My C.E.O Wife

672 Humane Destruction

672 Humane destruction

Qin Chuan believed that Lulu didn't mean to anger these people. She did think so, so these robbers were really angry with her.

This reminded Qin Chuan of an awesome character, Tang Seng! It seems that this Miss Lulu has the ability to go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures and make all the fairies angry to death along the way.

Damn it, say it again, I'm here to rob you! Can you please make me a little nervous?

The golden retriever was really angry. He picked up the shotgun in his hand, pointed it into the sky, and fired.


The sound of the gunshot caused the two cars parked nearby to start sounding their alarms.

Lulu finally seemed a little scared and took two steps back, but Qin Chuan wanted to laugh. What should I do if these stupid thieves make such a big noise and provoke the police? This was a gunshot. Did he think it was a firecracker?

The blonde seemed to realize this problem, his face was covered in cold sweat, and he roared quickly.

Give me the money quickly! Otherwise I will kill you!

Brother, we don't have any cash with us, only cards.

Qin Chuan took two steps forward, stopped at the gunpoint of a robber, and then said, Do you have a POS machine?

There is your uncle!

Golden Retriever wants to curse, who came out to rob and take the POS machine! You city folk are so good at playing!

Then hand over all the valuables you have on you! Take off your clothes!

Lulu was stunned for a moment, why did she still need to take off her clothes?

Only Qin Chuan understood that it was because the clothes on Lulu were made of gold and diamonds, which made them valuable at first sight. These robbers are not stupid either. Since they don’t have cash, they can still make a fortune using these expensive luxury goods!

Hurry up, hand them all over!

The sound of police sirens seemed to be heard in the distance, and several robbers became anxious. The shotguns in their hands kept poking the two people.

A few, a few...

Qin Chuan wanted to speak, but Jin Mao glared at him fiercely, What, boy, do you want to be a hero?

No, no, no, the uncles have misunderstood. In fact, I am just a little follower, just a bag carrier!

Qin Chuan chuckled, and then said, But these clothes and so on, although they are valuable, you can't sell them for takeout, right? In fact, I still have a unique treasure in my hand, which is Miss Lulu's favorite thing.

A peerless treasure, what is that?

The eyes of several robbers immediately glowed with greed.

Even Lulu herself was a little surprised. When did she have a unique treasure? Why didn't she know? Suddenly remembering how cunning this little devil sometimes looked, Lulu seemed to understand something. Does he have any ideas? Although this demon is average in strength, he is very smart. Several times he saved the day from danger, and it was always with his help. It seems that if he hadn't been here this time, I might have been in danger.

However, I hope this demon will not kill anyone... What I hate most is people who don't value life.

Okay, okay, take out the peerless treasure quickly! As long as you give it to us, we will let you go!

The blond's eyes turned green when he heard that there was such a treasure. But Qin Chuan shook his head and said mysteriously.

No, no, we can't just take out this peerless treasure. It's too rare, and the brilliance it emits can alarm the people around you. There are so many of you, I can't show it to you all, right? I think you are them Boss, come here and I’ll give it to you quietly.”

Okay, okay!

The golden retriever smiled brightly, and the robbers next to him were a little unhappy.

What the hell is he? He's just a little older than us!

That's right, why should we only give it to him? We want it too! We have a share of this treasure!

The robbers around started to quarrel, and Golden Retriever shouted in annoyance, What are they called? Your share is indispensable!

Isn't he the boss?

Qin Chuan was a little surprised, I see that he has always made the decision for you. If you don't give this treasure to him, who will give it to him? I think he is your boss, so he shouldn't hide the treasure secretly. If this treasure is sold, It will definitely be enough for you to enjoy for several lifetimes!”

Here, how much is it worth...

Several robbers were moved.

Worth a billion dollars!

Qin Chuan continued to lie with open eyes, deceiving one person after another.

When Qin Chuan was a mercenary, he studied deception. There are many kinds of deception in this world, and these methods are all customized according to people's weaknesses, making them difficult to detect.

The simplest form of deception is based on human greed. For example, making the other party mistakenly think that winning a lottery or pie in the sky is a good thing, and use this as bait to make the deceived take the bait. Qin Chuan once knew a master of deception, and he relied on this trick to slowly defraud the other person out of a huge sum of one million on the pretext that he had won a two million grand prize.

Another kind of deception is to take advantage of the other party's desire to take advantage of small things. For example, a genuine watch costs more than 10,000 yuan, and the scammer will give it away at a more favorable price. The scammer is claiming that the product is over the top, and the victim is easily fooled. This kind of deception is still very common now. The most obvious one is TV advertisements. For example, one TV advertisement used the excuse of giving away collectibles, exchanging 100 yuan for a bonus of more than 20 grams, a set of 20 pieces, claiming to be priceless, and various They use tricks to deceive you and make you take advantage of them, and in the end you suffer a big loss.

