My Clone Empire

Chapter 241: Recover the treasure island

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Bang bang bang

When they were still a few meters above the ground, the soldiers of Xia had already cut off the parachute straps on their bodies and smashed them directly on the ground.

This level of shock is no longer a problem for them, and it will not even make them feel uncomfortable!

The colonized soldiers who had just landed directly raised the light machine guns in their hands.

The soldiers of Baodao who saw this scene were directly frightened. When they saw the soldiers of Xia State wrapped in armor and the light machine guns in their hands, these soldiers were shocked.

"We surrender!" The soldiers on the treasure island threw down their weapons, raised their hands and knelt to the ground.

"Everyone is a compatriot, surrender and don't kill!" a soldier from Xia State shouted with the intercom.

As he shouted, more and more soldiers on the treasure island dropped their weapons and fell to the ground.

Of course, it's not that the island solitary man who doesn't have a hard heart chooses not to surrender.

However, their "shotguns" pose no threat to Xia Guo's soldiers who are now wearing the colonization device!

Modern small-caliber bullets cannot penetrate the alloy armor of soldiers at all.

On the contrary, the shots fired from the Xia State soldiers were all large-caliber light machine gun shells.

Even if you hide behind the bunker, as long as the bunker is not a thick reinforced concrete wall, the enemy behind the wall will be broken by people along with the wall!

With the advancement of Xia's soldiers, more and more soldiers on the treasure island surrendered, and after all, there are still a few willing to resist!

It was much earlier than the estimated time. Before midnight, the entire treasure island had fallen into Xia Guo's hands.

The whole battle lasted less than three hours from the first rocket to the last shot in front of the presidential palace!

Among the offensive troops, except for a hapless soldier who had a problem with his parachute and fell to the ground, only one Xia Guo soldier died in the bombing of the ammunition!

Even the light tanks dropped by the air were of no use. The tanks and armored vehicles encountered were directly blown into a pile of scrap iron by the soldiers with portable anti-tank missiles.

When Xia Guo's tank arrives, it can only be used as a decoration and mascot for patrolling streets in the city.

The powerful combat effectiveness of the colonization device in this battle caused the senior officials of Xia Guo to lose their eyes.

The weapons equipped by the soldiers on the treasure islands turned into fire sticks. Even if they were very close, they could only slightly wound the colonized soldiers.

They finally knew how the soldiers of the Black Mask International felt during the civil war in the Republic of Mali.

This is simply a one-sided rolling! All-round rolling in strength!

When the red flags were raised all over Treasure Island, the sun had just raised its head.

At this time, all police stations on Treasure Island were full of soldiers from Xia Guo.

Xia Guo armored vehicles and tanks with horns are also parading on the street.

The soldiers and policemen of the original treasure island were gone, and all of them took off their uniforms and hid back home.

The leaders of the Eagle Country and other countries were still in a daze when they heard the news.

They just ran to the back garden of South America to solve the minor troubles, and on the other side, Xia Guo caught the opportunity and laid down the treasure island overnight!

The army on this treasure island is too wasteful! Can't even resist for a day! They bought so many weapons and equipment from the Eagle Nation for nothing!

If they can persist for a day, the aircraft carrier fleet patrolling nearby can also rush to treasure island for support.

It's all right now, the entire treasure island has all fallen into Xia Guo's hands.

Even the original leader of Treasure Island has disappeared. I don't know whether he died in the first round of missile bombing or went into hiding.

No matter how they intervene, the raw rice is cooked into cooked rice.

It is really not worth fighting for the inherent territory of Xia Kingdom and Xia Kingdom, they can only give up.

There was a big gap in the island chain that blocked Xia Guo. Xia Guo not only expanded its territory, but also expanded its territorial sea by a large chunk!

What else can we do? We can only restart the trade war and impose sanctions on Xia by increasing tariffs on Xia's commodities.

But now it seems that the company that Xia Guo sells the most in various countries and has the largest share is the various subsidiaries of the Titan Group.

I just signed a peace agreement with the other party, and I can't do anything with them at all! After all, the hostages just returned two thousand people!

The leaders of the countries who couldn't find how to respond to Xia Guo were so frustrated that they almost vomited blood.

At this time, the relevant tactics and equipment of Xia Guo's recovery of the treasure island war had been sent to the tables of leaders of various countries.

The most eye-catching thing in this battle is undoubtedly the military colonization device that brought the summer team close to zero casualties.

When there was no battle before, they didn't have any intuitive feelings about this kind of military colonization device. After all, everyone knew that the Republic of Mali was a straggler.

But the soldiers on Baodao are different. The military expenses they spend every year are enough to arm the original Xia Guo several times!

As a result, when such an army faced the colonized army, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com is unable to organize effective resistance!

Although this is related to their loss of air supremacy, the strong colonial armor with strong combat effectiveness is the main reason why the summer team can take the treasure island so quickly at such a small price!

Buy buy buy!

All the leaders of countries have this idea in their minds, especially those countries near Xia Guo!

You must know that the only country with a strong colony device is Xia Guo. If there is a battle, their neighboring countries will definitely be the first country to taste the power!

buy! Xia Guo bought two million sets. We can't compare them when they have money, but we can still afford hundreds of thousands of sets!

All of a sudden, the Commerce Department of Titan Medical received orders from various countries like snowflakes.

The Shemale Country is relatively poor, and it has squeezed out 100,000 sets of money and plans to arm one-third of the army, while the richer country like Bangzi directly ordered 200,000 sets and plans to arm one-third of the army. army.

Xiong Country’s orders were also sent immediately. A total of 200,000 sets were ordered. The recent economic downturn in Xiong Country’s economy is also bleeding heavily.

Dongying Nation bought 300,000 sets in one go. These 300,000 sets will be able to arm all of their troops. This is also too much pressure from Xia Guo, otherwise they would definitely not order so many.

Then there is the Curry Country. As the country that has just had friction with Xia Country, they are the most afraid.

They still vividly remember the fact that Xia Guo was beaten to the capital in the 20th century. This time Xia Guo had a corps of colonized soldiers. They were worried that they would repeat the same mistakes, so they directly ordered one million sets and planned to give them to those who depended on Xia Guo. All state troops are equipped with colonization devices.

Counting the sporadic orders from other countries, Asia alone (excluding Xia Guo) ordered 2.5 million sets!

{Old Rail, please remember New Bayi Chinese Website}

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