My C.E.O Wife

591 Shanty Town

591 Shantytown

Omoto Keiko was wearing a classic kimono and walking on the streets of S city.

To be honest, it was not the same as the China she imagined. The China in her imagination should be very backward, with pavilions and pavilions with red walls and green tiles everywhere, people with pigtails filling the streets, and the main food should be steamed buns and dumplings.

But looking at the modern city with endless traffic, Dayuan Keiko felt a little confused for a while.

She came out to find her classmates in China. Nohara Masaru was her classmate in elementary school, middle school and high school, and they were very close friends. It's just that Noharaya met an overseas student from China, and the two eventually fell in love, and finally settled down with the man to live in China.

I don’t know how Nohara Masaru is doing now. Because they are too far apart, the two of them have little contact, but the bond between them will never be erased, so taking this opportunity, Omoto Keiko is going to take a look. This good friend of mine.

Dayuan Keiko looked at the address of Uenohara Masaru on her mobile phone, Tianshui Villa in City S, where is this?

She grabbed a passerby and asked seriously.

Sir, how can I get to Tianshui Villa?

What the hell?

Because Keiko Omoto spoke the island's Mandarin, the middle-aged uncle opposite could not understand her at all.

Where did you come from, you little devil, you don't understand a word.

I...I...where...thank you...

Omoto Keiko could only use the vocabulary she had collected so hard, but the uncle became even more confused.

Smimasai, Smimasai!

Seeing the uncle turning around to leave, Dayuan Keiko hurriedly stopped him.

What are you going to do? If you don't understand, ask the police!

The uncle ran faster, leaving Ogen Keiko behind.

Seeing Qin Chuan standing next to him playing with his mobile phone, Dayuan Kezi became even more angry.

You Chinese people are so rude! So unsympathetic!

Stop it, girl. I don't understand what you're saying. Even if I'm sympathetic, I can't help you.

Qin Chuan chuckled, invisibly despising Dayuan Keiko's IQ.


Don't be angry. Wherever you want to go, I will take you there. Don't forget that I am the royal steward responsible for all your affairs in China.

Humph, I don't need you to worry about me!

Dayuan Keiko glared at Qin Chuan angrily, and then walked away minding his own business.

This girl is quite stubborn. Okay, just treat it as a show. Qin Chuan followed her to see what tricks she could pull off.

Dayuan Keiko walked all the way to the bustling commercial street in front. There were people of all races coming and going on this street.

When Keiko Dayuan sees someone, he goes up to him and asks in Taiwanese, do you speak Taiwanese?

She didn't care how hard she worked, and she wasn't afraid of accepting strangers. She really asked everyone she met, and finally she met two islanders.

Great, great, I finally met someone from the island country!

It’s really a fellow villager and a fellow villager, both of whom are in tears.

Dayuan Keiko asked countless people and finally met these two.

Miss, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Yes, you're welcome. We are all islanders and should help each other!

The two islanders were particularly enthusiastic, and Omoto Keiko was also very excited, holding their hands and saying.

Thank you then! Thank you so much!

She looked upright and gave Qin Chuan a sideways look, meaning that I can do it without you!

Qin Chuan didn't say anything, just shrugged.

You two, do you know where this Shanshui Manor is?

Omoto Keiko handed over the name of the place, but the two islanders were startled and looked at each other.

Shanshui Manor? Where is that?

Yes, I have worked in City S for so many years and I have never heard of this place.


Omoto Keiko was a little anxious, No, my friend said she lives here, it's a very high-end place, very wealthy!

It's impossible. I know all the famous high-end residential areas in S City. There is absolutely no place like this!

Yes, forgive us for not being able to help!

The two islanders expressed regret, then turned and left.

Eh, eh?

Dayuan Keiko is really stupid now, what should I do?

It seems that your two fellow villagers can't help you.

Qin Chuan suggested, Why don't you go street by street looking for her? City S isn't that big. You can basically walk there in a week. I'll accompany you. See how good I am.


Dayuan Keiko's chest rose and fell, as if she was really angry.

What is Xiaoya doing! Really, it seems I can only ask her in person! I originally wanted to give her a surprise!

With that said, Dayuan Keiko took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Xiaoya, I'm Huizi, I'm here in S city!

Qin Chuan's hearing was very good, and he obviously panicked when he heard the female voice on the other side of the phone.

Ah... you, why did you come suddenly...

