My Clone Empire

Chapter 278: Ground effect aircraft

However, the attitude of various countries is helplessness.

After all, the Republic of Mali has announced that Black Mask International has deployed nuclear warheads on the satellites launched by the Titan Group into space.

In other words, dozens of nuclear warheads are drifting above their heads every day, but they can do nothing.

Except for Xia Guo's anti-orbital laser weapon, which is already in the experimental stage, all countries have very limited means of attacking the orbit, that is, launching missiles!

And if they want to compare the cost of launching a satellite to the universe with the Titan Group, they undoubtedly use tofu and a kitchen knife.

Once the Titan Group launched a capsule spacecraft, the carrying capacity was extremely high. They spent a lot of money to launch several spacecraft.

If at this time Eagle Nation knew that the nations had not dared to jump out to find trouble with the Titan Group because of the nuclear warhead they had detonated, they would definitely want to cry without tears.

In fact, the Eagle Nation wanted to jump out and find trouble with the Titans. After all, they knew the truth about the nuclear weapons. It was only possible that the Titans had nuclear weapons.

But thinking that they were about to trouble the Titan Group to participate in the war in the West Bahrain, they decided to take a while and wait until the problems in the West Bahrain were resolved.

At the same time, Tang Shizhe also received the latest conditions submitted by the Government of the Republic of Seba to Black Mask International:

The advance payment of the war cost 10 billion US dollars, and the remaining 20 billion US dollars will be paid when the battle is over, and all the materials consumed during the war will be reimbursed by the government of the Republic of Seba.

Not only that, the Titan Group worldwide, as long as it is a member of the coalition forces, can enjoy a one-year tax exemption policy.

Tariffs on all products of the Republic of Mali in these countries have also been halved for two years!

At the same time, Titan Group will obtain a license to enter the energy industry in South America, as well as tax relief for three years in the Republic of Spain!

Tang Shizhe's heart is fascinated by such generous conditions! Now Titan Group has paid hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes worldwide every year!

If it can be exempted for one year, it will represent hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue!

Not to mention the reduction or exemption of tariffs on the Republic of Mali will undoubtedly enable enterprises from all countries to flood into the Republic of Mali and the economy of the Republic of Mali will take off.

By that time, they will be softened by collecting taxes, not to mention the large amount of land and real estate in the hands of Titan Real Estate!

If it can enter the energy industry in South America, Titan Group will undoubtedly be able to monopolize the entire South American energy market with cheap power resources, and then a large sum of funds will be accounted for!

In short, if the war is won, the reward will undoubtedly be expressed in one word: value!

Expressed in two words, that is: great value!

"We agreed!"

"Let our Pacific monsters come out and send me 40,000 troops to the Republic of Spain!" Tang Shizhe patted the table.

A cliff stretches ten kilometers along the coast of the Republic of Mali.

The cliff close to the sea began to shake frantically, and a large amount of rubble fell off the cliff.

In the shaking, twenty metal doors disguised as cliffs were opened to both sides.

Twenty gray-painted airplanes slid into the sea.

That's right, these planes are directly into the sea!

It's not that the Titans don't want these twenty planes, but that they are not planes at all.

The Pacific Monster, from this name can be associated with a ground-effect aircraft produced by Sulian Caspian Monster!

That's right, the Titan Group spent more than 10 billion U.S. dollars to purchase all the information of the Caspian Monster through middlemen!

And after two years of improvement and upgrades, the Pacific Monster was finally finalized.

Well, this name also has the evil taste of Tang Shizhe in it.

The new Pacific Monster has reached 150 meters in length! The wingspan has reached sixty meters! The ground clearance is as large as nine meters!

The existence of the booster makes it not only able to drive on the sea ignoring the waves below nine meters, but also to allow it to fly on land!

The enlarged fuselage can hold two thousand soldiers at a time plus two heavy armored vehicles or six light armored vehicles!

Eight large jet engines are embedded above the wings, and there are four jet propellers under the belly for increased lift.

The highest speed can reach 900KM per hour! It has reached the speed of a general passenger plane!

The advantage of this ground-effect aircraft is its huge carrying capacity, and the take-off weight of the Pacific Monster has reached 1,000 tons! It is nearly twice as huge as An 225!

In order to enhance its survivability, Tang Shizhe also installed anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, as well as four heavy machine guns located at the bow, sides of the wings, and tail.

With the unique stealth technology of Titan Group and the super-capacity biological battery, this Pacific monster not only has a cruising range of 12,000 kilometers, but also has the ability to stealth!

And their cost is not high ~ ~ only 200 million US dollars per frame! For this price, the Titan Group, which is now rich in wealth, can make two racks a day.

The first set of twenty Pacific monsters carried more than 40,000 soldiers from the Black Mask International.

And in an hour, the second and third batches of Pacific monsters will also set off. A total of 70 Pacific monsters can deliver 40,000 soldiers, their supplies, and 20,000 war robots to the destination at once. Ground!

In order to prevent the Human Liberation Organization from using corrosive solutions that can destroy biological armor, the Titan Group has been operating to find a foundry to manufacture conjoined alloy armor that can be directly worn on the soldiers!

If these soldiers are displayed in front of the media, the media may suspect that the Titan Group has summoned a group of medieval knights.

The alloy armor that can cover the soldiers not only ensures that they will not be broken by the corrosive solution, but also protects them from the bone blades of mass-produced variants.

Although their rapid weight gain greatly affected their flexibility, even with such heavy armor, these soldiers' reaction speed was comparable to that of the most elite human soldiers.

At the same time, in order to cope with the mass production variants, Tang Shizhe replaced all soldiers with large-caliber electromagnetic machine guns.

Although there is not much accuracy in this way, but now the soldiers of the Titan Group can sweep an enemy with a machine gun, he does not believe that there are mass-produced variants that can rush over under the suppression of such heavy firepower!


Seventeen hours later.....

Twenty Pacific monsters appeared on the sea level of the Republic of Siba.

However, these Pacific monsters can only be discovered by the talents of the Titan Group. As long as they are not too close, even the aircraft carrier formation can't detect them!

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