My Clone Empire

Chapter 557: provocative

"The development of things is a little bit beyond your expectations." Isis chuckled beside Tang Shizhe.

"No." Tang Shizhe shook his head and closed the live broadcast, then turned and sank into the alley.

"Disperse, make sure there is no threat in this area! Staring at the group of people, I don't believe they will always be under the protection of the camera!" The captain snorted coldly.

At this moment, the three variants with bone spurs were quietly approaching the group of apostles from the roof on the side.

Through the gaps in the roof, the huge compound eyes of the variant form stared at the apostles who were constantly looking left and right below, and a whiff of white steam burst out of their mouths.

As the night falls, the temperature on the ground has dropped below zero. This is also the reason why this colonial star has a population of more than one billion after decades of development. When the sun falls below the horizon, the minimum temperature will drop to Thirty degrees below zero!

In this temperature, although the apostles were wearing power armor, their mobility was still greatly restricted.

As the apostles walked through the building where the three variants were hiding, the three variants jumped up on the spot and fell from the sky above the tall buildings.

Hearing a weird whistling sound, the apostles lifted their heads, their gazes met the gazes of the abnormal variant that fell from the sky.

Bang, bang, three dull landing sounds, the three variants pressed the three apostles heavily under their bodies, and they directly tore the armor on the back of these apostles' heads with sharp teeth enough to tear the steel plate of the armored vehicle.

Then, three black shadows emerged from the back of the three variants, and directly submerged under these apostles.

The variant that succeeded in the assault did not stop, and directly rushed to the nearest other apostles.

Although the names of these apostles sound very handsome, they are just ordinary people who have only received simple military training.

Facing these variants that the strongest fighters of the Republic can't stand alone, these apostles have no power at all!

As the claws of the mutant rose and fell, only a mess and corpse fragments scattered all over the streets of Kung Fu for a while.

"The church's ground fighting power is really good. I guess it can only be won by numbers." Tang Shizhe walked out of the shadows, waved his hand, and the three variants returned to their human form and came to Tang Shizhe's side.

At this time, the three apostles who were still "intact" on the ground shook the dust on their bodies and stood up.

"Assimilation bodies No. 121, 122, and 123 are here to report!" The three apostles shook their bodies and came to Tang Shizhe.

A few minutes later, in a small square.

The Scientologists who had just managed to escape from the apostles were once again stopped by a team of apostles.

These apostle squads were also afraid of the live broadcast and did not dare to act.

But the three parasitized assimilation bodies were different. The three directly opened the safety of their rifles and pulled the trigger at the team holding the banner of Scientology.

Laser beams pierced the crowd in an instant, and the Scientology followers holding their banners knelt to the ground, clutching their pierced chests.

"Damn! Why did you shoot!" The captain of the second team who didn't do anything just now shouted at the three assimilated bodies.

"They are heretics! All heretics who don't believe in our religion should be purified!" The three assimilationists said in unison.

This scene was broadcast live on by all the "candid photographers" hiding on the roof.

The video of Merced’s apostles brutally killing a group of unarmed civilians was madly forwarded by netizens.

Several countries immediately announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the Merced Church and cut off all economic contacts.

Similarly, the ugly appearance of the Merced Church was discerned by the surrounding countries, and the weak and weak surrounding countries began to try to unite and prepare to resist the possible invasion of the Merced Church.

This is Tang Shizhe's main purpose. Only by making the surrounding situation chaotic can the arms of the Titan Group have a sales market!

As Titan Group began to apply nano-reactive metals to the manufacture of battleships, replacing parts that do not require too much strength with this cheap material, the price of battleships sold by Titan Group began to plummet, and the price once reached the level of battleship sales in the market. The lowest point of price!

In other words, although the warships sold by the Titan Group are not the most powerful, they are the cheapest.

This is the best choice for those countries that urgently need a large number of warships to prepare for battle!

Three days later...

Inside the Bazaar planetary system.

The ambassador of the Principality of Langanda and the ambassador of the Republic opened a secret meeting under the recommendation of Tang Shizhe.

Inside the space station of the Titan Group, the top meeting room of a tall tower.

Tang Shizhe, the Ambassador of the Principality of Langanda, and the Ambassador of the Republic sat at a round table.

"This time I made a secret meeting with you two for the Principality of Langanda."

"Presumably you have obtained enough information to know that the Principality of Langanda has become precarious now!"

"Two of the four colonies of the Principality of Langanda have been lost. The third largest colony has been occupied by the Merced Church. The entire planet's factories and materials have been reduced to church trophies."

"Although the fleet of the Principality of Langanda has severely damaged the advance fleet of the church, I must tell the two unfortunate news." Tang Shizhe said in a low tone as they watched them.

"The Merced Church has entered a wartime state. The third largest colony in the Principality of Langanda that they annexed has greatly improved the church's production capacity, especially the asteroid mining area in this colony provides the church with scarce materials."

"The luxury goods they seized can also be exchanged for the large amount of equipment they need in the market!"

"Not only that, the Merced Church has accumulated an expeditionary fleet of 1,000 Saint I destroyers, 4,000 old destroyers, and 100 and they will fall in the Principality of Langanda. The districts converge and directly attack Dopdun, the second largest colony of the Principality of Langanda!"

"Directly bypassing the capital of the principality's heavy defenses, it continues to devour the principality's vital power, production equipment, materials, and energy liquid!"

"The principality that has lost all its colonies will be surrounded by the church in the capital star, and the capital star of the principality will be destroyed!" Tang Shizhe solemnly described the terrible scene that is likely to happen in the future to the two in front of him.

"What does this have to do with our Republic?" The ambassador of the Republic asked Tang Shizhe in doubt. Of course, this was the line Tang Shizhe taught him.

"Do you really naively think that the church will stop after it has captured the Principality of Langanda?" Tang Shizhe snorted coldly.

"From the perspective of the church's current army structure and the design direction of battleships and the various materials they purchase, the church is likely to have a follow-up reaction after it has captured the Principality of Langanda!

"At this time, only the capital star and a colony of the Republic will likely become the church's next goal!"


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