My Clone Empire

Chapter 536: Zhongyi Project

Three months later

Solar system

The surrounding area of ​​the teleportation station that once had only one embassy space station has completely changed its appearance.

In the empty space, there are neatly arranged rows of space docks with a total of five hundred space docks. In each dock there is a little electric light, and a transport ship is being assembled in these docks.

Behind the shipbuilding area are rows of star network equipment manufacturing plants spewing out containers of various sizes.

In the Mercury underground farm not far away, all the purified tree tissues planted were sent to this factory as raw materials to continuously produce star network hosts and sub-machines.

And behind the Starlink Manufacturing Area, there are space forging plants filled with light gray smoke.

After the materials purchased by the Titan Group from various civilizations arrive from the transfer station, they will be sent to the forging factory to forge various styles of parts.

These parts will be assembled into a piece of equipment in the Xingluo manufacturing plant with the Clean Tree organization, and will be sent to the dock by drones in batches after packaging.

The transport ship under construction in the dock will be filled with cargo during the construction phase, and once the construction is completed, it will no longer stay and fly directly to the transfer station not far away.

Thanks to Tang Shizhe’s bundling sales, the coverage of StarNet’s network is getting higher and higher with the popularity of dark space cruising.

The equipment used to build the StarNet network naturally began to be in short supply. It can be said that there are hundreds of parent machines and tens of thousands of slave machines vacant every day.

Three months ago, the Titan Group, under Tang Shizhe's instructions, built a large number of assembly docks and production plants beside the transmission station.

The spacecraft parts produced on Blue Star, Mars, Moon, and Venus are continuously sent to these newly established assembly docks to be assembled into simple transport ships.

These transport ships are simple in structure, low in cost, and extremely cost-effective. The main engine, slaves, labor costs, and spacecraft construction costs for each primary civilization to build the star network network are only a few eight tons of red energy liquid.

"Boss, according to the current construction efficiency, we can assemble and produce 500 transport ships in one month, and can install a star network for 500 primary civilizations."

"The early construction of shipyards and factories has caused the Titan Group to owe more than one trillion republic dollars in debt in the Republic. If it were not for the large amount of energy liquid in our hands, we would now be bankrupt."

"We lose up to seven tons of energy liquid for every transport ship and ship of StarNet equipment we produce. Are you sure that we can provide these StarNet networks for free to really recover the cost?" Titan Group Transmission Station Industrial Zone In the management space station of, the financial supervisor is following Tang Shizhe, and the more equipment is produced, the greater the loss of the Titan Group, the financial supervisor feels great pressure!

"This is only the installation cost of the equipment. In the future, the funds used for the operation and maintenance of these star network equipment will be as high as two tons of energy liquid. If we cannot think of a profit point that can offset these costs, our group's financial statements next year It will be very ugly!" The treasurer frowned anxiously.

"The new patent fees will be paid until next year. This is a virtuous circle. You don't need to worry about the board of directors!" Tang Shizhe glanced lightly at the bold and outspoken financial director and said indifferently.

"No boss, this is not a virtuous circle!"

"With the continuous proliferation of dark space cruising technology, the number of star network equipment we need has begun to rise geometrically! Not only that, as these civilizations get farther and farther from our solar system, the transportation costs will become higher and higher!"

"We also need to rent sites in various civilizations to store replacement spare parts and equipment, which is another big expense!"

"Not only that, all expatriate employees are paid at the local wage level, and even more! And! We are no longer available!" The financial supervisor continued to argue.

Tang Shizhe is now taking too much steps. If he delays for a few years and collects patent fees for a few years before starting this plan, then there will not be so many problems.

"There is no need for every civilization to send employees out!"

"When each civilization builds a star network transfer station, give them more land, bury all spare parts near the installed equipment, and let them dig by themselves when needed."

"Establish a warehouse in each market planetary system and store all the spare equipment in these warehouses. At the same time, the dispatched technicians are also stationed in the branches of these warehouses. Which civilization needs to replace the equipment? We will dispatch again at some time." Tang Shizhe stopped and touched his chin and replied.

"This can indeed reduce the 21 budget, but the fact that the farther the distance is, the higher the cost is still unchangeable. We need to make StarNet profitable as soon as possible!

"Furthermore, even if we only assign staff to the branch, we still lack a large number of experienced employees!" The financial supervisor's eyes lit up, but then he shook his head.

"You go first, I still have something to do!" Tang Shizhe waved his hand to the financial director who was still talking behind him when he came to the hangar of the space station.

"Then I'm leaving, you will think about it again." Tang Shizhe had already issued the eviction order, and the treasurer had to leave helplessly.

After dismissing the chief financial officer, Tang Shizhe boarded a shuttle and flew out of the space station toward the Orbital Light Space City floating in the orbit of Mercury.

Because of the influx of a large number of advanced technologies and the emergence of various more powerful alien alloys, the orbital light that was originally simply pieced together has fallen behind the times in terms of structural strength and equipment level.

In order to ensure the safety of the residents in the Orbital Light Space City, Tang Shizhe forcibly scrapped the space city and at the same time built a new space city to replace the Orbital Light.

Citizens who own the properties of the original space city can get houses of equal size in the new space city and the eliminated Orbit Light Space City Tang Shizhe is not wasted, but the cargo ship will last three months Time dragged it to the orbit of Mercury for transformation.

This light space city, which has witnessed the rise of the Titan Group and human beings out of the blue star into space, has been completely transformed in the orbit of Mercury.

The new Orbital Light Space City has been transformed into a station called Zhongyi Technology. Of course, this company is only one of the subsidiaries of the Titan Group.

"The spacecraft was successfully docked, and the hangar began to discharge oxygen!" After a sound of prompting, Tang Shizhe stepped off the shuttle from the back door of the shuttle.

In the hangar outside, several "guards" in white uniforms lined up to guard Tang Shizhe in the middle.

"There will be results so soon. It is worthwhile that I have spent hundreds of tons of energy liquid to buy related technologies." Tang Shizhe looked at the white-clothed guards on both sides of him with some curiosity.

Although from the outside, these guards are no different from ordinary people, but they are actually clones just produced a few days ago! ()

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