My Clone Empire

Chapter 216: Occupied

In the corridor filled with white foam, dozens of slender black tentacles suddenly entangled the body of a soldier who was stunned because he was too close to the explosion point.

Then these tentacles were inserted into the soldier's body along the collar of the soldier.

As the tentacles squirmed, the tentacles, which were originally only hair-thick, swelled to the thickness of a baby's finger at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short while, the soldier lying on the ground was sucked into a corpse.

The abnormal variant that was originally seriously injured began to gradually return to a normal state with the gain of energy. The outer biological armor torn by the explosion gradually recovered over time, and even the traces of the cracks disappeared!

A soldier obviously did not satisfy the appetite of the variant, and its tentacles continued to wrap around the next soldier.

"Help me, my feet are entangled by something!" A soldier was suddenly dragged to the ground, and he shouted for help to his teammates in horror.

While calling for help, he drew a saber from his body and tried to cut the tentacles wrapped around his legs.

However, his efforts were in vain after all. These seemingly extremely thin and broken tentacles are exceptionally tough, and with the saber in his hand, these tentacles cannot be cut!

"Hurry up!"

"It's spreading toward my body!" The captured soldier yelled in horror, because his voice changed his tone because of fear.

The soldiers around were holding their guns in the direction of the sound, hesitating about what to do to help this companion, because the foam sprayed by the fire system blocked their sight. If you shoot rashly, you will definitely Hurt his companion.

Just as they hesitated, a cry of miserable despair came from the bubble, and then the scream stopped abruptly.

"Let's go and take a look!" Feeling that the bubble is about to dissipate, the officer pointed at the two soldiers beside him.

The two soldiers suppressed the fear in their hearts, holding their guns and groping carefully step by step. However, just as the bubble was about to dissipate and they were about to approach the mummy, two bone blades passed directly through their chests and stuck out from behind them.

"No..." The two soldiers screamed unwillingly with blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and then they were rolled up by the mutants and flung them to the side of the wall, becoming two pools of mud embedded on the wall.

"Fire!" The officer was able to see what was happening in front of him at this time. Looking at the abnormal appearance intact, the officer's back suddenly chilled, and his heart felt bad. Maybe he and his men would have it today. Ruined in the hands of this monster. The grenade can't hurt it at all, let alone kill the monster, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it for long if you give up your life.

While the soldiers were firing wildly, the officer quietly retreated, he was about to leave this hell-like corridor.

At this moment, the soldiers' attention was all on the variant in front of them, and the footsteps of the officers running were also covered by gunfire. The soldiers didn't even know that their chief had left them and ran for their lives.

The mutant ignoring the bullets that came, used its tentacles to insert two corpses mounted on the wall to extract energy, while accelerating towards these soldiers.

The oncoming bullet was easily pushed aside by the mutant with a bone blade, and even if some hit its biological armor, it would be bounced off by the hard armor.

Some large-caliber machine gun bullets that attack the weak parts of the armor will indeed cause a certain amount of weak damage to the variant, but these damage will be repaired in the blink of an eye, and will not accumulate at all!

The abnormal variant rushed into these soldiers with a bone blade, screaming endlessly.

A few minutes later, when the special forces wearing heavy armor arrived, there was only a pile of dry corpses left on the ground.

"Where did it go!" The captain in the command room frowned while looking at the camera screen displayed on the monitor.

"I don't know, but we have turned on the aircraft carrier's dynamic scanning device. Even if it hides in the ventilation duct, it will be discovered by us as long as it is still moving." An officer projected a picture of his computer onto the main display.

"What are these red dots?" Suddenly the captain focused his attention on the thirteen red dots that were moving fast under the aircraft carrier.

"No, these are the black mask international mercenaries we are imprisoned!" An officer's expression changed. If the top of the Titan Group would mutate, then these captured mercenaries...

Ruined! The officer suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and he had already seen the miserable ending of his own people. They were almost unable to resist a variant, and there were thirteen! This also makes people live!

This monster that can defend against rifle bullets and heal itself is simply a slaughter artifact on this aircraft carrier!

According to the surveillance video, the claws of this monster can easily tear open the sealed hatch on their aircraft carrier, which means that there is no way to trap these monsters, but they can be completely wiped out!

"Sir, I suggest you evacuate first!" The officer wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead and said solemnly to the captain.

"Impossible! The ship is here!" The captain slapped the officer away and said in a very firm tone.

"Hey." The officer sighed and wrote a suicide note for his relatives on his computer.

If the aircraft carrier is not evacuated, he estimates that the possibility of surviving these people here is almost zero.

Judging from the trajectories of these mutants, the opponent obviously has a way to lock the location of the creature.

The directions that these mutants go are in areas where a large number of staff gather. Layers of decks have not blocked the detection of these monsters. These hidden staff may look like these monsters. The lighthouse in the dark is so conspicuous.

These officers in the control room will be found by these monsters sooner or later.

The small ship environment is not conducive to the deployment of heavy weapons. They face these monsters without any effective means of destruction, unless they are sunk together with the ship.

But is this possible? It is absolutely impossible. The Eagle Nation Congress absolutely cannot accept that one of its aircraft carriers was sunk by its own people, just to eliminate 14 monsters!

At that time, in order to spend the next year's military expenditure, the military high-level officers will definitely send all relevant personnel to the military court!

"Send all the troops over! And mobilize the Marines from the surrounding battleships!"

"Exterminate these monsters to me in this aircraft carrier!" The captain picked up the communicator and dialed the communications of several nearby battleships.

In a short while, dozens of helicopters took off from the surrounding battleships, landing ships, and helicopter carriers, full of Marines flying towards the carrier.

And at this moment, while the entire fleet was in chaos due to the fourteen variants, two hundred hummingbird drones with silver sci-fi sci-fi all sprang out of the clouds tens of kilometers away from the fleet.

These drones approached the fleet from high altitude while the fleet's radar was disturbed by their own helicopter group.

Although this distance is not close, it still exposes the drone group to the fleet's air defense fire.

But it doesn't matter, the combat of the Hummingbird drone relies on the machine-sea tactics that make the enemy desperate!

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