yue!

Oh, if it's Wang Yue, your words are insulting her.

Qin Chuan said, Wang Yue has never been a person who dislikes poverty and loves wealth. She chose me when I was at my lowest.

I know Princess Longyang better than you do.

Abb snorted coldly, She only admires talented people! And I am the person she admires most! Qin Chuan, I will ruin your reputation and make your life worse than death! Violet, this is just the beginning!

Oh, look, it's just this little thing, and the two of us have to come over for a trip.

Qin Chuan curled his lips and said, Why don't we just say it on the phone? So many dishes are wasted! Come on, waiter, pack them all for me to take away. Mr. Feng, let's go back and eat. I don't have any appetite for eating here. I don't know why. , a little disgusting.”

Take it away, I beg you.

Abb's eyes were a little disdainful, This is probably the last big meal you can have. In the future, remember to come to my company door to beg for food. I will definitely take care of your business!

Then I really have to thank Boss A. Look how generous Boss A is.

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, just asked the waiter to pack these things, and left with Feng Huaying.

As for the CD movement, we must not waste food. This is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation!

Abb looked at Qin Chuan's leaving figure, with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, a person came out of the dark shadow behind him. This person was none other than Zuo Jinghua.

At this time, Zuo Jinghua's skin was gray-white and looked a little sick.

Sir, why don't you just kill him. You had a chance to kill him just now.

Oh? When will it be your turn to take charge of my affairs?

Abb's words made Zuo Jinghua tremble.

He didn't dare to go against this person. He had already seen Abb's methods.

Yes, I took the liberty...

Zuo Jinghua quickly apologized, I just think Qin Chuan is too cunning... I should just take advantage of him not paying attention to avoid future trouble...

You don't know how to destroy a person.

Abb said calmly, Don't get involved in this matter. I want him to kneel down and beg me...

Qin Chuan had a hard time with Feng Huaying, and it was already afternoon when he returned to the company.

As a result, as soon as he entered the office, Feng Huaying received bad news.

Qin Chuan, our stocks are being maliciously swept away.

Feng Huaying put down the phone and said to Qin Chuan.

Well, I guess Abb has started to take action.

Qin Chuan nodded, Get ready to raise funds immediately. I guess we are going to have a tough battle.

Qin Chuan went to the computer room, where several professional traders were already sitting, waiting for instructions.

A total of 20 billion was raised.

Feng Huaying looked at the report and said, There is only so much working capital for the time being, because we still have many projects in operation, and the funds are all there and cannot be withdrawn.


Qin Chuan is also estimating whether the money will be enough.

Abb is a smart man. If he wants to start a business war, he will definitely know his own details first. But now that he is on the verge of death, Qin Chuan has no other choice but to go shirtless first!

The one who is sweeping the market is Group A, and they are buying up a large amount of Violet's shares.

If this continues, a large number of shares in the entire Violet will be eaten up. By then, the boss of Violet will really change hands.

Due to a large number of sweeps, Violet's stock price began to rise and soon reached the daily limit.

But this was not a good sign. Sure enough, Violet's stock was sold heavily again. Many people who had just bought it immediately panicked. Some people who held shares began to sell accordingly. For a while, Violet's stock began to fall. Hit the bottom.

Because it would fall to the limit that day, Qin Chuan had already expected that the situation would be almost the same in the next few days, so he began to ask traders to throw money in to protect the market.

Feng Huaying basically has no free time these days. As soon as the trading opens, she will immediately go to the company to follow the trading. Feng Huaying was already so busy, so naturally Qin Chuan couldn't stay out of it and follow along.

For several days in a row, Violet invested 20 billion in it, making a splash. Group A had no idea how much money it had in hand, and it continued to steadily acquire Violet's shares.

Until the tenth day, Violet's funds completely collapsed, and ABB began to vigorously acquire shares.

In two days, at least 51% of our shares will become the mainstay of Group A.

Feng Huaying was a little tired, rubbed her forehead and said to Qin Chuan.

I tried to raise money everywhere, but I only got 200 million, which is not enough for anything. Those business partners who are usually brothers and sisters cannot be counted on at this time.

It doesn't matter, I've been waiting for this time.

Qin Chuan smiled, Abb is a very cautious person, so he must have explored my funds and the company's connections beforehand. He thought he could securely acquire Violet shares, so he should have prepared almost the same amount of funds for operation. Now, His funds should be almost exhausted, so it’s time for me to make an effort.”

How can we exert our efforts? We have no money.

We don't have it anymore, but someone does.

As soon as Qin Chuan finished speaking, a trader said in surprise.

Oh my god, someone is sweeping up Group A's shares!

Which company is it? Check it out!

Chiang's Group!

Feng Huaying seemed to understand something, Have you found foreign aid?

Of course, and they are quite reliable foreign aids, two.

While speaking, the trader exclaimed again.

Someone is helping us protect our market again! It's someone from the Lin Group!

The two major groups will help together, and there will definitely be no problem now!

The traders finally breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Chuan said with a smile.

I don't like taking risks, so I asked the Lin family to help us protect the market, and also asked that kid Jiang Song to surround Wei and rescue Zhao.

Jiang Song is Qin Chuan's younger brother. Since Jiang Song's father abdicated, this kid has taken over the entire Jiang Group. He no longer has time to play racing, but he still admires Qin Chuan unusually.

A career is a career, a dream is a dream!

Now Group A is very embarrassed and wants to withdraw its investment, but all the money has been invested. Once it withdraws its investment, basically tens of billions will be thrown into the stock market. If they don't divest their capital and continue to buy in, they won't be able to buy at all with the Lin Group protecting the market!


Violet was about to be crushed, but now it has come back to life. With just one breath, it has come back to life. Moreover, the stock price is rising steadily and will go back up in a few days.

Although Qin Chuan also lost a lot of money, he was not worried because at least he brought down Group A.

The two biggest beneficiaries this time are the Lin Group and the Jiang Group.

One of them got the shares of Violet, and the other got the shares of Group A, and they made a lot of money.

Qin Chuan is not worried about this. Although the Lin family has a certain amount of shares, it will not affect him. He holds 49% of Violet's shares, of which he owns 20%, Wang Yue owns 15%, and Fenghuaying owns 14%.

Violet has always been like this. There are no other shareholders. Qin Chuan strictly requires his company to be as centralized as possible.

After all, it was his own hard work, and he would not give it away to others in vain.

Now the Lin Group has taken about 7% of the shares, and most of the rest is in the mouth of Group A, but they have begun to slowly spit it out.

Okay, we have won this business war.

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, winning miserably.

After all, Abb is also very powerful. It is quite scary to be an enemy with this guy.

However, in order to protect his woman, he would dare to go against her even if the gods and Buddhas in the sky stopped her!

Qin Chuan's phone rang. When he picked it up, he heard it was ABB.

Congratulations, well done.

Abb's voice is very steady, and there is no emotion or sadness.

Thank you for the compliment, I will continue to work hard.

In that case, don't blame me for being unscrupulous.

Abb's voice became deeper, as if he was calculating something.

Abb, no matter what you play, I will continue. But if you dare to hurt the people around me, even if you risk your life, I will drag you to hell!

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