My Clone Empire

Chapter 575: trap

A few seconds later, when these Langandas with self-explosive neck rings returned to the room, there were only corpses left in the room.

Taking advantage of everyone's effort to be attracted by the sharp knife pierced from the wall, the predator rushed into the room directly through the open window. Such a terrifying IQ was enough to reflect the horror of this biological weapon.

With their agility and the stealth ability provided by the powerful armor on their body, as long as it is close, a predator can destroy a whole house of heavily armed enemies in a few seconds.

Of course, the people in the church were not completely slaughtered.

Every civilization will always have such a strong combat force, Tang Shizhe called it a heroic type.

Just like these predators put by the Titans, a civilization of such a large scale will naturally train and build a force with superior combat effectiveness.

In Messerian, this unit is called Mulun, which translates into the Republican language to mean divine envoy.

These gods are all obtained through genetic screening, it can be said that only one out of millions of babies can be selected!

They were taken away from their families and relatives since childhood and began to practice hellishly. By taking various strengthening medicines and soaking in medicated baths, these divine envoys have surpassed ordinary people's power and response capabilities since childhood.

Coupled with the light curtain armor that can form a laser light curtain protective net on the shell, the combat power of these divine envoys far exceeds that of ordinary apostles.

Coupled with the acquisition of various combat martial arts since childhood, and participation in the internal cleanup operation of the church, each envoy has experienced a hundred battles.

On this planet, the church has deployed as many as a hundred troops of divine envoys.

However, this force has been hiding in the capital and will not be dispatched under special circumstances.

However, reports of attacks sent from various places alarmed these envoys.

An investigation team consisting of five envoys was sent to the city where the first attack was reported.

"I have seen the ambassador!" The apostles immediately stood still and saluted when they saw the ambassador descending from the sky on a flying motorcycle.

"It's the attack report you uploaded? How about the casualties?" A divine envoy asked the leading apostle.

The apostle waved his hand hastily.

"No, no, we were just the troops that came to support later, and the troops that requested support were wiped out when we arrived!" The apostle swallowed his saliva and looked at the corpses laid aside.

"A total of thirty apostles and fifty Langanda people, no one left alive!" The apostle took several divine envoys and shuttled between the corpses.

The wounds of different sizes on these corpses are so shocking!

"How is it possible that this is 80 fully armed soldiers, and they didn't even leave a single mouth. Is there a very large number of opponents?" The envoys knelt down and turned the corpses on the ground, trying to find some information from the corpses.

"Well, when we received the request for help, they said that the other party had only one person, no, it should be a monster!" The apostle took his personal terminal in front of several envoys.

In a video for help, an apostle with blood on his face was running wildly in the corridor. The violent running made him breathless.

"Help! Help! We were attacked by a monster! This monster is very powerful! All the apostles deployed in this building were sacrificed except me!"

"Help! Please come with heavy firepower!" At this moment, the apostle suddenly appeared in horror, as if he saw something in front of him that scared him.

Then, a lot of blood spilled over the camera, and the video ended here. There is no doubt that the apostle has died in the opponent's hands.

After watching the video, several envoys frowned. What kind of thing can bring such great fear to these apostles, just a monster can drive dozens of people to a dead end, and reinforcements must carry heavy weapons!

"From the wounds of these corpses, it seems that the other party used some kind of knife, not the claws or teeth that the monster should have."

"Look here, the edges of the wound are very neat, and there is only this one on the whole body, and there are some burn marks on the damaged power armor. This is the spark generated when metal weapons and metal armor are rubbed at high speed. trace."

"Therefore, the opponent is likely to be an intelligent creature, either a Langanda or a human or a Kachi! The greatest possibility is the Kachi with strong physical strength!" This envoy knows the social structure of the Republic very well, and even the Kachi opponent I understand very clearly.

"Impossible, these apostles wouldn't call them monsters if they were intelligent creatures!" Another envoy shook his head.

"No, when encountering a very strong opponent, some people will describe the opponent as a monster. This is just to show the difference in strength between the two sides. Our divine envoy can also kill so many apostles. In their eyes, we It's also a monster!" The leader of the **** envoy corrected himself after hesitating for a moment.

"Judging from the wounds on these corpses, the strength of this intruder should be comparable to our divine envoy, but as long as we cooperate well, they are not our opponents at all!" The captain snorted disdainfully, and he was right The fighting power of these divine envoys is still very confident.

In the simulation system, he had a record of killing one hundred and twenty apostles! Therefore, the predators who had solved the thirty apostles were not in his eyes, and his words were exaggerated to prevent everyone from being arrogant.

In his opinion, that so-called monster is not comparable to the fighting power of their gods!

"The question now is, where did the other party go!" A divine envoy frowned. At present, there is no clue of the intruder, and they can't find the trace of the other party.

"Right by our side, am I right, the intruder?" The Captain of the God Envoy suddenly drew his rifle and pointed it at the outer wall of the side The God Envoy looked intently, and it was indeed on the wall. A dark humanoid creature was squatting on the outer edge.

If nothing else, this humanoid creature should be the invader!

The predator who deliberately exposed his mouth grinned slightly and showed a mocking smile. The naked contempt, the five angry gods made the body tremble.

"Catch up! Grab it!" The captain of the **** envoy directly squeezed the trigger, and the laser beam hit the predator squatting on the wall with great precision.

The predator howled in pain, turned and sank into the building.

"Encircle the entire building, except for us, anyone who comes out of this building will be killed!" The envoy captain coldly snorted and turned to the apostles and ordered.

After a military salute, many apostles ran away, each occupying a bunker with heavy weapons.



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