My Clone Empire

Chapter 377: Kidnapping

A suburb of a municipality in Xia District.

A man is sitting in front of the computer with a cigarette in his legs and the computer shows a blog.

Although with the popularity of neural connectors, most of the high-end users have moved to the purification tree network, but the ordinary Internet still retains a large number of users.

And this man's account on 6 shows that he already has more than 30,000 fans!

"You don't know, I dreamt that I went to another world last night."

"This is the same world I visited during my last near-death experience. It is full of darkness, but you have your own ideas, and you can see flashes of light passing in the darkness." The man took a breath of cigarettes. It was tapped on the computer and sent to the Internet after several revisions.

That's right, this man named Li Tong was seriously injured in an earthquake a year ago. His vital signs had disappeared, but with the efforts of medical staff, he miraculously regained consciousness.

After waking up, the man declared that he had gone to another world and described his experience in that world vividly.

He also took this opportunity to confuse many curious netizens on the Internet, and used these tens of thousands of followers to make small advertisements to make a living.

The information he just released was not fabricated by him in order to maintain the heat, but he did feel it. Although it was not very real because it was just a dream, it still aroused his memories after his death!

"The blogger is bragging again, come and watch!" After a while, under his Weibo, a large group of people came to join in the fun.

Li Tong knows that in fact, many fans pay attention to him just for fun, they don't believe that they feel another world after death!

But he didn't care. Anyway, the attention of these people gave him the ability to receive advertisements and support himself!

At this moment, the door of his apartment was knocked suddenly.

"Hello, is it Mr. Li Tong? Your courier has arrived!" The courier shouted crisply from the door.

The man shook his wheelchair and drove in the direction of the apartment door, but when he was about to approach the door, he suddenly remembered that he had not ordered anything online!

and! In the past, no matter which express company it was, it just put the express at the front desk downstairs of the apartment! I would never bring it to my door myself!

Just when he panicked out of his cell phone and prepared to make an alarm call, he suddenly found that his cell phone signal had become no signal!

At this moment, there was another soft conversation outside the door.

"He retreated! Activate the silencer! Forcibly break the door!" The voice outside the door gradually disappeared.

Suddenly, Li Tongxian couldn't hear any sound! All surrounding environmental sounds disappeared unexpectedly.

Then, the gate was kicked a few meters away. In the dust, one was wearing leather boots, but it was obvious that the big foot whose foot was completely mechanical was suspended in the air.

When this foot fell, several men in suits armed with silencer pistols walked into the apartment.

A man in a suit walked behind Li Tong who was sitting in a wheelchair, and the silencer of a pistol against the back of his head.

The cold touch of the silencer made his body tremble.

At this time, the man in suit who was standing in front of him showed a smile, stretched out his hand and made a hissing motion, and then wiped his neck.

Li Tong in the wheelchair nodded tremblingly, saying that he would never shout.

The man in a suit for Wei seemed to be very satisfied with Li Tong's knowledge of the times. He walked slowly into the corridor and removed several equipment used to cancel the sound.

"Are you Li Tong?" The man in Wei's suit crouched in front of Li Tong and asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Li Tong nodded, not that he didn't want to call for help, but estimated that even if the neighbors heard it, facing these men in suits with pistols, he would just die. He didn't want to hurt outsiders.

"You claimed on the Internet that your near death a year ago sent you to another world, right? Is it true?" The man in the suit asked again.

"It's true, I definitely didn't lie!" Li Tong hurriedly nodded again.

"That's right, take it away!" The man in the suit grinned and winked at his hand.

Then Li Tong felt that his neck was pricked by something, and then completely lost consciousness.

After a while, a black van drove out of the apartment's parking lot.

When the family living next door to Li Tong went out, nothing was abnormal at all, because the door of Li Tong's house was already intact!

No one knows Li Tong's disappearance, except for his Weibo that has been broken...

More than ten hours later, Li Tong slowly woke up in a dim carriage.

When he opened his misty eyes and shook his head tiredly, he saw that there was already a row of men with handcuffs sitting in front of him.

These people have different skin colors, from Eastern to Western and even black.

Li Tong lowered his head and found that his hands were also handcuffed. He suddenly wanted to get up from the seat in a panic, but was suddenly pressed onto the seat with both hands.

"Quiet!" a man with sunglasses and a scar on his face whispered while holding a toothpick in his mouth.

Li Tong was so frightened that he sat back in his seat and dared not move anymore.

"Who are you, where do you want to send us!"

"Do you know that now that the Federation has a prophetic system that can master your every move, you will soon be caught! It's better to let us go, and you may be sentenced lightly in the judgment!" The middle-aged man suddenly made a sound. Judging from his clothes, Li Tong was obviously a successful person, but he did not know why he was also arrested with them.

"That will disappoint you, we are not within the detection range of the prophet system!"

"But you don't have to You won't be life-threatening, but a company wants to tie you to the past for some small experiments." Wei's man sneered.

Their existence is the emergence of Tang Shizhe's special support, and they are directly ordered by Tang Shizhe and other company executives!

It is naturally impossible for the Titan Group to get some things dirty from its own hands, so at this time, an organization dedicated to the dirty work that the Titan Group cannot directly deal with was born.

They have no identity information, no camera will take pictures of them wherever they pass, and their car has not been registered, except for Tang Shizhe and the top of the Titan Group, no one knows their existence!

Since they joined the industry, they have tied their heads to their waists.


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