My Clone Empire

Chapter 357: The sun is coming

  According to estimates, the cost of the entire building will reach one trillion dollars. This is because the main structure of the structure is grown by magic seeds, and the cost will be even higher if it is built solely by labor.

   Of course, this cost includes the rail elevator at the top of the building. Without this rail elevator, the cost of this new city might be less than $600 billion.

   400 billion orbital elevators may feel worthless. After all, the Titan Group already owns an orbital launch tower, and an elevator is completely unnecessary.

   But you have to know that electromagnetic launch towers can only launch into space, and there is absolutely no way to deal with materials shipped from space.

   Tang Shizhe intends to produce a large amount of goods on the moon and Mars and dump it to Blue Star in the future. If it is only transported by spacecraft, the amount of money spent is not known.

   Rather than having trouble in the future, it is better to put it in place all at once, and directly use the opportunity of building the capital to build the rail elevator together.

   By that time, the Titan Group’s ability to transport materials to rail will double!

   Higher transportation capacity will greatly accelerate Titan Group's moon and Mars development plan, which is a virtuous circle.

   When the new capital is completed, construction of an electromagnetic orbit for the orbiting solar ring over the Blue Star's equator can be started.

   With the first orbital elevator as the starting point of the orbital solar ring electromagnetic track, the construction of the solar ring will be much simpler.

   In less than five years, the world can completely get rid of fossil and nuclear energy and enter a new era in which energy can be used arbitrarily.

   In order to build the new capital as soon as possible, Tang Shizhe directly sent 80% of the supercavitating submarines and Mogasha-class airships in the army.

   With these two major transport operators, coupled with the large number of ships and ground-effect transport aircraft acquired by the Titan Group, the construction speed of new cities will even be twice as fast as building a new city on land!

   At the same time, almost all foundry companies in the world have received super orders from the Titan Group. In order to save its own construction capacity and make way for the Mars base, Titan Group chose to outsource all unimportant parts and equipment.

   After all, all the money can’t be swallowed by the Titans, anyway, save some soup for those small companies.

   time flies

   Blue Star time at 23:00 on January 15, 2025.

   Mars 01 advance base.

   Five astronauts, with the help of their companions, put on a layer of synthetic spacesuits for radiation and high temperature protection on the outer layer of their armored spacesuits.

  This spacesuit gathers all the cutting-edge technologies of New Boston Corporation. Not only is it equipped with a mechanical assist system, its outer hafnium-lead-titanium alloy armor can withstand up to 5,000 degrees of high temperature! And it provides astronauts with strong protection enough to resist the impact of heavy howitzer shells. (The above data is the data combined with the strong colony armor.)

   As the captain of Mars One (the current base commander), who was in contact with the sphere of unidentified civilization creation, he did not carry any weapons, even cold weapons such as daggers.

   The four astronauts who were responsible for protecting him each carried an electromagnetic orbital rifle and a set of space gunpowder rifles with their own oxidizer.

   "Are you ready?" Tang Jiuling buckled the last camera and asked the four astronauts.

   "Ready!" The four patted their rifles.

   "Go!" Tang Jiuling took the lead into the airtight room.

   "You guys guard the base well. If we have any accidents, immediately take the shuttle and return to the orbit."

   "Don't try to rescue us!" Tang Jiuling reached out and closed the airtight door after speaking.

  The five astronauts staying at the base all saluted the airtight door.

   After a while, a shuttle plane rose from the base's tarmac and disappeared into the sky.

   After half an hour, Tang Jiuling and the four astronauts opened the airtight door of the observation camp and walked into the camp.

   When everyone entered, the lights in the base suddenly lit up, and all the light poles around the sphere were turned on. Even if the sun had set, the surrounding area of ​​the camp was still illuminated like daylight.

   "All monitoring instruments have been turned on!"

   "The camera works normally!"

   "The camp guard is operating normally!" Several astronauts stood in front of a console in front of a floor-to-ceiling window and checked.

   When the time comes, Tang Jiuling will walk directly over and make close contact with the sphere suspended in the air. And they stay in this camp to collect data and prevent possible threats.

   As the hour hand kept turning, the time for Mars to oppose the sun soon arrived.

   Tang Jiuling took a few deep breaths to calm his nervousness, and then he put on the outer armor mask.

   "Good luck!" The team members stepped forward and collided with Tang Jiuling's fists.

   Tang Jiuler nodded and turned and walked out of the camp building, step by step toward the sphere at the top of the mountain.

   "You have reached the target! You can start recording!" After standing next to the sphere, Tang Jiuling looked at the huge ocher sphere with a diameter of about ten meters in front of him, and opened the communicator loudly.

   "Mars is counting down to the sun!"



   "One!" The four team members in the camp stared at the countdown screen and shouted. When the countdown went to zero, everyone's eyes were on the giant sphere.

   Suddenly, a mysterious metal impact sound as long as the Milky Way galaxy and as long as a whirl of arms came out of this sphere! All the astronauts on Mars couldn't help covering their ears and fell to the ground.

   The sphere originally hovering in the air began to rotate slowly, but Tang Jiuling, who had already touched it, was lifted into the air by a mysterious force.

   Then, the armor on Tang Jiuling's body was instantly stripped, and the strong colony armor was also torn to shreds by mysterious power, and Tang Jiuling's naked body began to shatter into blood grooves.

   However, in the blink of an eye, the red blood flowing in these blood tanks turned into gold, and gold crystals pierced Tang Jiuling's skin and grew out of his body.

   The growth of these crystals seems to be regular. Crystals only grew on Tang Jiuling's shoulders, chest, thighs and other jointless parts.

   Immediately afterwards, Tang Jiuling's eyes were squeezed. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were replaced by two round yellow crystals.

   All his hair fell off, and crystal spikes came out of his scalp.

   "Captain!" All the team members who saw this scene through the camera were distraught. These ten people have established a deep relationship during the long flight to Mars, and each of them is no less than a brother.

   "We have to save him!" A team member grabbed a rifle and ran towards the gate, but was stopped by a companion on the side.


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