My C.E.O Wife

697 The troops are approaching the city

697 Troops approaching the city

Fight! Fight! We must fight!

Osman was lying on the cot in the military camp tent, and a soldier was applying medicine to his buttocks.

After this guy was carried out of the city gate, he was pushed to the ground and kicked in the butt by several guards who were unhappy with him. Finally, he kicked Osman's ass to pieces before giving up.

Poor Osman was lying there. Not only did he not get the oriental beauties, but he also failed to get the beauties from the gods and demons. In the end, he was kicked until his butt blossomed. It was so unlucky, so depressing, and made me want to vomit blood. ! He must avenge this deep hatred!

Victor, we have known each other for a long time! Now that I have been beaten like this, you will not ignore it, right?

Osman shouted.

Don't worry, Qin Chuan dared to beat up the ESA ambassador. He already wants to make an enemy of all mankind.

Victor smiled and said, Such a rebellious guy will naturally be punished! The Eastern Expeditionary Army has twenty light tanks, twenty war mechas, ten siege guns, ten armed helicopters, and three conventional arms. Ten thousand people! An army of this size can definitely raze Xingyue City to the ground!

Okay, okay! Let Goethe lead the team and kill that bastard Qinchuan!

Osman is in severe pain. As much as he is in pain now, he hates Qin Chuan! His butt was burning as if it were on fire. These were the pains Qin Chuan left him. He must repay them in full... no, double them!

Victor! Liberating Star-Moon City depends on you!

Don't worry, old man, I know what to do.

Victor nodded, I just hope that when we attack Star-Moon City, the other two groups will not interfere.

What's wrong, Victor, are you, the God of War, afraid of a young boy?

Haha, old man, you are thinking too much. I'm not afraid of those Chinese people. What I'm worried about is that our army will be attrited in the battle with Xingyue City. At that time, the gods and the legions of hell will take advantage of the opportunity to come out and reap the benefits. If there is a profit, we will suffer a lot.”

What are you afraid of! As soon as our army opens at the gate of their city and puts up a posture, Qin Chuan will be scared to death!

Osman felt that Victor really thought too much.


Victor nodded, Xingyue City's combat effectiveness was actually not very good, and it had always relied on Qingcang to take charge. That perverted master has the power to destroy an entire army by himself! But now that he is gone, there is only a Chinese brat on top, who is not just a piece of meat to be slaughtered by others!

If you scare him, he will give up. When the time comes, we will defeat those Star-Moon City without any blood!

Yes, at most I can fire a few shots to scare him!

Osman gave Victor an idea, I don't think that boy's hair has even grown yet. How can he fight with General Victor, the God of War of the Eastern Expeditionary Army? We are talking about the S-class cadre Goethe, and his combat effectiveness shines. Coming out is enough to make Qin Chuan wet his pants!

Okay, without further ado, let's attack now!

Victor nodded, feeling that he could not delay any longer to avoid a long night of dreams. He ordered the army to move out, and the movement of the human army naturally attracted the other two races stationed nearby.

Sir, humans have already sent out their troops!

Among the demon army, a subordinate said to the commander Oreo. This Oreo only has one horn on his head. He looks a bit fierce, but he wears a somewhat funny European-style robe.

Have humans finally lost their patience? Okay, let those dirty guys get ready, let's have a surprise attack! Not only do we want to take down Star-Moon City, but we also want to annihilate all humans!

But, sir, Star-Moon City has tall walls and thick gates. It will be difficult for us to break in, right?

One of his little devils asked worriedly.

Oh, humans will kick open the gate of Star-Moon City for us. Also, my brother Atez in the city is ready to respond. When the time comes, he will naturally open the gate for us!

Your Excellency is wise!

The devil isn't just evil, he's cunning, and that's Oreo's plan.

In contrast, the Gods are full of arrogance.

Have they all set off? Very good. When they are almost done fighting, we will take action to end the battle.

Commander Lei Ting was wearing a white suit, with a slicked back haircut, and gold-rimmed glasses on his nose that symbolized scholarship, giving him the appearance of a scholar.

When the time comes, we will naturally let them know that only we, the Gods, can finally put an end to their farce and rule the entire earth!

The human Eastern Expeditionary Army moved towards Star-Moon City, and the legions of Hell and the Gods followed closely behind, as if they were following to watch the excitement.

Soon, the human legions came to the city and piled up at the gate of Xingyue City.

We are the Human Crusade!

Goethe was 1.9 meters tall, wearing an ESA fur coat, with his arms folded, standing on top of a light tank, roaring towards Star-Moon City.

