My Clone Empire

Chapter 559: destruction

"This, according to the rebel communications we intercepted, they seem to have obtained a complete set of nuclear weapons from nowhere, and used these data to coerce and lure a large number of civilian scientists to join the rebels to serve the rebels."

"And the huge electricity needed to make nuclear weapons was solved by them using smoky quartz. The equipment used to calculate the formula seems to have been manufactured by them, and the performance is not low!" Huang Yuqiao looked suspiciously into the screen. Tang Shizhe.

"Cough cough" Tang Shizhe gave a light cough. The equipment used to calculate the formula was of course the personal terminal he provided. Unexpectedly, it accelerated the process of nuclear weapons for the Resistance so much.

"A little bit beyond my expectation, but it's not too late."

"Yuqiao, you pay close attention to the development of the rebels, and report to me the progress of their nuclear weapons development." Tang Shizhe cut off the communication after he finished speaking.

Tang Shizhe, who had turned off his communications, walked out of the ruins and found that although his previous hiding place had been destroyed, most of the city buildings remained intact.

After snatching a motorcycle from passers-by, Tang Shizhe rode the motorcycle and rushed out of the city.

One month later...

The coastal cities and Tancheng controlled by the empire.

A speedboat slowly docked in the yacht pier by the sea, Tang Shizhe jumped from the speedboat to the pontoon of the pier with two beautiful women in his arms.

"This is a tip for you, take it and spend it." Tang Shizhe reached out and stuffed two dozen banknotes into the clothes of the two women.

After dismissing the two innocent women, Tang Shizhe saw several imperial soldiers in black uniforms approaching.

"Mr. Tang, please come with us." The leading soldier took out a document from his pocket and shook it in front of Tang Shizhe.

"Yeah, it's not easy. You finally discovered my anomaly." Tang Shizhe smiled slightly and calmly followed a few soldiers into a military armor.

Under the **** of a group of mech soldiers, the armored vehicle drove slowly towards the city center.

"Mr. Tang, please consciously indicate your origin. We can't find any information about you in our citizenship system, and the same is true in the citizen database of the old federation. You are a completely blank person!"

"Half a month ago, you broke into the largest gang in the city as a single player. After killing 39 gang members, you robbed 32.71 million empire credit coins."

"According to reliable information, you have a very advanced computing device on your body that can also project images. Now those small devices on your body that those projectors covering a few square meters can do can also do it."

"This is a confession from a woman who spent a good night with you half a month ago and watched a few movies." The soldier sitting in front of Tang Shizhe said with a calm face.

Tang Shizhe smiled slightly: "To be precise, we didn't spend a good night together. I was just looking for someone to watch a few movies with me. It was all to show you something so that you could discover my anomaly."

The soldier's pupils shrank. Don't Tang Shizhe mean that he wanted them to find him on purpose? What was his purpose?

"Exceeding ordinary people's physical fitness, advanced equipment, and empty citizen files, these all show that your identity is special."

"It's not that we haven't consulted our superiors. They indicated that you did not exist in the special organs of the empire, so you can only be the remnants of the Federation! If you are worthy of us, we can consider letting you live!" He narrowed his eyes and threatened Tang Shizhe.

Tang Shizhe ignored the threats from the soldiers, but closed his eyes and leaned on the back of his chair and began to make up the story:

"A long, long time ago, 300 years ago, to be precise, a group of scientists who were unwilling to obey the existing rulers chose to suspend their lives and leave their respective countries, and together went to a small island in search of a truly beautiful world."

"With the increasing number of scientists joining, a scientist town with a population of tens of thousands has formed on our small island. Scientists here can study what they want without being restricted."

"Some new scientific research results were put into the outside world to earn profits after being screened by the Small Island Committee. The money earned was replaced with various materials and materials and sent back to the small island to maintain the rapid development of the small island. ."

"In this way, we used 300 years to build a submarine city with millions of people on the seabed around the island, with hundreds of thousands of top scientists!"

"We have nothing to do with the world, we are not inclined to any forces, we are independent existence!"

"We have rich materials on the bottom of the sea, advanced technology far beyond the outside world, and we have a worry-free life!" Tang Shizhe even had a happy smile on his face. His words made him trained by brainwashing. All of the soldiers couldn't help feeling numb.

What kind of world is this? A world where there is no worries about food and clothing, no war, and technology far beyond the real world!

"The technology in our place has been able to make people have a life span of more than one hundred years, and can protect them from diseases!" Tang Shizhe continued to flicker.

"However, more than two months ago, a team of Confederate mechas broke into our research base in the desert. This is the first time we were discovered by outsiders! It was also their closest contact with us!"

"That group of soldiers attacked our research base and took away a lot of advanced technology, which troubled our small island committee!" Tang Shizhe shook his head and sighed.

The soldiers on the side stared very curiously, waiting for Tang Shizhe to continue speaking. This is the information they care about!

"But those federal mechas didn't hurt our and we didn't shoot them."

"But! As far as we know, the rebels to which these mechas belong have begun to use our advanced technology to study a powerful weapon of destruction!"

"Once the research is successful, the world will be destroyed!"

"So our Small Island Association sent me out with the intention of contacting your head of state, and let me help you eliminate these rebels before the world-killing weapons are developed!" Tang Shizhe squeezed his fist.

Several soldiers were slightly surprised and asked, "Weapon of destruction?"

Seeing them hooked, Tang Shizhe continued: "A super bomb the size of a house that can destroy an entire city! It is powerful enough to wipe the army of your empire from this planet!"

"Can blow up an entire city? Only the size of a room?" The imperial soldiers looked at each other one after another, their voices filled with disbelief and fear of the unknown!


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