My Clone Empire

Chapter 306: accelerate! accelerate!

If nothing else, there would be no civilization around the solar system for dozens of light years or even hundreds of light years!

If these planetary systems have developed interstellar civilizations, it is impossible to emit any suspicious light or electromagnetic signals to the outside world for hundreds of years and thousands of years to be detected by Blue Star scientists.

In other words, if Blue Star is lucky, no, if human beings are lucky, no one may notice the transmitted signal for hundreds of years, and no one will come to bother.

If you are unlucky, there is an alien civilization that is hundreds of years higher than the blue star hidden in the trisolaris star system of the Alpha Centauri planetary system 4.2 light-years away, that would be fun..... .

"Our speed is still too slow! We must accelerate the progress of global assimilation!" Tang Shizhe fiercely patted the arm of the chair and stood up.

"Yao Na!" Tang Shizhe shouted outside the door.

"What's the boss?" Yao Na ran over and opened the study door and asked.

"How much money have we made in the stock market during this period? Get this money out as soon as possible, I'm useful!"

"Boss, during this period, we made a total of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars through short selling and bargain hunting! Now governments of various countries have begun to doubt us! But I have already got all the money out in advance!" Yao Na stuck her tongue out, if it wasn't for her The funds are transferred quickly. It is estimated that governments of all countries can withhold all the money and confiscate them for several financial crimes.

But now the funds have been transferred to the Titan Bank of the Republic of Mali, and these countries have no choice but to use them.

"All this money will be invested in the research and development of the second world! Give me another designer programmer from all over the world! Buy the surrounding office buildings if the house is not enough!" Tang Shizhe gritted his teeth and ordered Yao Na Tao.

This game must be completed as soon as possible, and he is ready to release the neural connector during this time.

Only by popularizing all the neural connectors, the Titan Group, which has mastered the door to the new era, can use the Purification Tree Network to win countless new Internet companies.

He intends to list all these companies, turning these companies into harvesters of funds for the world, and obtain more funds for the Titan Group!

In addition, robot technology that enhances the productivity of human society must also be put on the market as soon as possible!

Since the day when the signal tower was launched, rumors have spread around the world about the end of the world.

Some people say that aliens came to attack the earth, but they were concealed by the government.

All kinds of cult organizations have sprung up!

The reporter who came to the Republic of Mali to participate in the press conference and published a travel blog after returning was also popular with Titan Group.

Through the long bombardment of news network, the book of Titans, all radio and television stations, this travel note has been translated into various languages ​​and sold all over the world!

The zero crime rate mentioned in the article has aroused the amazement of people all over the world.

In addition, during this time, private organizations and cult organizations have been inciting protests, smashing, looting, and burning. People of all countries are beginning to yearn for the kind of fine public security that does not close their homes at night.

In the meeting room of the castle of Titan Group headquarters.

Tang Shizhe, composed of magnetic fluid, stood at the top of the conference room, and the conference room was filled with all the split bodies holding important positions.

"Now is our perfect time!"

"If we can seize this opportunity, then we will be fearless in the future!" Tang Shizhe said solemnly, patting the table.

"The law and order in countries all over the world has deteriorated to a certain extent, if we add another fire..."

"Do you understand what I mean?" Tang Shizhe raised an eyebrow and asked at the separatists.

"Understand!" The separatists nodded one after another.

A few days later

Some gangs and illegal organizations around the world suddenly received anonymous funding from a mysterious organization!

This mysterious organization not only provided them with advanced weapons and equipment produced by various countries, but also provided them with a large amount of funds!

Now, the gang with weapons and money in their hands, of course, wants to take the opportunity to expand their territory.

For a time, whether it was the Eagle Country or the European countries, it was like a riot. At night, the streets and alleys were filled with gunfire.

The police departments of various countries operate continuously, but there are too many participating forces! Moreover, these forces and organizations also possess advanced weapons and equipment, which they cannot handle at all!

Even if they have special forces, this group of criminals not only have advanced military-standard weapons, but also have power armor transformed from civilian-type colonization devices! Coupled with the large number of these gangs and organizations, the special forces that have been dispatched several times have suffered heavy casualties but have not received any results!

Taking advantage of the fact that the power of public security has been weakened to the extreme, criminals from various countries have also begun to take to the streets and destroy as they please!

All the cameras on the street have been broken, and the local police have no idea who did the robbery during the day and the gunfight at night!

They have a black eye on the outside now!

This has further contributed to the arrogance of the evil forces, and various gangs began to recruit new gang members on a large scale, and began to blatantly collect protection fees!

In order to control the deteriorating situation, governments of various countries decisively dispatched troops to clean up and restore a stable environment for the people.

Unexpectedly, those gangsters seemed to have been notified long ago that they had retreated their gangster uniforms before the army was deployed and disappeared among ordinary people.

And after losing the camera, the police stations of various countries cannot lock the true identity of these criminals!

"The time is almost!" Tang Shizhe, who was in Xia Guo, tapped three times on the desktop.

All the separatists who received the activation signal started to News about the sharp drop in the crime rate of Black Mask International after receiving the law enforcement power began to appear on the Internet and TV with high frequency.

In various forums, some voices demanded that Black Mask International take over the law enforcement power of their country.

Black Mask International's law enforcement is very formal, much more formal than their current police station.

Not to mention that the other party has crime prevention technology. At the moment of receiving the call, all the black mask international police involved in the case will turn on the recorder, and the recorder on the police car will also start to work.

All the law enforcement process is carried out under the surveillance of the camera!

The police will only shoot when the criminals take out their weapons. The police will never shoot if the other party does not take out the deadly weapons, ensuring that no civilians will be accidentally injured!

Of course, these people don’t know that the reason why the police of the Titans waited until the other side took out their weapons before firing, in fact, they were already ready to shoot, because they knew what these people were carrying. They knew the weapons. The shooting is just a cover to prevent people from gossiping online.

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