My C.E.O Wife

724 Crusaders

724 Crusaders

Allen was once a Templar Knight and the future star of the Church of Light! But then something happened that completely changed her fate.

Allen, who was practicing martial arts in the church, met the then head of the Long family, Long Xiaoya! At that time, Allen was young and energetic and thought he was invincible. They agreed that whoever loses to the other party will become the slave of the other party. And with only three moves, Long Xiaoya defeated her!

After that, Allen quit the Church of Light and worked as a nurse in the Long family. Until Allen met Qin Chuan, the youngest son of the Qin family, a descendant of Long Xiaoya. After losing to Qin Chuan, Allen followed him and became his guardian knight. Allen has a kind of admiration for Qin Chuan. This man, who couldn't even enter the Long Family's inner courtyard at the beginning, has now defeated Long Xiaoya, the former head of the Long Family, and killed Qing Cang, the lord of Xingyue City. Such strength is definitely top-notch!

Keep fighting with Qin Chuan, this is Allen's current philosophy in life! Each of the five heavenly kings under Qin Chuan are absolutely loyal to him!

Looking at the knights charging in front of him, Allen's expression never changed. She stood there like a robot, watching the first cavalryman rush in front of her with his horse and carbine. The tip of the sharp carbine was less than two centimeters away from Allen's cheek.

But at this moment, Allen's body was suddenly hit, and he half-crouched on the ground, grazing the tip of the gun. At the same time, she swiped the big sword in her hand horizontally, directly cutting off the legs of the war horse. The war horse screamed and fell to the ground. The knight above fell down and was lifted up by Allen. Kicked him away.

Allen continued to hold the big sword, instead of retreating, he advanced and broke into the cavalry regiment. She nimbly dodged the carbine and horse's hooves, and then waved the giant sword in her hand, cutting off the royal knights from their horses again and again! There were not many royal knights participating in the war, but after a while, most of them were killed by Allen, and the distressed British committee member trembled. The handsome committee member's eyes have been falling on the knight commander. This knight commander is his boyfriend. The two of them haven't announced that they are gay yet, but their relationship is real!

If he makes any mistakes, he won't cry to death!

Retreat! Retreat!

The committee member couldn't bear the rapid beating of his heart and immediately ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops!

George, I haven't given the order yet, why did you withdraw your troops?

The minister frowned and looked at the British member.

The Royal Knights have lost their combat effectiveness, I want to keep their lives!

The usually sullen British committee members felt as if they had been fed gunpowder at this time, arguing with reason, All of us British Royal Knights are brave warriors, and they are not afraid of any death! But they are definitely not cannon fodder!

I have never treated soldiers as cannon fodder.

The chief explained.

Then why don't you send out your Crusaders?

The British committee member sneered, You esa only lost three masters, but our other coalition forces lost countless casualties! We have always suffered greater losses, and only you esa have benefited!


Osman couldn't help but roar, We esa, these three masters, are worth far more than your people!

The words of this idiot diplomat made all the committee members present dissatisfied, and the head of the department immediately scolded him.

Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about! Anyone, any soldier, is the most valuable asset to us!

The head of the department said solemnly, No matter which soldier dies, I will feel deep regret and regret! It was my incompetence that ruined them! It's not that I didn't want to use the Crusaders, it's true that I didn't even break the city gate. Let’s use our trump card. I think we humans can’t afford to lose this person! Although everyone’s value is the same, everyone knows that the Crusaders are our last trump card! Mr. George, let me ask you, now even Star-Moon City Before the city lord even saw it, we used our trump card to attack the city gate...Don't you feel that your face is shameful?

When the director asked this question, the British member's face immediately turned red.

That’s understandable. Their coalition forces of more than 100,000 people have been surrounding the door of people's homes for several days. They have deployed so many masters and aces, but they have not been able to break through the city gate. It is really a shame.

Besides, esa has never hidden anything.

The director continued, Don't forget, in addition to two A-level masters and one S-level master, we also picked up a hybrid giant. In order to catch him, we sacrificed countless lives, only hoping that he could become the savior Our humanity’s secret weapon.”

Yes, there is also a hybrid giant. This loss is indeed not small.

Mr. George, I don't know why you doubt me. But I have to tell you that everything I do is for the future of our entire human race. Personally, I don't get a penny of benefit from it. You, the UK, don’t want to sacrifice or go, there is always someone willing to open the door to victory for us! Tell me, who is willing to open the door to Star-Moon City for us humans?”

