My C.E.O Wife

645 We are more professional

645 We are more professional

The border of American imperialism.

The formerly beautiful and harmonious border has now become a hell on earth.

Johnson is a lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. At this time, he is leading his team across the battlefield and standing on an apron not far from the border, waiting for their target.

Captain, I heard that this time it's Esa's rescue team! They should be able to go deep into M Town!

One of his snipers couldn't help but ask.


Johnson curled his lips, M town is now a devil's fortress, not even a fly can fly in! Esa is indeed a bit more powerful, but his quality is completely incomparable with our professional soldiers!

But... aren't those A-level teams very powerful?

A demolitionist muttered, I've seen them on the battlefield before... They are really strong against demons!

Even so, they couldn't save M Town!

Johnson sighed, I once scouted M Town from a distance. There were so many demons there that they blocked all the ways out. What's more, I heard there was a fortress-level one there. The devil is here, and ESA's A-level team cannot enter. What achievements can a new B-level team that doesn't understand the situation make? In my opinion, it is nothing more than a few second-generation officials who came to the battlefield to get gold. That’s all. At most, I just wandered around the entrance of M Town, scouted out some situations, and then left.

What the captain said makes sense!

The team members nodded, As expected of the captain.

Well, you don't have to worry. Although M Town is scary, we don't have to go deep into M Town.

Seeing that several of his men looked unhappy, Johnson quickly added, Our mission is to escort ESA's B-level team to the front of the town, and then serve as a support when they come out.

That would make me feel more at ease.

One soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, you still have to let professionals deal with things like demons.

I think that only the legendary S-class team can defeat M Town, right?

The team members were talking a lot, and at this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a military helicopter marked ESA flying over and then slowly landing on the apron.

They're here. Even though I don't like them, they still stand at attention and show military demeanor!

Johnson said, he also raised his chest and raised his head, watching several figures get off the plane.

The smell of gunpowder smoke is everywhere here...

A short man about 1.6 meters jumped down first, and then sniffed.

Then there was a pretty girl. She didn't look around, but patiently trimmed her nails.

The last person to come down was a well-dressed gentleman. He walked over directly and shook hands with Johnson.

Hello, I am Doron from the ESA Dagger Team, and you must be Lieutenant Johnson!

Johnson took a look and found that another Chinese man came out. He was standing aside in a red and black coat.

Unlike others, this Chinese man started to observe his surroundings as soon as he got off the helicopter, as if he was memorizing the environment here.

From this man, Johnson felt a bit like a professional soldier, but not much. It seems that there are some veterans among ESA.

This is our attacker Bobo, who assists Lilith from a distance, and I, the long-range shooter Duolong. Well, this is our team leader, Qin Chuan.

Doron introduced them one by one politely, but Johnson didn't seem to have much patience to understand.

Okay, I understand, we don't have much time, let's set off immediately!

As he spoke, Johnson pointed to a multi-purpose tracked vehicle below.

This multi-functional crawler vehicle has a total of six rows of seats, which is enough for these people to ride together. It is also equipped with surface-to-air missiles and its own artillery, making it the favorite ground vehicle for road transport troops.

The next section of the journey is inaccessible by helicopter because there are hell flying units patrolling in the sky. We have to go there by car.

Johnson sat in the driver's seat himself, and Qin Chuan sat next to him consciously.

Bobo and the others also got into the car, a bit like curious babies. After all, it was their first mission.

And Qin Chuan discovered that these military buddies didn't seem to be very friendly to the ESA people.

Tsk, another group of arrogant guys...

One of the soldiers was still muttering to himself and was pushed by another soldier.

Qin Chuan probably understood what was going on. It was probably because the ESA members who were stationed here before were too arrogant and offended these soldiers who had gone through life and death on the battlefield.

It's no wonder that people at esa feel that they are the best among men and are arrogant. After staying at the esa headquarters for a while, I have already felt it.

This is not new, many people are like this, such as Liuhe disciples. Once people master powerful power, they will begin to inflate themselves. How to put it, this is a unique sense of superiority.

Qin Chuan doesn't think he has any superiority. Everyone has one nose and two eyes, so there is no difference. And more power also means more responsibility.