I'm here to do some work, and I want to see you. Where is Shanshui Manor?

Then, um... I'm not convenient these days... I'll go back to China to see you when I'm free... Just, just like that... Goodbye...

The other party hung up the phone, and Dayuan Keiko felt a little stupid. She blinked and looked at her phone.

What's happening here?

It seems that people dislike you very much.

Qin Chuan folded his arms and leaned on the railing, laughing.

It's impossible. Xiaoya and I have a very good relationship! She will definitely not want to see me. Something must have happened! It must be!

Then you go and take a look.

Qin Chuan said it didn't matter, You're in City S anyway. No matter what the situation is, wouldn't it be nice to just go to me and ask?


Dayuan Keiko was anxious, but didn't know what to do, How should I find her... Shanshui Manor... where is she...

does not exist.

Qin Chuan shook his mobile phone and said, I have checked it with the mobile phone map. There is no landscape manor here at all. It seems that your good friend has lied to you.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Dayuan Keiko looked unbelieving, She will never lie to me. We have been in love for many years. What do you know!

I really don't know anything else, but I know how to find this Dayuan Keiko.

Qin Chuan said.

Humph, I don't need your help!

Okay, then keep looking.

Qin Chuan said he would not interfere, But as your housekeeper, I want to briefly help you analyze the current situation.

He stretched out several fingers and put them down one after another.

First of all, your friend may be facing difficulties, so she had to hide her location. Another possibility is that your friend no longer regards you as a friend and doesn't want to see you at all.

It's's absolutely impossible to be the second one!

Is that the first type?


Dayuan Keiko began to worry, but she was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

This is not an island country, and she can't see the sky with her hands and eyes. But who to turn to for help?

Do you really want to find this guy?

Now it seems like this is the only way!

Damn it... I really don’t want to ask him for help... Doesn’t this indirectly increase his hateful arrogance!

Damn it! When did this young lady sink to this point?

snort! This, this is all for my good friends!

Dayuan Keiko finally turned around and said to Qin Chuan.

Hey, who is that, help me find Nohara Masaru!

Dayuan Keiko said to Qin Chuan.

Miss, maybe in the island country, it doesn't matter if you are very presumptuous. But in China, we are a country that attaches great importance to etiquette!

Qin Chuan chuckled.

Huh, in our island country, etiquette is more valued!

In that case, you should know what it's like to ask someone for help, right?

You, aren't you my butler! You must listen to me!

Dayuan Keiko shouted immediately.

It seems that the etiquette of your island country is to use your status to bully people.

That's right, that's not true!

Then you should show the attitude you should have, miss?

Ben, this lady...

Dayuan Keiko was so upset that she didn't expect that Qin Chuan would force her to do this!

I really don’t want to bow to him! I really don’t want to, absolutely don’t want to!

But, now Xiaoya... may be facing some kind of danger!

Dayuan Keiko, you are the heir to the Dayuan family, and you are the woman who will inherit the hell realm!

Be must be patient...

I'm waiting.

Qin Chuan said slowly, I have time to wait, but your friends may not have time to wait.


Dayuan Keiko was worried to death, but she had no way to get angry.

Yes, I'm sorry...please, please me...

For Xiaoya, it doesn’t matter if I suffer a little loss!

Thanks a lot!

Dayuan Keiko bowed to Qin Chuan, and Qin Chuan was a little surprised.

Oh, I didn't expect that this rich young lady would actually beg a shameless pawn like me. Oops, my shoulders suddenly feel a little sore!

Don't go too far!

Dayuan Keiko was almost furious.

Well, who made you the eldest lady?

You still know that I am the eldest lady! Damn bastard!

Dayuan Kezi clenched her fists, Qin Chuan took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Help me check for an island native named Nohara Masaru...well, her mobile phone number is xxx...Okay, I get it.

Qin Chuan quickly put down the phone, looked at Dayuan Keiko's expectant eyes, and said.

It was indeed found out. The call just now was made from the Black Mountain Area.

Black Mountain Area? What is that place?

Omoto Keiko couldn't help but ask.

I'm not consulting you, I'm ordering you as the eldest lady, hum! So, don't be too proud!

Then do you want to know the news about the Black Mountain area?

You...speak quickly!

It doesn't hurt to say it.

Qin Chuan said, This Black Mountain Area is a famous shanty town in S City.

“What is a shanty town?”'s like a slum.

Ah, how is this possible?

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