We do!

The members of the Bangzi Kingdom immediately shouted, Let us, the Big Bang Republic of China, overcome this difficulty!

?oh? Your country, Bangzi, has never taken action. Could it be that you have some ace unit that can control the bottom of the box? ?

?Haha, we only have one ace, but he is the elite among the elites of our big stick, the Republic of China! ?

The member of the Bangzi Kingdom said proudly.

?oh? Why don't you take it out and take a look? ?

Okay! Bring it up!

The committee member immediately waved his hand, and the soldier behind immediately came over pushing an instrument like a refrigerator.

?This contains the top technology of our country, the Republic of China. Don’t be too surprised! ?

With that said, he opened the refrigerator and revealed a man's figure inside.

The man was covered in mechanical armor, and even half of his face was a mechanical face, much like a robot in the Terminator.

?This is a combat robot developed by our country, the Republic of China. It has the ability to challenge an army by a single soldier! ?

The committee member of the Bangzi Country is so proud, He is not only filled with combat weapons, but also equipped with our Bangzi Country's latest combat system?! It was born from the best Samsung Heavy Industries in the Republic of China. As long as he takes action, this The city gate can definitely be breached!

?Is this thing really that powerful? ?

Haha, of course, come on, let's perform!

As Commissioner Bangzi said, he pointed at a hill next to him. The hill was about ten meters high, and the Terminator-like robot raised its right hand, opened its wrist, and ejected a cannon muzzle, directly spraying out a thermobaric bomb.


The small hill immediately vanished into nothing.

Did you see it? This is a combat robot that combines the most powerful technology with a human body! We named him Li Bai to commemorate Li Bai, the outstanding writer of the Republic of China!

Huh? I remember Li Bai is not from China?

Osman couldn't help but ask.

Rumor! That's a rumor!

Member Bangzi immediately shouted, Only our country, the Republic of China, can produce such an outstanding poet! And, you see, his surname is Li, so he is obviously from our country, Bangzi!

No matter what his name is, let him attack!

The chief urged.

Okay, the task of breaching the city gate is ours, the Bangzi Kingdom!

Commissioner Bangzi said, pointing his hand, Go, Li Bai!

With that said, the Li Bai robot moved, spraying out flames from behind, and flew towards Allen.

Li Bai's acceleration, coupled with his strength, is enough to blast this Templar Knight into scum!

Commissioner Bangzi said proudly.

The Li Bai was indeed very fast, flying almost at the speed of sound. It arrived in front of Allen in the blink of an eye. At the same time, it opened its mouth and a cannon popped out of its mouth. Allen's expression did not change, and before the Li Bai fired, the shield in his hand hit him directly.


Li Baihao's body was immediately smashed into the ground, but it wasn't over yet. Allen picked up the big sword and penetrated Li Baihao's body from the back, pinning him to the ground. Then, she stepped on Li Bai's head, ending his bombardment.

The battle robot that had just been blown up to the sky by the stick committee member didn't even have time to attack and turned into scrap metal.

This, this is not fair!

Committee member Bangzi blushed and shouted loudly, You should let our Li Bai attack first! ?

Allen didn't say anything, just silently raised his middle finger to the stick committee member.

Ahhh, you've gone too far, Smecta!

Committee member Bangzi is going crazy, how could the other party do this! Isn't this just cheating?

Allen stopped paying attention to him, closed his eyes again, leaned on his sword, and began to rest with his eyes closed.

It seems that only by dispatching the Holy Order can we deal with this woman!

The headmaster's brows furrowed again, forming a Sichuan shape.

In this case, we can only use the Crusaders.

If the city gate is not breached, the day lily will be cold. The chief finally waved his hand and ordered the activation of his secret troops!

The Crusaders behind came out in unison, raised their feet, and walked towards the city gate in unison.

These crusaders held a shield in their left hand and a hammer in their right hand. They all looked majestic. Allen finally became serious.

These two to three hundred people dressed exactly the same, with almost no difference in height, gave her a great pressure!

At this moment, the Crusader soldiers suddenly put away their hammers, then pulled out a hand ax from their waists and threw them at Allen!

These hand axes drew a parabola in the air, and then fell towards Allen like rain!

Allen did not dare to neglect, and immediately put up the heavy shield in front of him, and his whole body shrank behind the shield!

Puff puff!

Allen's shield with extremely high defense is now covered with axes, and some axes split the corners of the shield and almost fell on Allen!


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