This is the floor plan of M Town.

While Johnson was in posture, he picked out the on-board computer screen and pulled out the map for Qin Chuan to take a look at.

According to our satellite survey, Dr. Weasley should be imprisoned in this place like everyone else. Even demons need supplies, so these people all work for demons and do slave work.

Mr. Johnson, can I ask you a question?

Qin Chuan did not continue to talk about the mission. Instead, he asked casually, If you were captured, would you choose to be a slave or die in battle?

No need to ask, of course it's to be a slave.

Johnson said matter-of-factly, As long as you can survive, there will always be a way.

Sure enough, the concepts of American imperial soldiers and Chinese soldiers are different.

Qin Chuan just nodded and didn't ask any more questions, but Lilith came forward and asked in Qin Chuan's ear.

Well, leader, if we are caught, will we be slaves, or will we die in battle?

If you have to ask me this question, then you are really taking my class in vain.

Qin Chuan smiled, and Bobo immediately shouted.

Hmph, of course he died in battle, how can he be someone else's slave! How spineless!

The corner of Johnson's mouth twitched, and he became more annoyed with Esa.

I heard that these people are all rookies. What can people who have never experienced life and death know? I'm afraid when they walked to the front of M Town and saw those demons, they would be so scared that they peed their pants and ran back!

There are not so many heroes in reality, and life is not a novel.

Bobo, shut up.

Duolong saw the dissatisfaction of these soldiers and immediately glared at Bobo, Don't talk nonsense!

Who are you talking nonsense? I won't surrender anyway!

Pig, what the leader means is that we can't be caught with the tactics he taught us! If you are caught, don't say you are from the Dagger Team!

The B-level team is called Dagger, and the name contains Qin Chuan's expectations for Duolong and the others.

Like a dagger, it delivers a fatal blow at the critical moment!

Oh, I see!

Bobo touched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly.

Speaking of which, our mission is to escort and respond.

Johnson decided to explain it first, We won't accompany you in, it's your mission inside. But if you withdraw, we will send you back to the base even if you die in battle.

When he said this, Qin Chuan felt Johnson's awareness.

The bounden duty of soldiers is to obey orders. Although these soldiers cherish their lives, it does not mean that they will avoid death!

Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, just leave it to us.

Bobo said generously, We are professionals!

A few soldiers curled their lips and seemed not to take Bobo's words to heart. Anyway, when you get to M Town, you will be scared back.

At this moment, a demon suddenly flew down from the sky!

This demon looks like a large bird, with the upper body of a human woman and the lower body of a vulture. She fell very fast and landed on the car in the blink of an eye. She grabbed a soldier with her sharp claws and was about to drag him into the air!

Damn it, it's a half-demon!

Johnson stabilized the car while the soldiers in the car began to pull down the bolts of their guns, but they did not dare to shoot at the half-length demon in the air!

What if you hurt your compatriots?

Hawkeye, how are you?

Johnson asked the sniper, but the sniper shook his head, No...the target swayed too much, and it would be easy to hit Peter.

Damn it!

Johnson slammed the steering wheel, feeling extremely angry.

Lilith, pull it down.

At this time, Qin Chuan, who had been sitting there, suddenly spoke.


Lilith waved her hand, and a black nano chain flew out from behind, flying dozens of meters into the air in the blink of an eye, and hooked into the claws of the half-body demon, preventing her from flying higher.

Save people.

Qin Chuan saw that the half-body demon was quite powerful and Lilith would not be able to pull it down for a while, so he patted Bobo on the shoulder.

Look at me!

Bobo said, jumped up and jumped up.

Nano-light continued to appear under his feet, and he stepped on the moon continuously, approaching the half-body demon in the air step by step.

The half-body demon was shocked when he saw Bobo arriving in front of him. Then he opened his mouth, sprayed out corrosive liquid, and ran straight towards Bobo.

Moon landing!

Bobo's body jumped freely in the air, nimbly dodging the half-demon's slime. At the same time, he appeared on top of the half-demon's head, and then kicked him hard.



The half-demon's head was split in half, and her body fell down together with the soldiers!

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