My Clone Empire

Chapter 260: Threat

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In the White House conference room at this time.

"Your Excellency, we must find a way to prevent the Titan Group from continuing to expand!"

"They have occupied three countries! They have seriously affected our interests in Heizhou!"

"If they continue to develop and grow, they will definitely become our confidant! No! Now it is our confidant!" An officer patted the table angrily.

"We should use nuclear weapons! We can't bear it anymore! Otherwise, our world's best deterrence will cease to exist!" Another officer also angered.

"What can we do? They still have our soldiers in their hands. As long as these hostages are still there, we can only obediently follow the agreement." The president sighed helplessly.

He also wanted to throw a nuclear weapon on the head of the Titan Group and let out a sigh of relief, turning the Titan Group into an obedient dog.

But now the hostages have become their biggest obstacle!

"Everyone, I have a plan here. If we succeed, we can easily solve this problem, but this plan requires the consent of all of you to implement it!"

"And whether this plan is implemented or not, it has nothing to do with me. I also heard it from others..." an officer wearing glasses said to the crowd.

"You speak first, let's go over it." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"The plan I heard is like this."

"Although the Titan Group is indeed leading the world in technology in some aspects, it is not a country after all, and there are still many shortcomings, and these shortcomings are its fatal shortcomings!"

"Because the other party lacks anti-submarine technology, we can use an unmanned submarine to carry a nuclear weapon to the island where our soldiers are held, and then detonate the nuclear bomb on the submarine..."

"Bong, all the hostages are gone, so we can directly attack the Republic of Mali and the Republic of Tanzania and the Titan Group without worrying about the agreement!"

"Externally, we can claim that it was the Titan Group secretly researching nuclear weapons. The failure of the experiment caused the explosion, and we must avenge the dead soldiers!" The officer pushed his glasses and said gloomily.

Hearing that, the sitting officers fell silent for an instant, and everyone knew what it meant.

This means that the tens of thousands of soldiers will never be able to return home. They will all die in their own hands, and the people sitting will also become the executioners who killed these tens of thousands!

They couldn't imagine how miserable the people they were sitting would die if this incident were exposed, and the families of those angry soldiers would definitely tear everyone sitting there!

This is feasible, but you must find someone you can trust to execute it, and then kill all those who execute it! This is the inner thoughts of all the officers and officials sitting here.

Everyone turned their eyes to the president who was sitting in the first place.

The President did not speak, nodded or shook his head, but looked back at everyone in the same way.

In their eyes, everyone understood the president's meaning, that is, this matter can be done, but no one sitting here agrees.

Everyone turned their attention to the proposer again.

"I understand." The proponent nodded, knowing that everyone had already acquiesced, and the rest was missing a person who actually implemented it.

The soldiers in charge of transporting, loading and unloading nuclear weapons must be orphans who have no concerns and few friends. Only in this way will they disappear before no one will pay attention and pursue them.

As long as those responsible for installing nuclear weapons and controlling submarines disappear in this world, and leave no written materials or data, then no one will ever know that the instigator of this incident is the Eagle State government.

Even if some of these people accidentally leaked their mouths, they would be treated as conspiracy theorists' arguments, after all, they had no evidence.

Unless an official wants to die, stand up and admit that he did it. But even if someone really intends to do this, everyone who is watching each other will definitely join hands to make this person who is trying to leak the secret disappear into this world!

Of course, these high-ranking officials of the Eagle Nation would never have imagined that the purification tree placed in the meeting room by the separatist spies to purify the air would pass all the conversation back to the Titan Group without a word.

No one would have thought that a bonsai plant could capture the surrounding sound information and send it out.

They did not find any abnormalities when scanning, and did not detect any signal sent from the Purification Tree!

"Fuck, these lunatics!" This was Tang Shizhe's first thought when he saw the intelligence sent by the headquarters of the Titan Group.

These lunatics actually want to use nuclear weapons to kill their soldiers hostages, in order to restrain the continued development of the Titan Group, and at the same time there is a fair reason to use nuclear weapons against the Titan Group!

That night, the cargo submarine captured by the Titan Group came to the island where the captured soldiers were held.

All the prisoners on the island were transferred to another island overnight.

Now Titan Architecture has begun emergency construction on another small island by using the magic It is expected that a facility large enough to accommodate these prisoners will be built tomorrow evening.

The island where prisoners of war were originally held will be transformed into a joint prison for the Republic of Mali, Tanzania, and Kenny Republic.

All the recently captured rebels, guerrillas, etc. will be sent to this small island.

In this way, during the daytime, satellites in space can still observe personnel activities on the island, and Eagle Country will not doubt that the hostages on this island have been transferred out!

At the same time, Titan Group also deployed a large number of testing equipment around the island.

This is a rare opportunity to collect nuclear explosion data, and of course Tang Shizhe will not let it go.

With detailed nuclear explosion data, coupled with scattered technical data collected in the black market.

Sooner or later, the Titan Group will be able to produce its own nuclear weapons. At that time, no one will be able to stop the development of the Titan Group!

A few days later, on a small island 150 kilometers from the northern coastline of the Republic of Tanzania.

A miniature submarine with a length of only more than 30 meters approached the island a little bit.

What this submarine is carrying is a small nuclear warhead with a tnt equivalent of 500,000 tons.

Even if it detonates, it will only wipe out this small island and will not affect the nearby coastline.

The submarine easily bypassed the defense zone originally laid by the Republic of Tanzania and came near the island.

"Look, what is that?" Several death row prisoners who came out for a walk looked at the sea not far away and shouted.

Because this small island uses a stocking model, all executed prisoners can be self-sufficient, and the Titan Group tells them to airdrop supplies every month.

The surrounding sea is a minefield, and anyone who wants to escape will be shot by mines or patrols.

{Old Rail, please remember New Bayi Chinese Website}

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