Open the city gates and surrender immediately, otherwise we will raze your Xingyue City.

He is now a siege vanguard officer, and he is a bit arrogant.

He was an S-level cadre of ESA. He was asked to accompany the army to deal with the city lord of Xingyue City, but he refused at first. Because I heard that the city lord of Xingyue City, Qing Cang, is a super master who can stand on par with fortress-level demons. Even if you are S-level, you can't win against such a master! But later I heard that the city lord here was replaced by a new person from esa, a Chinese named Qin Chuan! Hey, those yellow-skinned monkeys, what good can they do? It is estimated that Qin Chuan used some means to convince Qingcang and give up the throne to him as the city lord! If you want to deal with him, it won't be a matter of minutes!

Who is downstairs? What a loud tone.

A steady and powerful voice came down from the tower. The speaker was none other than Qin Chuan. At this time, he was wearing a black and white coat with the emblem of Star-Moon City printed on it. Behind him stood Song Ni, who was fanning her husband with a fan because of the muggy weather. This guy didn't come here to fight, he clearly came here to enjoy it! Just because of him, he still wants to defeat the Eastern Expedition Army? What a joke.

For the sake of all of you being human comrades, I can give you a chance.

Qin Chuan said kindly, If you retreat a thousand meters within ten minutes, I won't be on the same level as you.

Hahaha, you must have been frightened!

Osman was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Qin Chuan above the city wall, and couldn't help shouting, Weren't you making a lot of noise just now? Did you see this huge human army? Look at what it is, a light prism tank! Look again Look at that, war mecha! And this, S-level master Goethe! How dare you provoke the entire human race, I think you are really crazy!

Oh, it's so scary, my heart is beating fast.

Qin Chuan touched his heart, then turned to look at the brothers beside him, Tell me, what should we do about this?

City Lord, why don't I go help you kill that guy.

Lei Ding stood beside Qin Chuan, one hand already touching the handle of the knife.

Don't worry, today is not your stage.

Qin Chuan flexed his muscles and said, This is the first time I have met a blind person since I became the city lord. I am worried that I have no place to establish my authority. You are simply angels sent to me by God!

He shouted loudly down below.

Qin Chuan, are you still bluffing?

Osman curled his lips and yelled, If you weren't huddled in this city gate, what would you be capable of? Don't think that hiding will be fine, our Eastern Expedition Army can easily level your gate!

That's it.

Qin Chuan nodded. He suddenly jumped down from the city wall, skipped dozens of meters in the air, stepped lightly on the ground, and waved his hand.

Open the city gate!

The city gate immediately opened slowly to both sides, revealing the passages of Xingyue City.

What, are you scared?

Osman was a little disappointed. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill this guy, but he didn't expect him to give in so quickly!

No, no, Ambassador Osman, you misunderstood.

Qin Chuan explained with a smile, I opened the city gate to tell you. This place is open. As long as you can defeat me, you can go in. If you lose, turn into white bones in front of this gate!

It's really unreasonable! You take yourself too seriously!

Osman curled his lips and cursed, It's just a bit of bad luck. Do you really think that taking Star-Moon City depends on your strength? Self-aggrandizing guy, today I will let you know what regret is! General Victor, The rest is up to you!

Okay, you can rest in peace and recuperate.

Victor sat in a Tenny and drove over slowly. He raised the loudspeaker in his hand and said to Qin Chuan, Chinese, I advise you to surrender. No matter how high the walls of Xingyue City are, they can't block our anti-aircraft guns. Even if you are very good personally, you can't. The rival of our hero Goethe.”

Before he finished speaking, Qin Chuan had already walked to the city gate, opened his arms, and stretched again.

I'm so bored, I really want to fight.

He is so arrogant! Victor, stop trying to persuade him, destroy him! Take Star-Moon City!

Osman roared, Victor had no choice, he nodded and gave the order.

Eastern Expeditionary Army, aim at the city gate and prepare to blast a way out!

With that said, three trailers pulling siege guns drove over and moved towards the best location.

The front of the car resembles the American Emperor's Optimus Prime, with three huge siege cannons placed behind it. Just one shot of this thing can level a city wall of about ten square meters.

In the current stage of the war, although this thing was invented, it immediately entered the ranks of retirement. Victor plans to use siege cannons to destroy Star-Moon City's proud defense!

No hurry, let me go and meet him first.

But just when the artillery fire was about to start, Goethe suddenly said something.


Because he created the esa fighting technique. I'm very curious about how powerful he is, or whether he accidentally deceived this fighting technique!

Goethe said, looking at Qin Chuan with eyes full of disbelief and deep arrogance.

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