My Clone Empire

Chapter 563: Sunken fleet

"According to the direction of the Queen, all four groups of abcd accelerate in a straight line, and the No. 1 Black Mask International Squadron accelerates diagonally upwards by 45 degrees! The No. 2 Squadron accelerates 45 degrees to the left! The No. 3 Fleet accelerates 45 degrees to the right! 3 Speed ​​up 45 degrees below the fleet!"

"After the No. 1 fleet reaches the calibrated target point, it turns 90 degrees in place to ensure that the upper and lower rows of turrets of the warship can all attack the church warship below!"

"Fleet 2 is as above! Turn 90 degrees after reaching the target point!"

"The four groups of abcd are ready to release fighters!!" The queen looked at the circle of holographic images rising next to her and issued orders to each squadron.

After receiving the order, the Fleet of the Four Black Masks International directly speeded up and rushed towards the designated direction, encircling the church's fleet.

After these warships rotated over the ship, the church's fleet was on both sides of these warships, so that most of the artillery on these warships could hit these church warships.

It's not that the queen didn't want these warships to adjust their directions and rushed directly towards the church's warships.

Although this will make the church warship be located directly in front of the black mask international warship, so that all weapons can attack the same target, and at the same time, it can also reduce the bombing area of ​​the warship.

But it will put all warships in extreme danger!

As we all know, the Holy Light Cannon newly equipped on the Church Saint I destroyer has stronger penetrating and destructive power.

If the warship is made to face these church warships with its bow, once it is hit by the enemy’s Holy Light Cannon, then the hit warship is very likely to be shot through from the bow to the stern, and the entire warship is directly attacked by the enemy. Through the beam cannon! The bridge connecting the center of the battleship, the reactor of the battleship, and the tail thruster will all be destroyed at once!

After all, the design of the Titan Group battleship is not like their battleship. The reactor is scattered throughout the entire battleship, which can prevent the reactor from being destroyed all at once.

Their battleship bridges also have four, located in various places on the battleship, which can guarantee that they can still fight normally if they are destroyed. This is something that the Titan Group battleship cannot reach.

Therefore, only the warships of their principality charged head-on.

After reaching the shooting position, the steering propellers on the upper right of the water star destroyer were all activated, directly rotating the warship a quarter of a circle, pointed the muzzle at the church warship, and shot out a round.

At the same time, the holy light cannons of the church warships have also been shining on these warships of the Black Mask International.

The huge, seemingly hard hull is instantly penetrated by these powerful beam cannons!

As the warships of Black Mask International flew forward, these beam cannons made a long slit directly on the warships of Black Mask International.

The red light produced by the high temperature can be seen in the gap that was melted through!

Compared with the water-star destroyers that are under the special care of the Holy Light Cannon, the warships of the Principality are much easier to live. They are only attacked by the ordinary beam cannons of the church's old warships!

These beam cannons will not penetrate the armor at the thickest front of the warships of the Principality, so the warships of the Principality that charge forward will not lose much in this round of mutual fire.

"The church's warships have started to turn around. They want to regain the distance and create an advantage for their beam weapons."

"We must approach them and knock off the beam cannon turrets on these battleships with rapid-fire cannons!" beside the queen, a representative from the Black Mask International called out to the queen.

"I know, you don't need to teach me!" The Queen snorted coldly, and waved her hand to send an instruction to accelerate the pursuit of the Principality fleet.

At the same time, the four hundred water-star destroyers that had survived the salvo just started to accelerate, and rushed toward the church warship that was flying to the side.

"The enemy's beam weapons have the characteristic of being able to hit instantly regardless of distance, but the farther the distance is, the greater the load on the enemy's search and aiming systems of the church ships! When the distance increases to a certain extent, their beam weapons cannot accurately attack us. The battleship is flying!"

"Therefore, the range advantage of their warships is only better than ours, which is not too outrageous, but the distance away from the opponent's warship now exceeds the attack range of the opponent's warship!" The representative of the black mask touched his chin in confusion. .

"By the way, they are fleeing our fighters. Our fighters can't compete with warships at cruising speed, especially for long-distance flights. The fighters will soon run out of fuel!" The representative of Black Mask International violently Hit the palm of your hand.

The warships of their Black Mask International and the warships of the Principality of Langanda made a deterrent salvo from out of range and achieved certain results. The horizontally flying artillery shells and missiles destroyed some of the close defense weapons on the surface of the church warship. At this time, the defense performance of the church warship against the fighter plane must have dropped to a certain extent!

However, it turns out that both the Black Mask International representative and the Queen were wrong.

After moving away from the warships of the Principality again, the muzzles of one hundred cruisers suddenly flashed a red light that would only be seen when they gathered energy!

"No! This is the range of their cruiser! Their cruiser is about to open fire!" The queen suddenly exclaimed.

But at this time it was discovered that it was too late, and the eight hundred enhanced Holy Light Cannons instantly covered the fleet of the Principality.

The fleet of the Principality that rushed forward was unable to make a maneuver evasion at all, and was directly killed by the 800 destroyers in seconds!

"Damn! The enemy's firepower is too strong, we will lose without a doubt!" The queen anxiously draw her tail.

"If the other side is allowed to pull away like this, our covering shelling can only damage their surface turrets, but cannot completely destroy their warships!"

"As time goes our battleship will definitely be wiped out!"

"At that time! The Principality will be in danger! The people of the Principality are also in danger!" The representative of the Black Mask International raised his mouth in fright.

"What can I do, the engine of the church ship is better than our engine, it is difficult for us to catch up with them in the chase!" The queen frowned.

"Leave me alone, you Black Mask International is too silly, you have just started the battle, and you have been destroyed three-fifths of the fleet! And none of the enemy warships was destroyed!"

"Your combat power is not worth the price you offer!" The Queen snorted coldly.

"No, no!" The representative of Black Mask International waved his hand.

"Please note that the reason why our combat effectiveness is so weak is that the price you offer is only enough for us to send a fleet of this strength!"

"If you can raise the price, we are happy to help you eliminate the church fleet!" The representative of Black Mask International sneered coldly.


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