My Clone Empire

Chapter 129: Titan International Environmental Organization

   "Under pressure" from governments of various countries, Titan Environmental and many sewage treatment companies began to sign the transfer agreement of Purification Algae.

In the agreement, Titan Environmental Protection will sell these purified algae for each 200-meter-high purification tower at a price of 50 million soft sister coins, but these sewage treatment companies need to pay their income every year. Twenty percent is given to Titan Environmental Protection.

   On the surface, it seems that the Titan Group has suffered a big loss. They only need two years to recoup the cost after buying back Purification Algae, and they can start to make a profit in the third year!

   And these companies can transform the original facilities without having to build any purification towers like Titan Environmental Protection!

   However, Titan Environmental Protection has successfully used other people’s money to deploy the Purification Algae to all over the world. Not only can it directly recover the construction funds of the Purification Tower in a short period of time, it can also get 20% dividends every year.

   Anyway, these sewage treatment companies only account for the remaining 30% of the market share, and they are all located in areas with small populations or relatively backward areas. It is unlikely that the local government will buy purification towers.

   In this way, Titan Environmental can not only avoid antitrust investigations, but also transfer part of its benefits to Nippon Film Co., Ltd.

  Because the income is too single, Rikage Co., Ltd., or Rikage Group, has pledged most of the shares of Rikage Biotechnology in order to acquire these sewage treatment companies.

  In order for the various puppet companies to develop in a balanced manner, it is necessary to transfer part of the interests of the Titan Group to the past reasonably and legally, and it should not arouse suspicion from the outside world!

   Just when various sewage treatment companies signed an agreement with Titan Environmental Protection, in the conference room of the headquarters building of the Titan Group...

   "Not enough! Not enough! According to this progress, we will not be able to achieve the coverage of the tree of purification signal!" Tang Shizhe looked at the red area on the world map on the big screen that represents the coverage of the tree of purification signal.

   Even if he launches the purification tower and desalination tower and sells the purification algae, the coverage of the purification tree signal still only accounts for 7% of the land area!

  This kind of coverage simply cannot promote the Book of Titans on a large scale, and cannot promote the Book of Titans on a large scale. It is impossible to talk about the monopoly of the paper media industry killing those newspapers and magazines!

   "Boss, we can increase the signal by planting purification trees on a large scale."

   "When the number of purification trees in an area increases, their signal radiation range can be wider, and even rise geometrically!"

"Our purification tower is based on this theory! Similarly, if there are more purification towers in a large area, that is, the more the purification tree clusters, the stronger the purification tree signal in this area. Until the end, the entire area will be covered by the signal!"

"That is to say, if we build signal towers composed of trees of purification in various countries, even if their original coverage is far from such a wide area, they can cover the world under the effect of signal increase." Tang After he finished speaking, waved his hand on the screen, and countless red dots were densely covered with the entire world map.

"According to the calculations of the supercomputer, only 15,320'signal towers' are needed to achieve global coverage of the signal! And each'signal tower' only needs to plant a hundred trees of purification. ."

"At that time, except for some areas in extreme locations, our signal can cover all people!" The red dots on the screen began to spread around like ink until the entire map was 95% of the land. The area is covered by red.

   "We call this network the Purification Tree Network. If we continue to upgrade the information transmission capabilities of the Purification Tree, this network can also transmit more complex information!" Tang Yi walked aside after introducing it.

   "Very good! I need to see the entire network completed within a year!" Tang Shizhe nodded. If this kind of network continues to be upgraded and improved, one day it will replace the current Internet!

   By that time, all the firmware of the Titan Group no longer need to rely on the existing network, and Tang Shizhe does not have to worry about the Titan Group being restricted by those communication companies!

   A few days later, a public welfare organization called Titan International Environmental Protection Association, or Titan International Environmental Protection Association for short, appeared in the world.

   As soon as this private charity organization appeared, it directly used various media channels under the Titan Media Alliance and NAK website to make a big publicity.

  The purpose of Titan International Environmental Protection Association is to improve the entire Bluestar environment through purification, leaving a new world of blue sky and white clouds for future generations!

   The Titan International Environmental Protection Association is chaired by Tang Shizhe, and the general managers of several branches of the Titan Group are the vice presidents.

   In addition to one president and eleven vice presidents, Titan International Environmental Protection Association also has one hundred committee seats.

  It's very simple to get a seat on the committee. Donate more than 60 million soft sister coins!

Once donating more than 60 million soft sister coins or 10 million dollars to the Titan International Environmental Protection Association, UU Read, then the Titan Group will send it a set of tailor-made uniforms and a set of platinum The badge created will also record his name on the official website of the association.

   And Titan International Environmental Protection Association also promised that once anyone becomes a member of the committee, they can unconditionally participate in any press conference under the Titan Group and provide VIP seats.

   In addition, committee members can also enjoy any new products launched by any subsidiary of Titan Group for the first time, without having to queue up to compete with others. It's just that this new product has to charge costs. But since they have donated tens of millions of dollars, who cares about this little money?

At the same time, in order to thank these “environmental guards” who have made outstanding contributions to the Bluestar environment, no matter where members of the committee have an accident in any corner of the world, as long as there are employees of Black Mask International around, then Black Mask will rush to the first time rescue!

   And ordinary people want to join this association is very simple, just fill in their real information on the website and record a small video, and then donate up to 600 soft sister coins.

   Ordinary members who have successfully joined the Titan International Environmental Protection Association will receive an aluminum medal from the association within one week.

   With the serial number on the medal, you can purchase any product of the Titan Group's subsidiaries without queuing up!

   How do you put it, it is equivalent to donating 600 yuan of soft sister coins to get an F code similar to a certain meter, and you don’t need to buy it with others.

   At the same time, Titan Environmental announced that no matter how much donation the Titan International Environmental Association receives, the Titan Group will donate a tree of purification equivalent to ten times the donation amount!

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