The third type is relatively unethical and takes advantage of people's anxiety. For example, if you are anxious to see a doctor, someone will say that they know a good doctor or something, and drag you to some shady clinics. Or you and your child get lost, and the other party claims that he knows where your child is, and takes you to a remote corner to blackmail you.

In fact, no matter what kind of deception it is, it is inseparable from human psychological weaknesses. The master of deception that Qin Chuan has seen is one deception and three deceptions, real and fake. The chain of links will make you constantly dispel your doubts and finally fall for it.

As for the robbers in front of them, it was even easier to deceive them. Because they are too greedy and have no end to their greed. And there is no sense of trust between them, so as long as I use a little trick, I can lure them into being fooled.

And Qin Chuan sprinkled the bait on the blond, just like playing a game like Journey of Survival, pouring a bottle of bile on other zombies, making other zombies rush towards him crazily.

I leave this treasure to you. You must disturb our lives.

Qin Chuan said, slowly putting his hands into his arms, and said with some anxiety, You guys are the same. Give the things to your boss, but don't look for me anymore. Even if your boss doesn't give it to you, come with me. It’s irrelevant.”

No! You can't give it to him!

A bald man raised the shotgun in his hand and roared, What the fuck, last time I did a job, I obviously got 100,000, but he kept 80,000 for himself, and the remaining 20,000 can be divided among our brothers. !”

Yes, I remembered it. Another time, he snatched a diamond ring and kept it for himself without giving any to us!

That's right, this person is unreliable!

The robbers all started shouting, and for a moment the blond man was at the forefront of the storm.

You bastards, don't even think about who you rely on for food and clothing now, and it's not me!

The blond hair immediately became unhappy and roared at them, You are still settling accounts with me now? I worked so hard to bring you out, and this is how you repay me now? How ungrateful! How ungrateful!

You are so ungrateful. You have to be reasonable when you speak!

That's right, it's obviously you who did something wrong.

A group of people started arguing like this, Qin Chuan asked anxiously from the side.

Oh my God, who am I giving it to?

Give me!

Give it to me! Don't give it to him!

No, you should give it to me!

These people were arguing non-stop, and no one wanted to let others get the peerless treasure.

I'm going to fuck you, go to hell!

The blond finally couldn't stand it anymore. He picked up the shotgun and beat the bald man next to him into a pulp.

The bald man fell in a pool of blood, and several of his accomplices beside him were stunned.

You actually did it?

He is your brother!

Several robbers asked.

Brother? What kind of brother? Anyone who blocks my way to get rich will die!

The blond hair laughed ferociously, Remember, I'm the boss here!

I'll fight you!

Another robber next to him picked up a shotgun and was about to shoot, but the blond shot him first and shot him to death.

Then the gun in another robber's hand went off, and the blond hair was knocked out and fell into the garbage.

The two robbers left looked at each other with greedy looks in their eyes.

The two robbers raised their guns quickly. One of them was faster and beat the other into a hornet's nest.

Hahaha, the peerless baby is mine!

The last robber laughed, but he suddenly stopped smiling, because Qin Chuan, who was standing there, suddenly had a shotgun in his hand, with the muzzle pointed at him.


Qin Chuan said goodbye and then pulled the trigger.


The robber's body flew directly out and fell outside the alley in the blink of an eye.

You, you killed him!

Lulu who was on the side was originally stunned, but now she saw Qin Chuan's shot and knocked the opponent away, she suddenly screamed and looked at Qin Chuan with a bit more horror and disgust.

What's wrong? If I don't kill him, he will kill me.

Qin Chuan shrugged, I won't offend anyone unless they offend me.

Isn't it okay to be reasonable?

Lulu said sadly, I thought you were a little different from that Qinglong, but it turns out you are all the same!

Hey, what you said is so insulting. Who is the same as him!

Qin Chuan suddenly became unhappy. This girl went too far and even said that she was just like Qinglong! For the sake of her beauty, I forgive her! Hey, I am so generous!

But you also killed people! You don't value human life!

Some human lives are worth cherishing. Some human lives must be destroyed humanely.

Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly sharpened, making Lulu's heart skip a beat.


I'm going to reconfigure my computer today and will make two updates tentatively. By the way, I would like to announce that my QQ number is 104213064, because recently there have been some people pretending to be Laoyang. Except for their different QQ numbers, their other profiles and avatars are exactly the same... I don’t know if it’s for fun or to deceive, but I still hope everyone can recognize it. Authentic version.

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